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Posts posted by pseudonyme

  1. My prevision / wish list :

    • when there will be a chaos demons focus, they will be used like chaos beasts and maybe then as a warband (would be more interested as NPCs from fluff perpective)
    • when there will be a Death focus
      • Zombie doggos, bats and the likes  will be used as chaos beasts
      • as a twist, when a model dies, replace it with a valid Death model costing the same points (this could be easily home brewed)
  2. 42 minutes ago, Lucky Snake Eyes said:

    Imma throw my hat in the ring with a super left field suggestion.

    It seems there's a lot of contention over the cultural inspiration for the teaser's... well everything.

    What if that's intentional? What if the necropolis is made from bone tithes from all the realms? That'd explain the mix of cultural signals as the necropolis would have influences from everywhere. 

    As for the mortarch (or whatever this guy is going to be) it's probably a new character, but Krell is a solid choice. But how about Count Noctilus? Hear me out here, the vampire coast expansion for total war warhammer 2 has popularized undead pirates again and it's been long enough since that hype train for GW to have had something in the works as a response to that. While he wasn't killed by ghal maraz itself, his ship was rammed by the heldenhammer which had a recreation of ghal maraz as a battering ram. 

    I know I'm reaching for straws here but since the free cities are getting a full book, this would be an opportunity to turn their "rival" from firestorm, the wraith fleet, into their own army.

    You should check last warhammer weekly where @Thomas Lyons  have à very similar theory

  3. Talking about homebrew, do you think we can use the basic infantry like savage orrucks, squeleton warriors, chainrasps etc as NPCs like the furies and the birds ?

    I can clearly see myself having an horde of orcs appearing at the end of turn 2 because they heard things smashing each others 😁

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  4. 1 hour ago, Dirtnaps said:

    In the article above the pictures of all the warbands there is a sentence that says "With that, the first six Chaos Warbands for the game are revealed! To recap – here’s all of them so far…" that's where the talk of chaos comes from

    Ok, fine. Still think people should not wait for other chaos warbands until the next « season »

  5. They are talking about the first 6 « Warcry warbands », they did not mention chaos. I would bet that they are referring to the release of the 9 non chaos warbands that will certainly be downloadable pdf because no new models (except maybe for the new Death faction)

  6. Destruction automatons: basically the response of the mortal realms to the wars. Think Final fantasy weapons and Nausicaa sort of thing.

    Defenders of the realm: the new human faction reflecting the different city defenders. Could also include old elfs and dwarfs factions.

    Soulblight: AoS Genestealer cult. I mean, exactly that. Ambush based, and the ability to field a Defender of the realms units.


    Not really a faction but... AoS 3.0 : the realms awaken. Big monsters focused. Release of 1 monster per realm and make them roam the battlefields.

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