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Ratboy genius

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Posts posted by Ratboy genius

  1. 8 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    Well deserved my friend, most love and best wishes from the whole community. ❤️ 

    Now back to the rumours, has anyone seen these new boxes in person and do we know what to expect for previews today? My guess is that we are getting the new starter sets and the terrain set in the coming week.

    They had one at my store when I went last.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 6 hours ago, edmc78 said:

    Looking at the new core book there is a lot of talk of Clan Eshin bring based in the realm of Shadows. I wonder if we will see Umbraneth Aelfs vs Skaven in 2022? 

    I hope we don't see any more elves for a long, long time. This would be the what, 5th entirely new faction for pointy eared larpers?

    • Like 2
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  3. 56 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    Honestly, painting hundreds of similar-looking ratmen does that. Skaven would be a lot more popular if Horde armies wouldn't be tedious to paint (and purchasing them wouldn't be so expensive!), especially for beginners.

    There's only a few units in skaven that you could feasibly run hundreds of, and fewer still.of those that aren't hideous

  4. 51 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    They were the most played tournament army for several months after their AoS battletome came out. 


    not to mention even now they have a 8% or so playrate in tournaments
    when, considering they're both:
    1. super old
    2. not great

    is pretty impressive. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. On rumors, the chaos tome might be skaven since much of their abilities don't really work with the new edition (overwhelming mass and clanshields especially) and giants rats with the new size can't use their whole warscroll. The new sizes are strange as well, since Stormvermin are 10 minimum 30 maximum and come in boxes of 20. Maybe it points to a rewrite where the changes make more sense? 

  6. 53 minutes ago, novakai said:

    i honestly not sure what the Black templar tease is going to lead into, could be they are elevating them into an official marine chapter army or something smaller. honestly surprise that they would do them before Imperial Fist but I know they have their dedicated fanbase


    They had their own codex once upon a time

  7. 2 minutes ago, Dreddships said:

    Be very surprised to see TOW and AOS cross over kits.

    The few factions that remain with Fantasy kits are the ones being set up for shakeups between Duardin Soup or Dawnbringer Crusades.

    The confirmed map means no Lizards - and I'd be surprised if they add BoC or Skaven in also. 

    Not to murder hopes here - but TOW is already fairly confirmed a different beast to Fantasy...


    Skaven i think were a force that kicked off the civil war with assassinating skavenslayer mannfred or whatever his name is, my whfb lore is fuzzy. So i wouldn't be surprised if they were in. Wouldn't be surprised if they weren't either.

  8. 9 minutes ago, CitizenX said:

    That's my point. The manager was telling me about how the current display specs allow for zero kits on the shelf. So far I think 40k repacking has basically come with a Codex release (because they were updating the rules included in the boxes). 

    that could be cool, skaven AA definitely took a hit with 3.0

    Would be cooler if they stopped dragging their feet on updating models for them too...

    • Like 1
  9. 23 minutes ago, CitizenX said:

    So when I was in the local GW shop the other day, the manager pointed out to me several times that all the Skaven kits were being pulled from the shelf (knowing I am a Skaven fan). This seems to suggest a repackaging or a line refresh. 

    isn't there only like 5 kits gw even allows on their shelves now?

    They're repackaging stuff for new box style like 40k as well

    • Haha 2
  10. 17 minutes ago, Athrawes said:

    If hero's arbitrarily don't count to you, how about psychic awakening for 40k? Eldar and Dark Eldar both got new units and new heroes, all without a new codex. Admech too.

    If you only accept AOS evidence, how about the new Daugters of khain units (hero, and unit) that got released 4 months before a battletome with the shadow and pain set and Warcry? Maybe Warcry doesnt count to you, so how about the new Slaanesh and Khorne units that got released with Wrath and Rapture (New fleshhounds and KaranaK, and infernal Enrapturess with new fiends) with no new battletome in sight?

    You could just own up to being wrong instead of making arbitrary distinctions about what does and doesn't count for your "GW doesn't operate like that" argument.


    You can go ahead and expect gw to update the bonesplitterz units without a battletome, you are free to do so.

    • Confused 1
  11. Just now, KingBrodd said:

    Theres nothing to say that Bonesplitterz couldn't get an update this Edition, there are more Kruelboyz to be shown so maybe Bonesplitterz will be there as well?

    And even if not theres nothing to say the models couldn't get updated outside of getting a Battletome.

    gw doesn't operate like that though.

  12. 11 minutes ago, wargames101 said:

    Looking through the range, I don't know if a broad-based retirement is particularly likely/worrisome.

    Here's my take on the older kits in the range:


    As a whfb copy-paste army it's utterly bizarre to see someone refer to kits 6 years old as "older kits"

    • Like 3
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  13. 9 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    Marines also get 44% of the attention. Its a aelf fullfilling prophecy. I reall think that if any other faction was giving the same aytention they'd be just as popular. 

    But this is an AoS thread. You space nerds can get to stepping!! 😄

    What faction is today for the 3rd preview? I wonder if they can use all out attack. I'm not sure. GW please help!

    Edit: Uh oh guys, whitefang reacted to my post, that means KO can't. Sorry dwarf friends!

    • Haha 8
  14. Just now, King Under the Mountain said:

    You are really underselling how massive Space Marines are for GW lol. 

    well, percentage of their respective games. Space marines are about... 44% ?
    44% of 40k is probably easily 2x if not more of 44% of aos

  15. I'd also mention that the indomitus box checked off multiple things on the community wishlist(make new xenos, baroque primaris, melee primaris) and even some faction specific ones (necrons have wanted the cryptek variations and updates to 3rd models for a while) while dominion didn't really hit any of the big ones (k boys aren't really a new destruction faction, I think people more accept d the new stormcast rather than actively asked for the change).

    Gw shouldn't have expected this to sell half as well as indomitus especially since warclans and stormcast I think combined are about half.the playerbase percentage wise of space Marines. 


    On the bright side, if this is a flop for gw, it's good news for skaven and craftworld eldar players 



  16. 1 minute ago, MitGas said:


    Doesn‘t matter though, the other 3 are fools anyways, only good as expendable fodder and mere playthings for the only proper Chaos God, Big T himself. 😎👍🏻

    big T for The great horned rat, the patrician's choice

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  17. 17 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I can't remember a time that a leaker has ever given a schedule for more than half a year in advance - I think the last time was, ironically, the existence of AoS and maybe the Primaris model that led to three months of "it's a third party conversion" talk.

    If the 4chan 'leaks' are real I'd be very, very, very, shocked considering they go all the way up to 2023.

    9th edition was spoiled in november of the previous year, but that's still only 8-9 months or so.

  18. 23 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    So someone on 4chan who "leaked" the reinforcement rule also "leaked" this release schedule for aos 3rd.


    Maggotkin, Gitz, Ogors and BoC as the first 4 books after SCE and Orruks. Large releases for Ogors and BoC.


    Dawnbringer Crusades (rebooted cities)

    Umbraneth and River Temple Lumineth




    If this is true I'm quitting aos in protest at Idoneth not getting a new book or models for 4 to 5 years.

    I'd be right next to you in protest of there being as many new aelven armies as there are skaven clans while skaven be in the state it is

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