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Posts posted by BunkhouseBuster

  1. Spoiler

    By the Emperor, why can't I have more money to spend?

    Seriously, the Tempest's Eye and Hammerhal sets are like exactly what I was wanting to grab for my Order army!  I'm glad that I didn't back a few months ago, and I seriously hope that these sets stick around for a while and aren't limited release.  The savings on these will be awesome.

  2. 1 hour ago, Galas said:

    Deathrratle will be then. The Khaine one is a shame. Those are nice models but they don't deserve to cost that much.

    To be fair, those kits came out at the height of the Kirby-run GW era of "we are a model company, not a game company" and they were charging higher than typical prices on all new kits.  The Dark Elves got the worst of it, with Wood Elves and 40K Harlequins not far behind in the pricing schema.

    For whatever reason, GW seems unwilling or afraid to lower the prices on those kits.  But at least these bundles will help, particularly the Daughters of Khaine one that they just announced - you could get two of those bundles and not have any repeat units.

  3. 33 minutes ago, Lysandestolpe said:

    God Damnit! I didn't want to spend money I don't have on cool stuff like Minotaurs and sexy Aelves....


    I really, really, REALLY, wish I could afford new models, and I would pounce on the Minotaurs in a heartbeat.  While I do love my Ironjawz, I have been wanting to play a Minotaur army since I started wargaming back in 2010.  And now here they are with their round bases for AoS.  Hopefully these bundles stick around for a while...

  4. On 7/15/2017 at 2:36 PM, wayniac said:

    Yes, as far as I can recall this is the first time in history there's been a straight price drop on a GW product.

    This is what happens when the Chicago Cubs win the World Series, anything  can happen now!  All we need next is for Valve to release Half-life 3 or HL 2: Episode 3 for the last in truly impossible events to occur!

  5. 4 minutes ago, Mikosan said:

    It wasn't a dig at AoS, 10 codexes by Christmas is a huge amount of releases

    And comes to 2 a month, for what that's worth.  I just hope that Age of Sigmar gets more than just the GH2 in that time.  I mean, it probably will, but I still hope for that.

  6. @Chris Tomlin By the Emperor, that is an awesome conversion/kitbash!  And here I am wishing I could even afford a Maw-Crusha kit.  Maybe I should grab a Carnosaur instead now.  I mean, it's only $15 USD more to get a Megaboss and Seraphon Start Collecting box over the standard Maw-Crusha, and then I would have the Saurus to sell or keep for my old-school Lizardmen army.  Hm...

    I'm curious how much work went into re-posing the Megaboss.  It looks like his leg is bent up a bit?

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Chris Tomlin said:

    I've visited Midwest USA 3 times (for Warhammer) all in January so can vouch for the cool, super snowy weather. Don't see anything like that over here so it's kinda cool as a visitor.

    Now that is a very hard decision. In a perhaps controversial suggestion, I'd go for the 40K box set! Providing you have enough Ironjawz to be able to play smaller games with anyway. It's a great set and at least that way you'll be able to play both games as you choose.

    I'm sure I'll do a bit more promotion for them and give you all a heads up when the Kickstarter goes live. Between them, MiniMonsters (thanks again @Fungrim) and the existing Battlefield in a Box stuff I have, I should have a pretty cool Destruction themed badlands table. Will look to live stream some games in the long run I think.

    January is usually the snowiest, but February is colder and just plain dreary; lucky it's so short a month :)

    I have acquired and painted plenty of 40K stuff over the years (access to over 5,000 points of Imperium and 3,000 points of Necrons) so it's not that I am lacking in models, I just would like to grab the main rulebook and have a go at those new models.  Space Marines are one of my favorite armies, and I always wanted to start a Death Guard/Nurgle Marine army.  In comparison to my 1600 ish points of assembled Ironjawz, which is much more lacking in size and completion.  It's not a matter of one or the other, but which first as the wallet allows ;)

    I'll keep an eye out for that terrain!

    • Like 1
  8. Complaining about weather?  Complaining about the weather?  Ha!  Try living in the Central/Midwestern USA during the summer.  For the past two weeks, it has been up around 95 degress Fahrenheit (about 33 to 34 Celsius for you folks), and extremely humid for the past month (with strong chances of getting up into 42 or 44 C in July/August).  It is for these exact reasons that I don't use spray primer on most of my models anymore, since there are about 3 or 4 weeks in the year here in Missouri where the weather is just right to not interfere with spray paint.  I mean, it's basically one thing or the other here.  It's either snow, freezing rain, and extreme cold, or extreme heat/humidity (oh, and tornadoes when it goes from cold to warm).  September is usually decent weather, but that can swing real easy.  Thank goodness for HVAC systems and big ol' shade trees!

    Now if you will excuse me, I am going to continue my internal debate on whether to invest in the 8th Edition 40K book and Starter Set, or use that same money to almost finish my Ironjawz army...  Oh, the dilemma I face sitting in my air conditioned work place ;)

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  9. 1 minute ago, Vaux said:

    Question is.... if it's a traitor Primarch... why is there a dead marine in a MK4  armor.... MK4 arent used by the Imperium anymore (at least there shouldnt be many used).

    That actually looks more like a Primaris to me, given the sloping on the side of the helmet and the neck guard jutting upwards.

  10. 14 hours ago, someone2040 said:

    All they're doing is splitting up the current starter set, and releasing some of those models independently. So I'm not so fussed about it being Stormcast/Khorne this time around because it's nothing new. I guess if anything, it's perhaps an indication that in future we might see some more special characters in future battle tomes.

    The problem I have is it takes up a week's release in the year. If I had to fathom a guess, it's because of new 40k. All their plastic production is probably churning out starter boxes and new marine kits. So we've had like a month of packaging up existing models in different ways. Skirmish boxes, splitting up the Escape from Goblin Town set, and now, splitting up the Age of Sigmar set.

    Maybe it will lead into another Starter Set for AoS?  Perhaps one that features other armies?  I would be okay with that.

  11. I would like to see a new Duardin (dwarf) faction. We have fire-vikings, we have sky-pirates, and we have the remnants of the Old World. Each of those factions fit into several of the tropes of Dwarves from Fantasy fiction, so let's go another way: Deep Duardin. The skies are taken, but what lurks below?

    My idea is a faction of Duardin that have been digging their way around and creating subterranean cities and realms. Like Moria from Tolkien combined with the Dwarves from Dragon Age, they dig deep, and most have never seen the sky. They utilize some nasty monsters (I would aesthetically base them on real-life cave dwelling animals), have some kind of drill tank(s), and make use of golems.

    I would also like to see another faction of Elves. We have seen plenty of High, Wood, and Dark versions before, what about something else? Nothing particular comes to mind, but a new Elf faction would be a good way to bring Tyrion/Teclis back as super-beings.

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