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James McPherson

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Posts posted by James McPherson

  1. On 27/12/2016 at 7:47 AM, Rogue Explorator said:

    One really has to wonder about the timescale AoS moves at.

    From some of the developements, especially the establishment of major cities and their impressive descriptions, it must be at the very least over a decade from the start of the Realmgate Wars to the end of Seasons of War, if not much longer.

    It would be nice to get a rough accounting of the time past, it might have well been a mortal lifespan in the realms since the release of AoS.

    On WHTV live they were asked this in a Q&A about the new Tzeentch Disciples book. The answer was time has moved on enough since the events of the summer campaign for the free peoples to leave Azyr and start rebuilding and re-populating the realms with new cities and growing and building new buildings, but not long enough for major characters to have died out and passed away. So if you have to put a number on it then at least a few years yeah.

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  2. On 24/10/2016 at 2:00 PM, someone2040 said:

    Well, putting aside whether or not they're broken I think it's good these pieces of scenery are coming back.

    A lot of the newer terrain GW made in 8th edition should really fit right into AoS. All 4 Storm of Magic pieces, Dreadstone Blight, Witchfate Tor, etc.  

    there was a rumour before AOS dropped about new scenery, which had its own rules, and that turned out to be true, and also that the old kits were going to come back around. I'm expecting to see Skullvane Manse, Witchfate Tor and all the old ones make it back...

    • Like 1
  3. 22 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

    I sure hope they rerelease this classic:




    that was never released in the first place, that's the whole point, it was 'unreleased' which is what makes it so collectible. I've got a couple cheaper 3rd party versions of it if you want one.

  4. Getting closer to finishing my Pestilens stuff, got about 2.4k nearly done. Trying to finish up a load of stuff today ready for Warlords. Converted some Plague Monks with Flagellant parts as basing decor to walk alongside my Plague Furnaces. Made some objective markers too out of rat swarms. Whole army now has the new vivid moot green color scheme which was achieved by very light glazing over pre-shaded and pre-highlighted areas.



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  5. I hope September will see updates for all the existing factions allegiance abilities.

    I read that was rumoured somewhere for September in the form of a big book called 'Allegiances of the Realms' or something around the time when the GHB came out, maybe it's too good to be true, would be really nice though.

    • Like 3
  6. 3 hours ago, The Jabber Tzeentch said:

    Edited first post to add new Khorne Daemon and more Fimir models. 

    Does anyone have information on release dates for these Forgeworld models? @Ben

    The Daemon Prince is finished and will be out soon, Trish said the Dragon is still in progress, they have to sort out where the wings attach to the bodywith some machining, which is why they weren't attached in the photo I think. What you see there is an early resin cast , kind of like a proof of concept.

    She said a few months yet.

    I asked how long it took her and she said several months and that she wasn't doing any more Dragons for a while!

    Jeff Nguyen said he had more Fimir coming, some of his WIP were in the display case, and Steve Robertson was working on more Khorne stuff I think.

    I asked them about future Chaos Dwarf releases coming, and they said yes more will come.


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  7. I'm going up Sat morning, staying overnight in that Marina Park Holiday Inn. Its a 4 hr drive from Devon, so not sure if I'll make it in time for the 10am start but will try my best.

    Sat night I'll upload all my pics from the day, Sun will be gaming all day and taking pics and will upload Monday with some bat reps on my TGA blog

    • Like 2
  8. 4 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

    The things we know of:

    FW bits @Shane has mentioned

    New WHW only Stormcast model

    Ironjaws T-Shirt and Mug

    New art prints


    In addition at the Open Day there is also:

    Participation game (bring a Hero and do a dungeon bash)

    New Sylvaneth Diorama

    Golden Daemon Warhammer

    Demo Pods: How to Paint Spirits; Painting Ice Effect Weapons; Maw Krusha Notes


    Beyond this - nobody knows!  I'm hoping there will be a few bits, but GW tends wait until a product is finished and ready for distribution before announcing it.  With luck we can extract a bit of information on what might be coming.

    Cite: main WHW website

    There's also an AOS mini campaign event on Sunday for those who are sticking around to make a weekend of it, called Seeds of Hope. 1000pts, 3x Games, Results go into the Summer Campaign as its the last day of participation. I'll be there taking some pics and rolling some dice.

    Dez I'm happy to ship you some stuff out to the US bud if you return the favor sometime


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