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Posts posted by Malakithe

  1. Legion of Nagash with the entire Nighthaunt roster...that means at a minimum no Nighthaunt allegiance so maybe there will be new spells and items that come with the expansion. 

    Including stuff like VLoZD, VL's, Necros, and all the spell lores could crazy good when combined with Nighthaunt with no ally restrictions 

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, FPC said:

    I have probably 200 grots still unpainted. I’m really thinking this might be the way to go. Spray, use the darker green for skin, black for cloth, brown for spear hafts and shields, really any color for shield moons but probably yellow, then pick out remaining detail in normal fashion.

    That actually sounds legit

  3. 12 hours ago, Nickmoss90 said:

    I prefer the squigs tbh. I watch people playing games and the stabbas just seem to blob around not doing very much. Such a slow unit. This is my view. Shame the loon shrine has no benefit to squigs. 

    I understand 60 is hard to shift but with the use of endless spells a unit of 60 can soon disappear.

    Who else is building a list around squigs with a few shamans for spells?

    Squigs with magic support is what ive been aiming for from the start. Just hard to nail down something I like

  4. I would love a horde discount for squigs. Effective or not I would load up on them lol I would also love to see Troggoths come down a bit and battalion costs come down. More models = better perfomance right? *cough*sales*cough*

    The issue with changing warscrolls is mostly physical. People would be pissed if only some months later their hard copy books were obsolete and needed sticky notes or printed note pages tossed in. I know I would be. I have the app of course on my phone but that sometimes take a bit to update as well. Ebooks arent an answer for those of us who choose to be smart and not buy overpriced aluminum scrapmetal apple products.

  5. 4 hours ago, Skabnoze said:

    They could do a lot with minor errata such as some key word alterations either for abilities or on some units.  There is so many buffs that play keyword bingo and some buffs that are seriously restricted that you could open up a lot of interesting things through small adjustments like that.

    For example, I personally love the models for the Gobbapalooza but I also feel they were one of the biggest misses in the book in regards to rules.  They have a lot of character, but you have to buy all of them for a not insignificant price and you can only take advantage of all of the buffs in a couple very specifically designed lists.  Basically you have to be really heavy into just grots.  If some of the buffs could apply to Squigs or Troggs.  Or even broaden some of the buffs such as the Brewgit so that his character buff could apply to a broader range of targets.  Currently not many heroes have the "Moonclan Grot" keyword and so he is not terribly useful unless you have Skragrott for him to buff.

    They could also potentially tweak some of the Battalions as well.

    Thats true...I guess when I hear stuff like under performing my more video game nature kicks in. In a mmo type setting if a class or ability is under what it was designed to do then numbers would be tweaked but doing the same on table top is tricky.

    Looking back though how many factions have had actual warscrolls changed to help performance? Not including full releases or re-release. 

    Performance usually equates to points adjustments. Lower the points = more models on the table = better performance(usually). I would like to see most of the Troggs come down a bit and maybe certain heroes/monsters. Most of the bread and butter units are probably okay points wise.

  6. 2 hours ago, Nox said:

    Probably to be expected but GW acknowledged on Twitch that Gloomspite Gitz are under performing and so are likely to receive some  attention in the upcoming GH.

    Interesting...makes me wonder how they could increase their performance. Not like they will do sweeping warscroll changes. Points adjustments for sure but what else could really be done?

  7. I dont see HB points changing. Its 120 per 5 with no max discount. Same cost if not higher then most other elite infantry. Tzaangors, Evocators, Blight Kings, Brutes...plus those spear squigs are 100pts per 5.

    If anything Vulkites points will come down in the next GHB once they see all tournament lists with no Vulkites.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 15 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    Theyre still significantly worse than units like Evocators, which are 200 for 5.

    They're basically 4 wounds each, but only 2 attacks, and 4" move... With just the warscroll I'll guess Berzekers are 140-160 for 5. There could be some good synergy in the allegiance that would justify the 160 cost.

    Yeah thats fair. 140 would be ideal

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Hungsolo said:

    I expect that’ll be it until there is a slayers vs. boxset somewhere down the line.  

    I highly doubt they’ll crash the Vulkite Berserker market but there are going to be alternatives for the 360 points one block of 30 was going to fill on lists.

    I expect lodges will have unique bonuses that emphasize different synergies like other recent battletomes.

    Yay warscrolls!


    Yeah im thinking the same thing. Vulkies will always be present but hopefully there will be more options 

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Azamar said:

    I wonder, is it too early to start speculation on what changes are coming? Fyreslayers could be a funny one as they could hold out for themselves (thanks to vulkites) and really just need a few tweaks to improve the weaker units.

    Apart from the obvious like all abilities becoming entirely within (might be awkward for the battlesmith), I’d most like to see:

    1. heath guard bezerker improvements. It’s crazy how, in an army with three units, one of them still managed to be obsolete. For extra bonus points, I wouldn’t mind seeing their name changed- I’m sure there’s more than 4 different words that can be used for fyreslayer units! 

    2. Runemaster improvements. He’s so offensively bad your opponent ought to be paying the points for him. 

    3. Heroes with an unbind, and with any luck that can dispel endless spells. Will probably tie in with 2 I suspect. 

    4. It’s a long shot but some kind of defensive boost for heroes. I half wonder if they’ll make the 6+ invun save an allegiance ability, with the Berzerker units getting bonuses under certain conditions as before. 

    I have wondered if they might redo everything from the ground up, even the stuff that works. For example, if every warscroll including vulkites was updated with a more elite profile (and points cost), dropping the model count and lowering the cost of entry, maybe more players would be likely to take up the army? That might be wishful thinking in my part- I’ve painted 30 vulkites and there’s no way I’d ever want to paint another 60!


    I hope for sweeping changes across the board. Ive been saying for a while that almost every warscroll and battalion needs a full rework.

    I want to see the rune/hair save be an allegiance ability. Lore to tabletop is very inconsistent here as some units get the ++ save while others dont. I think the faction as a whole needs a 5++ but then each warscroll could have an ability or not that modifies it. Example being Vulkites would get +1 to their save for over 20+ or whatever. Same with HB. If they are near a hero theirs would gain +1. All the heroes need an additional save as well since they are probably the weakest/squishiest heroes in the game currently. 

    Im hoping for 'prayers' that sort of enhance the runes as well. 

    I really want more units like everyone else otherwise no matter how many changes and battalions or abilities the faction will still be 2x30 Vulkites, fill every hero slot, then whatever. I really want to see some cannons etched with ur-gold runes!  

  11. Each lodge is essentially made up of thousands of Vulkites. They pretty much do everything. The Hearthguard are basically body guard untils for dad and sons.

    The way the game is now you kinda need those models to complete with other horde armies

  12. 45 minutes ago, angrycontra said:

    I do hope that salamander ends up being some kind of hybrid between unit and spell. Like it could be a unit that can only be summoned by fyreslayer priests and can disappear/be dispelled like other endless spells. 

    Here's some other wishlisting: 

    - Given that fyreslayers have so few units, I want every single option to be viable and well balanced. I don't want to see vulkite spam, auric spam or any other spam spam spam become de facto way to play fyreslayers.

    - Non-hero magmadroth option. It could simply be runeson with axe (but not called runeson). It's lazy, but I don't want my magmies take every available hero slots.

    - Easier to use battalions. I don't want any battalions that require 3 vulkites, aurics or whatever. 2 is fine but 3 takes too much army space (plus I don't want to buy more vulkites).

    - Speaking of vulkites, they should function better without having to take 30 models. It's frustrating how underpowered they feel in small unit sizes.

    If there isnt new units then spamming is inevitable no matter what. Its a full faction with only 3 infantry units and one monster. Depending on battleline options, points, battalions Vulkites are the backbone.

    Im fine with Vulkite swarming. What im not okay with is Vulkites being better at everything then the only 2 other options.

    Im not a fan of the idea of mini droths. I think it would look goofy but any more variety ill take at this point.

  13. YESSSSSS....updated warscrolls, battalions, allegiance, endless 'prayers' or whatever they are called, and a big angry living magma beast.

    Id still like to see fyresteel forged cannons or something but super excited for all this


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  14. 6 minutes ago, TheadTheOgorSlayer said:

    If I do 6 plus wounds it’ll be worth it 😆 battle shock will do the rest since no heroes will survive that first volley of spells 😘 hope your squigs like tzeentchian fire 

    Thats okay man...fire + squigs = fungal bacon..which im sure the Troggoths enjoy. Good luck blowing up all those Rockguts and Dankholds lol

  15. The Weirdfist is just bad in every aspect. It should be something like the LoN one but its too old now. It relies on arguably the worst overpriced caster in the game and once he gets sniped t1 thats gg for your entire list and strategy. 

  16. 9 hours ago, Malakree said:

    Na, he had the squigs I was playing my ironjawz.

    The squigs are just so tanky at 2 wounds a piece, the jaws are easily better than buffed up stabbas. Then having the flee for mortals was the final kick in the teeth.

    To put it in perspective.

    Squigs are 280 points for 48 wounds with 2 attacks at 4+/3+/-1/1.

    I'm paying 320 points for 40 wounds of ardboys with the same attack profile. Except if the squigs flee they puke mw out AND they can attack in 2 ranks.

    They are really good for their points cost, the damage output is way better than the stabbas.

    Yes...this is what I like to hear....mmm squigs...

    What was his full list?

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