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Posts posted by ageofpaddsmar

  1. 2 hours ago, mcsteed said:

    Can you use an ability before or after the first wait like other actions?

    If wait is your first activation you can technically use 2 abilities. 

    For example.  Choose a beastspeaker (untamed beasts) spend a double to make rocktust prowler attack. Then wait. When you come back to her she can then spend another double on onslaught for instance. 

  2. On 8/1/2019 at 5:02 AM, Injuryprone said:

    Maybe it's the bat reps I've watched, but they were mainly used to screen movement and as a sacrifice to tie up a unit for a full turn.  With most games ending turn 4 and not being won on bodies dead, hordes seem like the way to go.  Maybe not a full horde but definitely not 5 elite units.

    Hordes are tough especially legions of nagash. I played against them with a 7 man nighthaunt warband (15 models in the legion list. I got lucky by having 2 rounds with quad 5s for reap like corn with my grimghast. As he was so bunched up it hit nearly every Skeleton. Had it not been for that I would have no way to win. Don't let the 3 inch move fool you they can be quick with van hels ability

  3. So get the pick the game up at midnight. Have played some demos but not really read the rules properly. 

    I heard 2 conflicting warband sizes. One was 3 - 15 the other 3-20

    Cam anyone please tell me the correct one for matched play

  4. My issue is warbands like this that can take 55pt models. Take 10 and that's only 550 points. You still have 450 left. Chuck in a leader and more 55pt models and you can have a lot of models. Now I know what your thinking they are only skelies with 8 wounds each. But say you run a warband with 7-8 models it would be very difficult to beat these horde warbands as you have nowhere near enough attacks to kill them all /outnumber on objectives. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Lior'Lec said:

         @NinjaBadger7 could I get you to PM me a photo of those leaked points? Or a link to where you found them? I have some vanguard and was going to build a small Stormcast force to play with but didn’t know how many to build (will have Nighthuant ready to play at release but want/plan to have most all of the non-unique factions playable soon-ish). 

    Have they all leaked? I've only seen ironjawz, dok, nighthaunt and flesheaters so far

  6. 2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    If I remember right, there's a quote floating around from a staffer at one of these that GW generally doesn't show stuff off that's any longer than two months away. There's exceptions to this when it's their big releases (Warcry), but it's generally consistent.

    My guess is we'll get an Ogor vs X boxset before the Battletome, so some ways out yet.

    Free Peoples and Orrukz even had their limited edition books on display, so my guess is no more than a month for them.

    Don't forget that the skaven and flesheater books dropped with the box set. The only reason sylvaneth book didn't drop with looncurse was because of the shipping issue. So my guess is book will drop when the box does

  7. 7 hours ago, Overread said:

    It's interesting that the Untamed Beasts aren't another "tough-guy" force and are instead closer to a glass-cannon. That said I think it makes sense considering how they don't have armour and are far more barbarian in style; plus the hulky heavy hitter slot is taken by the Golems 

    Where did you see about the untamed beasts please. I followed the leaks at imgur but didn't see anything about them there (just how to play) 

  8. 2 hours ago, Platypus said:

    Here’s a relevant FAQ. This together with the fact that the wizard and the Balewind Vortex counts as one model for rules purposes should be enough to make it clear that a wizard on Balewind Vortex can be teleported with LoSaT.


    Q: Some abilities allow you to remove a unit from the battlefield and set it up again, and say that this ‘counts as their move for the movement phase’ (or words to that effect). Do these units count as having made a move for the purposes of any other rules or abilities?
    A: No, it simply restricts them from making a move later on.

    That's a good one for the thing about moving. But with my group it's not that it cannot move its that you remove it from the table thus breaking the clause in the balewinds rules. Where it counts as one model for along as its on the battlefield. 

    Now that could mean as long as its not dispelled or it could be if you remove it to place elsewhere. 

    I'm of the people that think it can teleport (I'm seraphon player lol) 

  9. 1 hour ago, Sedraxis said:

    In this case I believe it wouldn't be possible to teleport at all since Balewind Vortex says the unit cannot move, and Lords of Space and Time counts as movement.

    You'd have to dispel the Vortex first.

    I don't believe this stops it as although the teleport is treated as a move its not an actual move its a set up. 

    The tricky part is although it's treated as one model. The balewind rule says that is only the case while it's on the battlefield. 

    The teleport says to remove the model from battlefield. So when removed they become 2 separate models again. Is what some are saying

  10. So there's a a debate going round about this. 

    Can a slann/kroak cast balewind then teleport while on it. It says while it's on the battlefield they are treated as one model. 

    But teleport says remove that model from the battlefield and replace anywhere more then 9 from enemies. 

    So my question is does it work? Because if you remove from the battlefield they are no longer 1 model? 

  11. 2 hours ago, Thomas Lyons said:

    People who know people who know people. I haven't directly seen anything. I likewise asked about Nighthaunt but they had no info for me (other than genric "points decreases").

    Any seraphon news. Like does the fact they are getting allegiance abilities in ghb2019 mean their book is way off. Any idea on points changes for them? 

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, whispersofblood said:

    Small niggle KoS isn't "fight twice", it allows a hedonite unit to be activated for a second time, in normal sequence. There are some situation where having straight up more damage is better, and times where activating twice is better. 

    But the KoS makes you fight at the end of the combat phase on a 2+. So most of the time gets to fight twice before being hit back

    • Like 2
  13. 7 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    This has won my award for Post That Makes Love To My Soul.

    Actually, I'll put the offer out there: If anyone wants to talk business, pm me.

    Don't know if I could play against someone who didn't remove their own mold lines. I prefer to play people you know who are actually involved in the hobby 😂

    • Like 3
    • Haha 4
  14. Although bonesplitterz could do with an update , they should start with the older battletomes or armies that have no battletome.  before you say it I know bonesplitterz is kinda old but they do have a proper allegiance abilities and items and spells. there are older tomes that need an update first

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