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Posts posted by Malakithe

  1. 1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

    The bad: Smells like what Wizards of the coast tried with DnD recently.

    The issue here is the Warhammer community is super small and more quiet so it would probably happen unlike the DnD community that went online and went crazy getting them to overturn the coming changes.

  2. 4 hours ago, Chikout said:

    It seems like they are trying to reinvent the wheel. All I want is a full digital codex including lore and art that gets updated with FAQs,  points updates or new content as it is added during the edition.  Having it automatically update if there is a mid edition refresh Lumineth style would be a nice bonus. I bought about 15 digital battletomes last edition. I've bought one physical book this time round. I get that GW are worried about piracy but Apple solved that problem years ago. If you charge a reasonable price and  make it easy and useful to buy the product then piracy will drop off. 

    Yeah...if that pastebin is true they are over complicating something that has been working in other places for years now. It actually reads worse then sticking to what they are doing now

  3. 2 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    I am currently running a boarding actions league. Yet my pupils can’t afford GW‘s nonsense. So I ended up buying old models from gaming clubs and from my friends. This way they can participate in the narrative without having to spent a cent.

    But wait, isn’t GW‘s marketing trying to get people at the age of 12+ into the game? My pupils are 16-26 - no chance they’ll ever buy a GW box.


    It‘s like Peachy said in an interview: At some point it’s a hobby for the rich. First signs are showing: Ebay in Germany is almost dead compared to 2019 when it comes to Warhammer.

    I‘ve put up my Nighthaunt on ebay yesterday putting them in packages of 2x Infantry units + 1 Hero. I used the 15-20% discount prices of online shops and put them online with another 15% off. Looking at the prices: It’s still ludacris!


    Ive been saying for a while that GW is pricing themselves out of the next generation of customers and even current ones. I dont recommend the hobby to anyone regardless of age and money. The model quality is good for new stuff for sure but thats it. Everything else is a price gouging scam because of greed and thats it.

    • Like 10
    • Confused 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Ganigumo said:

    Herds can't receive commands, but theres a lot less keyword bingo.

    Gobbapalooza can give +1 rend, sporesplattas can give +1 attack, snufflers can give a 5+ ward, then the squigboss only works on squig units but can give mortals on 6s to hit, +1 attack, or +3 move, plus he can let a squig herd do a hero phase move once per game. None of those are commands either so it works on your herds.

    Then to top it off whenever the loonboss on foot issues all out attack to a moonclan unit (including squigs, but herds can't receive commands) the unit deals mortals on 6s to wound.

    So plenty of options for buffs depending on how you want to play.

    Thats a lot of potential buffs. Im wondering if those would be better on Boingrots instead though. My main plan is to have herds but ill need some hammers as well. I guess herds can be somewhat hammers too. A unit of Boings maybe a Mangler and definitely a unit of Rockguts as a hybrid anvil/hammer. 

  5. Also when it comes to screens everything is expensive points wise so how much do you invest in screens? Elite armies dont really have options. Nighthaunt can screen via sheer numbers but still have the dmg output that elite armies have. Ive been comparing Stormcast and StD and they are roughly the same as far as units costs and roles. Being elite is sometimes nice but you also need bodies and board presence...unless you play IJ. They just break all the rules 

    • Like 2
  6. 11 hours ago, Ravinsild said:

    Well maybe but I have a lot of spells I want to cast. 

    I want Ghost-Mist to protect me from shooting, I want Levitate on my Varanguard so they can fly over my warriors to charge something, I want Daemonic Strength on my Varanguard and probably Daemonic Speed, I want Mystic Shield going out, I want chaotic conduit to juice up my Chieftan, I want binding damnation to make my fight twice work and they can’t fight back and I want infernal gateway and spite tongue curse going out to deal mortal wounds… also all the endless spells each take a cast… 

    Fair point thats a lot of casting lol

    • Like 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

    What a show, all games are celebrating their new releases, maybe not as much the underworlds players, except 40k fans. They're up in arms against the new SM missile unit. Truly this show was one of the best ones they've ever done 


    As a Dark Angels player im in agreement that the missile guys are...something. I cant find words that correctly describe them. But the dread is cool

    • Like 1
  8. 49 minutes ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Yeah I was thinking that's 60 points less than a Treelord, but the chariot is faster, plus the MW is handy and they give a hit debuff if they have charged I think.  Nice to know Hammers gives them a ward save!  Didn't realize that part.   

    What about the Stormkeep mode of Stormcast?  Is that something low model count armies might like?  Or does the deepstriking outweigh the objective dominating?  The Dracoths and Dragons are fast, so I'm not sure the deepstriking helps all that much actually.   

    If your run Annihilators you probably want to be deepstriking

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    Does GW seriously expect that when they only release heroes and tomes with close to no marketing that they are making a ton of money for AoS?

    It does make me wonder how many of the 40k people that jumped to 30k are jumping back to 10th this year.

    I mean...ill be picking up 2 of boxes for WE's at a minimum. Possibly new Guard stuff and if rumors are true ill be unshelving my DA

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