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Posts posted by Malakithe

  1. 5 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:

    Oh I totally get that,  at 1000 points it would be fun to have the big boys slugging it out with just a unit or two as support.

    I think that would allow for some nice heroic duels, and due to model count would be a really quick game.

    Most normal Supreme Commanders and LoWs in 40k arent even close to these crazy bad points costs

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Kaleb Daark said:

    That's one of the greatest balls ups of the AoS pointing strategy.

    From a marketing and sales point of view I do think a trick has been missed by the team.

    In 40k a 1000 point game can consist of a primarch and some core units and be legit, in AoS you can't run the archaon or nagash figureheads at 1k, and that's a massive oversight from a small game perspective.

    Ive been saying for years the way the point AoS is so bad compared to 40k but since AoS was supposed to be a much smaller skirmish game they wanted less time and models on the table so everything has massive points costs compared to 40k

  3. 12 minutes ago, Bosskelot said:

    That above criticism of space marine reveals could be equally levelled at Stormcast though?

    This is the first major marine release since templars 2 years ago, and even then they only got like 4 kits.

    Meanwhile 9th has had giant refreshes and massive updates for Necrons, Craftworlds, Guard, Sisters, Orks, Chaos Knights, Chaos Marines and even slipped in a new army with Votaan. With the upcoming Nid refresh too there's increasingly very little 90's/early 2000's plastic left in the game too.

    I know AOS players have got a major chip on their shoulder about their game but I think a lot of the times people just really do need to actually pay some attention to what happens in other systems and their ranges. The 3rd edition releases so far have been absolutely pathetic and at least half of the factions are languishing with increasingly outdated ranges that are aging terribly, or with new ranges that are embarrassingly half-baked and in desperate need of expansion. Thank god for the Seraphon update because jesus they needed it and it also looks fantastic.

    Damn theres no 'agree' button

    • Haha 1
  4. 5 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Think of it this way. The Battletome is Cities of Sigmar and Dawnbringers are a sub faction.

    To me that sounds just like how the current Stormcast book is. They can go Stormkeep or Scions but still have their subfactions as well. 

    Not sure why people are calling those guys Dawn whatevers since GW only calls them Cities

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Chikout said:

    No models shown for Horus Heresy. This is perhaps a warning to old world fans. You'll get a launch rush but then releases will slow right down. 

    Well HH is very rigid and like you said onces its out thats pretty much it. There is only so man Legions and vehicles when your doing Space Marine vs Space Marine. Some Legion specific upgrades here and there but yeah there wont be too many large releases 

  6. Just now, LordSolarMach said:

    Not as much as I think some were hoping.

    In fact, it looks like they've added a stat (OC, Objective Control). They've gone from.

    Models: M - WS - BS - S - T - W - A - Ld - Sv
    Weapons: Range - A - S - AP - D


    Models: M - T - Sv - W - Ld - OC*
    Weapons: Range - A - WS/BS - S - AP - D

    Thats still a really good step towards making things easier and probably faster overall. I play both systems so this is good for me

  7. 20 hours ago, Beliman said:

    It's a bit weird, rolling 3 or 4 profiles for just one unit in the same phase is teddious and boring  for both players. 

    Thats how 40k is lol almost every unit in the game has different weapon profiles. Sometimes its a bit crazy but yeah if your not used to that it can seem strange.

    Kinda funny I never realized the two systems were that different until you said that. Im looking at my Guard and Infantry Squads have 6 different weapon profiles. Most vehicles in the game have between 2-6 with some outliers here and there

  8. 2 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    Bro I've been for more Evil Space Egyptian wizards for forever! GW just does not like Tzeentch.....

    Yep GW giving them then standard one hero treatment. Meanwhile  Votann and WE are probably going to get more stuff

    • Confused 1
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