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Everything posted by Mayple

  1. Looks like we'll have plenty of anti-shooting available throughout the army. Awesome
  2. I'm honestly a little worried that they'll run out of squigs I -really- need them to not run out of squigs!
  3. Troggboss, Fanatics and Squig-knights Prioritizing Squig-Knights. I've got 60 moonclan grots ready to go, and I don't feel the need to fill out the other two with more of the sort, unless gitmob archers are included in the allegiance. So to that end I'd want to either fill the remaining battleline slots with squig-knights (assuming they're battleline), or Troggoths. Grabbing pretty much everything in the long run though.
  4. Sigmar fled the mortal realms because he's arachnophobic. Everything makes sense now
  5. Haha! When they said "And you can in fact play a full Troggoth army, called a Troggherd." - I lost it. So many people have been asking about that for so long Good on you! I might just join in on that down the road. The Dankhold Troggboss sounds marvelous!
  6. Athosian Camoshade and Nuln Oil based on whether I need to tone down the colours or not (if toning down; nuln oil) - but I tend to go a bit crazy with the shades. Throw in some fleshshade/fuegan orange to add variety of colour, or Drakenhoof nightshade/Druuchi violet for the darkest areas (use minimal amounts of this, as they are on the opposite end of the color spectrum, and also much darker, so they'll serve as your "black" without killing your colour) - you can make the model look even paler by highlighting with a non-green colour from there, like ushabti bone or any of the dark elf flesh (pallid wych flesh, flayed one flesh, etc) up to Ceramite white. Although I didn't do this, but it's good to keep in mind Edit; When using any of the non-green shades, except nuln oil, don't use them as a wash. At that point you're looking to apply them to specific areas such as around the mouth, nose, joints, ears, etc.
  7. Skarsnik green into Ogryn camo has yielded good pale green results for me Reccommended.
  8. Those squig hoppers have lances! Yessss! I was going to convert some into that anyway! GW you magnificent beast.
  9. Stormcites? Stalacast? Squigcast!? BY SIGMAR!
  10. Sure, yeah, I understand the phrase I just missed the part where one was posted here, so I got a bit confused if you were maybe referring to the blurry pictures we were *ahem* shamelessly spending way too much time and effort on decrypting (from Warhammer TV) - but seeing as that is not the case, there's no problem Better safe than sorry.
  11. Oh! The shattered dominion base detail kit, yeah That's a separate one from the shattered dominion bases. You'll get loads of stuff from that one! Edit: @RuneBrush we had a potato camera in here? What was it, if you don't mind me asking for the sake of knowing what exactly "No photos from the potato camera" means? I'm assuming it had nothing to do with the pictures/video released by GW themselves.
  12. It does? Not the 25/32mm ones at least. I have three boxes of those, and all you get is the bases and skulls.
  13. I have done some detective work using the power of computerized technology! As we can see there are blurry shapes. Now, if we enhance.. Oh yes! A clear shape of some snake-like creature, perhaps a centipede, or some kind of.. Wait! No! Get out of here! Wrong book! Wrong book!
  14. I'd expect so. Would save time from rolling attacks with the grots, as splitting up the net attacks always bloated the time. Squigs getting a 2 attack, 4+, 3+, -1 rend, 1dmg is also a straight up buff from their current form, so would be most welcome I suspect synergies and buffs within the faction will give us quite a bit of punching power for units we're not used to having much offensive capabilities, so all in all we should be crazy dangerous. I just hope we maintain the +1 save vs shooting on the moonclan grots. Such a solid defensive trait.
  15. Squigs and fanatics are your go-to elite options as far as "Less models for more points" goes The Troggoths will also fall within this, on the far end of the "Expensive, low model count" spectrum, without a doubt. I wonder if we'll get a variation of the Mangler Squig w/hero that involves a non-hero rider, the same way that Beastclaw Raiders does it.
  16. From what I can gather from it's rules, the Loonsmasha Fanatic (I assume this goes for the Sporesplatta too) can deploy at the start of the charge phase, as they currently can, but with the change that they now can't deploy within 3" of an enemy unit. No more deploying them into combat, or auto-mess with the charges of a unit 3" away from the host unit
  17. Just compared it to one of my own. It's still 25' No worries. The Grots are just so tiny it looks big on them in a close up like that.
  18. I also noticed that there were -several- pages worth of allegiance rules/artifacts and such. Seems like we'll have plenty to work with
  19. From a facebook post; I can't decipher the allegiance ability, but it's there if anyone wants to give it a go
  20. Yeah.. A git can hope though Either way I'm likely to grab a bunch. Fanatics have always interested me, so any variation will tickle my fancy.
  21. A thought occured to me: what if the fungoid fanatic(s) that have been listed on the leaked list is a Hero? A fanatic hero! I'd use it, for sure pure speculation though. I am a slave to the hype.
  22. Kind of got that vibe from the Bad Moon's voice, tbh Would not be terribly opposed to a twist like that.
  23. @Skabnoze If they release proper plastic squigs with optional riders, I got two words for ya: Biker Squigs Razoor toothed, rocket-fueled destruction on legs at the very least I'll work towards that with the Mangler squig hero.
  24. @Skabnoze I'm with you on that one! Gonna go all out on this release. Get everything I can get my hands on Full grot army. What a time to be alive!
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