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Posts posted by pseudonyme

  1. On 11/12/2018 at 8:58 PM, AshCrow said:

    So? The horde of orcs is a concept everyone knows of and newcomers can find appealing. There's no need to have a spin on everything if the formula works. Beastmen were also old and look what supporting them and making them playable did.

    Tzeentch does not use guitars, does not use any instrument in fact. Tzeentch is the composer !

  2. Guys, because I don’t have Facebook, this is my entry for the #PaintYourShit October contest. The photos are not that great and flatten the colours, but who cares, I painted my biggest mini \o/

    By the way, I went to Warhammer world 2 weeks ago (a must see), but was rather disappointed because I could not find the offices of the ministry of miniatures : /












    If you are curious and want an historic of the different steps , below my twitter thread on it. I must confess that I am rather proud.


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