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Everything posted by Turgol

  1. Tzaangor is the tzeentchian solution to the mortal question, yes. For Slaanesh, daemons seem to be part of it, but slaanesh aelfs would be the mindblowing solution!
  2. I am assuming they will simply compensate through new daemons, which seem to be more numerous than Tzeentch. I'd be happy with just one type of mortals. We do not have many ways to make them cool, except....make them elven!
  3. Tzeentch is really low on humanoid mortals as well. I hope that ghey will at least have one aesthetic type of mortals, like acolytes.
  4. Slaanesh looks awesome. I wish though that KoS would have a version with bull head. It probably will! FS is kinda dissapointing. The book looks great and the magma golem is the best looking endless spell ever. But why couldnt yhey make it a unit! It s not like we have too many!
  5. That's wishful thinking. They made it explicit that Warcry is about chaos warbanda fighting at the Allpoints. They could of course change that in the future to add.other warbands. But with all certainty not at launch (nor for a while, I would add). This is Necromunda. It is an excuse yo have parallel aesthetics from the main game. I am surprised that they limited thar power through the Chaos decision. But I do not think they mean to move closer to representing all factions and GAs.
  6. All Chaos is a no go for me. But am I the only one to also find that the models look terrible? Perhaps the "darkoath" are salvageable. But the bearded warband, the beasts warband and the full helmet one all look very bad IMO. And this is something I almost never say of GW miniatures.
  7. Just show how much damage false rumours do.
  8. I find it very unlikely that we will have news at this point of Malerion aelfs. But if true... that would be beyond awesome.
  9. Not again this. If I claimed that new Dispossesed with a Grugni on anvil are.coming in June, would that make it equal to a SadPanda/H&H/LVO, etc piece of information? Rumours are not all equal. It is only natural to cross check other data, look for info on source, etc. If Chickout then comes out and says that the apparently new user is actually a dakka user with proven record, that is great. I dont see the problem with looking for that kind of info.
  10. Well to be perfectly precise gate in the realm lf Beasts IS NOT controlled by Archaon, as they lost controll of the beast over which it stands. Gordrak just choose not to close it. Shyish gate might be controlled by Nagash after him unleashing his spell. But yeah, in this case, as far as we know, it was still Archaon controlled.
  11. Sounds too go to be true. But hey, I'll believe it anyways!
  12. Back when the first informed rumours of WHFB being discontinued and a new system being released started to appear, part of the information was about a change in the commercial strategy. The idea was that new releases would last only for a time, you would miss if you did not buy them, forcing you to keep buying as released. A second rumour on the change of commercial strategy rather pointed to newer, small factions being better than the bigger, older ones. At the dawn of AoS, I think these rumours proved to have some flesh to them. Older factions did get new rules, but were messy and much less adapted to the new dynamic system than say SCE or Bloodbound. But given the lack of success of AoS at launch, GW were forced to adapt. They kept their strategy of constantly releasing new small stuff, but I guess they broke with their more radical idea of not looking back to the older stuff. Even if you discount rethought factions such as BCR or Bonesplitters, the new "master BTs" show commitment to both big and small factions. And they are getting some model support, as shown by Gloomspite. I do not think either that the smaller factions are there not too be looked at again by GW. Some might get the terrain, update BT, endless spells treatment. But some are clearly meant to be supplemented. When KO third wave was previewed, the message read "this is all, for now". I would guess the same about FS and IJ, even Sylvaneth. The older small factions, like Bonesplitterz, I would not bet getting anything other than spells and terrain.
  13. Good idea. I expect a teaser of Darkoath, announcement of next update BT (KO, Syl, FS or IJ) and models of next Shadespire bands. Now if I were to make a wild, non conservayive wish, that would be Malerion tease.
  14. CGI design can make use of other designs. There is no secret to that. Hand designers also copy or get inspired by existing designs. Here, recycling is just easier and, well, perfect. Of course, except on very specific cases, only parts get reused, which need to be put into a completely different whole than its origin. Depending on how good the designer is, this can lead to mindblowing products or meh products. Bottomline: recycling capability of CGI technology is not per se good or bad. It is a great tool in the right hands and can lead to lazy designs in bad hands. Although it ia not part of the mindblowing lot, I would certainly rank the new FEC guy as a success. Here is any part was reused, it does not affect quality.
  15. GW might have set a goal to have all existing playable factions with an up to date BT by 2020. Discounting the very discontinued Greenskins, destruction need Gutbusters. Also IJ and Bonesplitters update. Chaos just needs Slaves to Darkness, which should be out 2019, and Slaanesh, which is 2019 or early 2020. Problems lies of course with order, where Seraphon, FS, KO and Sylvaneth need an update and Freepeoples, Dispossesed and the Aelves mess need to be reworked. That's at least six BT updates and four factions that need their new framework launched. With this rythm, I think that 2020 is a good goal to have a complete game.
  16. LVO seminar to launch Darkoath teaser + next 1 week battletome. Calling that.
  17. Fair enough, I am sorry if I took for the wrong sort of answer. I do believe there is lots more reasons to believe Ben, not mainly because of being owner of the site, but because he is reporting on a fact (him investigating) and not on hot air (rumours, when not backed). Fyreslayer-Skaven-FEC-Darkoath and Slaanesh sounds believable for 2019. I sure hope we get a couple of surprises though.
  18. This is true; we did have rumours that sounded more based before NDA!
  19. This is same absurd response we were getting when we called the whole thing fishy and wrong. People are so desperate about rumours that they do not want to be told they are false. I simple cannot follow that logic. To me, the first thing you should check about a rumour is whether it is believable.
  20. The "all rumours are equally believable or unbelievable because they are rumours" is nonsense. For those who want rumours just to tall about something, credibility might be irrelevant. But if it about anticipating what will actually come, judging both inner credibility and source accuracy is being minimally rational.
  21. There is too much logic here for some people. I dont get the "dont question whatever comes as rumour" logic that some peoplw have. Maybe it is just that we are desperate for whatever comes. Not trusting rumours from unproved sources is not being rude. Just minimally rationale. It allows discussions to develop without taking every rumour for equally believable, because they are not.
  22. This is as fishy as it gets. Shows how bad we are on the rumours department that with such an implausible siurce everyone gets excited! Most NDA rumours sound like easy guesses. Seraphon is where he is playing his cards. If he gets that right, then the implausible source becomes an actual source. Speaking of which where are the real rumourmongers we had here. Moonstone and the other guy?
  23. You just need to look at the core book; Aqshy and Shyish (late but strong comer) are wonderfully developped; Chamon and Ghyran quite a lot, all other realms very much untouched. Even Ghur, which did have some action (but mostly irrelevant) with IJs release and Ulgu with DoK. Ulgu will be relevant when Malekith comes; Hysh is waiting for T&T. Simple as that.
  24. That side of the Dispossesed I think is less interesting as their more independent side. But I guess GW does not want to explore much that side, because it is reminiscent of old dwarves.
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