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Posts posted by Malakithe

  1. 32 minutes ago, Dez said:

    That's correct for the Brutes losing Battleline. The Allegiance is a bonus if all your models are from Destruction. Ardboyz, Brutes and Gore-gruntaz are all Battleline if your army all have the Ironjawz keyword. So in order to do what you'd like, you'd need to find some Battleine troops in Destruction. Orruks (Orc Boys), Ogors, Grots, and Savage Orruks are all Battleline.

    Hmm...how much are regular ogors?

  2. 11 minutes ago, Thostos said:

      Ahh yeah,,read the actual leaked page and it does clarify that,,I stand corrected.

     The earlier posted leak implied it was possible but would deny any bonuses if done...not like anyone would ever do that anyway,heh.


    My original plan was gordrakk+wierdfist(4×brutes)+thundertusk support. But in order to take brutes as battleline the entire range has to be ironjawz right?

    What about this allegiance thing? Is it based on anything other then all models of x faction? What about the rumor of taking a certain hero makes x unit battleline?

    I know I can still just go points and not do pitched but I like to build lists lol

  3. 1 hour ago, PJetski said:

    I can't believe Thundertusk is a Battleline unit.

    Age of Sigmar is over, welcome to the Age of Thundertusk.

    Wait what? What pic is that? Show me! I want to add thundertusks to my ironjawz.


    The beast claw raiders were getting a slight change so it 'kinda'? makes sense lol

  4. 20 minutes ago, Busmusen said:

    Is allegiance % based (i.e 90% ironjawz, 10 whatever) or is it 100% pure ironjawz in order to have the benefits?

    I need to know this too. I want to add some thundertusks to my ironjawz.

    Also, good sir, there was a rumor about certain leaders able to make certain leaders battleline units. True or false?

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