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Posts posted by Malakithe

  1. 9 hours ago, Leshoyadut said:

    10 Grave Guard with greatweapons will kill one, even if the Fulminators are All-Out Defensed, as long as the GG get at least All-Out Attack.


    More GG or a bigger buff (such as +1 attack from a Vampire Lord) practically guarantees one dead and can easily start getting close to killing both. Gotta screen for them, but GG are definitely nasty when they get in. This one is 10 with +1 attack from a VL.


    I like how your assuming your GG survive a charge from Fulminators cuz those GG sure as hell wont be the ones charging first

  2. Thats a tough one. Longstrikes can pop almost every hero in one go while Fulminators can take out hordes in a single charge. The normal answer would be screening but our entire roster is chaff except Blood Knights and heroes. The issue is 5 attacks at 3 dmg each + mount attacks + MWs will clear out anything that isnt 60 Zombies and with 6w and 3+ save before buffs we dont have anything that can kill them on the return swing except for maaaaaybe the VLoZD

  3. 40 minutes ago, Lich King said:

    VLOZD - 435 -  Martial - Flaming Weapon - Aura of Dark Majesty - Orb of Enchantment - Foetid Miasma


    Mannfred - 380 - Fading Vigour


    Vampire Lord - 140 - Martial - Amaranthine Orb - Soulbound Garments


    Radukar the Wolf - 150 - Amethystine Pinions


    2X Zombies - 230

    Dire Wolves - 135

    2X Skeletons - 170

    Vargheists - 155

    Blood Knights - 195




    Warlord - VLOZD, Radukar the Wolf, Vampire Lord, Dire Wolves ( +1 CP and Soulbound Garments for Vampire Lord)


    Hunters of Heartland: Zombies, Skeletons 


    Battle Regiment Rest


    Triumph - Inspired

    No Neffy? Also I know Skellies are...subpar?..compared to zombies but I want them to work so bad

  4. 2 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    I feel like this is same 4chan rumours regurgitated and reposted for the thousandth time, but Rumour Thread disappeared from TGA's front page and I find that emotionally distressing (My name is Public Universal Duardin and I am a rumour thread addict)


    Those clickbait scumbags put 'roadmap' in the title to get people to look. Like GW does real roadmaps lol

    • Like 4
  5. Yeah all the rune effects stacking for the entire game would be broken even if your list was just vulkites. 

    But they will need to do something amazing with army wide buffs to make up for what is now some of the worst warscrolls in the game. 

    I can see a faction wide ward save via runes for start

    • Like 1
  6. Im not happy about this. Nothing else needs to be said. If by some crazy ass miracle the book has some dramatic changes for the better that sheds some light on things then ill man up and admit I was wrong.

    But as traditional GW goes they arent capable of communication or transparency so as usual we are left in the dark about a book

    • Like 2
  7. Yeah AHG and dual axe vulkites are dead and wont see use even more so now then before. And the points...come on. Im legit baffled...i cant even begin to wrap my head around the stupid decision making the rules writers make. 

    My guess is no one at GW actually plays their own games or are part of any communities. And they definitely dont have playtesters to check this ******.  

  8. Just now, Enoby said:

    On the bright side, loads of times the battle box rules are especially temporary - sometimes only lasting a month or so. No clue why they do it like this (maybe these are beta rules), but hopefully this isn't the final product for Fyreslayer warscrolls.

    Dont do that...dont give me hope...

    • Haha 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:
    • Flamekeeper - 80pts
    • Auric Hearthguard - 120pts (-5)
    • Hearthguard Berzerkers - 135pts (+10)
    • Dual Handaxe Vulkites - 160
    • Slingshield Vulkites - 170 (+10)

    So...still complete ******. And AHG are basically useless now. 

    Why reduce the ward range from 10" to 9"? 

    These points dont make much sense and doesnt give me much hope that GW will fix droths or our heroes at all.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Doko said:

    Namartis got 2" range,i hope our vulkites that have 10 models and 30 base as namarti got 2" also......

    Well axes usually dont have the reach of long swords or spears but at this point who knows whats going to happen. Dwarves are short, have short arms, and short handled weapons...im not expecting it

    • Like 1
  11. I can kinda see some use for him. The conditions for the buffs are questionable...nothing short of blocks of vulkites will work for it. But if all else fails he is still a priest, hopefully, and can do priestly things. 

    Models in units will be dying anyway so I guess its like a passive buff? 

    Then again we dont know what other changes are coming so this guy might work out in the end

  12. 2 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    I'll be fighting a big old 'grudge' match vs Kharadron Overlords tomorrow night.  Never fought them before with any army; and I'm a complete noob at Fyreslayers, should be amazing!

    Here's what I'm bringing, no lodge:


    Fyreslayers lodgeless w Dispossessedallies v1.JPG

    Depending on the mission/deployment and what he has, I might even tunnel in the magmadroths behind him.  I mean for a first turn Savage Spearhead with monsters, that's a nice 3 points.  I almost forsee not having too much trouble to get into combat, as don't the airships go pretty fast?  He might have to get closer just to shoot me with some stuff.  Or not, not really sure.  I mean, they're not Lumineth right?

    KO currently suffer from lack of rend so stack those saves. But on the flip side unless you can bracket their boats they will probably be zipping around being mostly untouchable. Your AHG might actually put in more work then expected.

    • Thanks 1
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