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Everything posted by Mayple

  1. They aren't turning back though. This is just an example of the stormcast fighting alongside their allies in the grand alliance - just like that time when they fought against Nurgle with Sylvaneth. An impermanent grouping of forces at best, but it is something Sigmar MUST do to keep his allies happy. An ally that don't help you out is no ally at all - same goes for the corsairs, they either got some favours, or gold out of this, or got strongarmed into the fight.
  2. Corsairs! What! I am excited and confused, all at the same time!
  3. I got a sort of 40k servitor-vibe off of this, but if it is AOS related, my bet is that it is death related. A cultist of death, perhaps? Keeps the remains of what-have-you to spread the glory of Nagash.
  4. I think that more or less confirms cthulhu aelves. Finally some rumor we can work with
  5. Definitely stormcast related unless GW is deliberately trolling us. Perhaps this is a model tied to a Stormcast/Duardin alliance along the same lines as the Stormcast /Sylvaneth thing. They wouldn't ally with Kharadron, would they?
  6. Taking a second look at it, could it be knee/elbowpad sort of thing? With the knee/elbow bent?
  7. Looks like a battering ram. Or a really weird helmet. ..Shadowkin?
  8. Timetraveling shadowkin that realmgated into the future and killed a space marine? Malerion confirmed. send help
  9. Weeell. This combined with the other two hints (torn cape, lion head) certainly starts to give it form.
  10. The dread saurian can't be gone! It's my favorite model!
  11. I hear you. But we could take the silence as a rumour in itself The silence before the storm and all that. I've got a hunch we'll be seeing something a bit more substantial than mere rumours in whatever AOS related we see next!
  12. Don't tell anyone, but I've heard rumours that there is an upcoming Age of Sigmar book that will get released soon
  13. “We’ve turned the Rumour Engine cogs again today, and this jagged edge emerged… whatever it is…” Figured I'd just throw this one out here, since nobody has done it already.
  14. What I read: "Let's all hope for undead cats wearing vampires as pelts." Yes. Yes, please.
  15. It also seems like an ability that is simple enough to counter. They can burrow under terrain (neat!) but not units, so screening is an effective countermeasure. The 3'' range is a bit harsh though.. I don't think it'd be crazy to double that range. Overall, it looks like a toned down Sayl spell, and seems to be more useful for tactical maneuvering than alpha striking. I like it!
  16. You can move in the movement phase while in combat, but that would be a retreat. Ride the aethertric winds have the same restrictions as normal movement. So the question is; can you use ride the aethertric winds as a retreat? I would say yes.
  17. Ah, now I see his face. I thought that was some ornamental shoulderplate. The hood threw me off.
  18. What is that non-dwarf one? My brain struggles to find it's head/face.
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