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Everything posted by Hollow

  1. I'd be very surprised if they price it more than Greater Demons which are for both their mainline systems. I see it more around £70/£80 (Similar to Glutos)
  2. Looks pretty clear to me that the large leader kit is being put in with a bunch of older kits to sweeten the box-set deal. Elite kits (such as foot knights and rumoured mummies) will be sold on their own as people will potentially buy multiple of those. It's pretty straightforward profit maximisation. The foot knights/mummies would also be sold to people with existing armies and to those who want to use the figures for other things. Putting either in a launch box decreases the chance of ROI.
  3. I think it is pretty certain at this point that AoS will launch with Stormcast V Skaven. With a Realm focus of either Ulgu or Chamon. Whilst I don't think that the AoS Design studio will go in this direction, I would like to see a different approach to Warscrolls and multi-purpose kits in AoS 4th Edition. Take the Dracothian for example. Having a single kit with 4 different build options, 4 different WARHAMMER store listings, 4 different names (Concussors, Desolators, Fulminators and Tempestors) and 4 different Warscrolls. It just comes across as needless bloat to me. I would much rather see a single unit named Dracothian Guard, with a single Warscroll containing multiple Wargear options. It's the same regarding (Decimators, Protectors and Retributors) or several other kits. I appreciate that it was done this way as an attempt to streamline things, "I have this unit equipped with this, it costs x points and I use this Warscroll" - done. I just think that the Stormcast could use some consolidation as well as meaningful expansion. As for Cities, I would love to see a total of 9 new kits for them in AoS 4. There are currently 2 Duradin infantry kits that can be used to build (Irondrakes/Ironbreakers) and (Longbeards/Hammerers) a single Warmachine kit that can be used to build (Gyrocopter/Gyrobomber) and 2 Character kits (Runelord/WardenKing) which is a total of 5 kits. If it were up to me. All of these kits would be removed from the CoS faction line (and ported back to the ToW) and new dual-build Duardin Infantry, Character and Warmachine kits released in the new CoS aesthetic. That same "Infantry, Character and Warmachine" kit release would replace the Dark Elf kits (some of which would be ported over to a new Children of Khaine Battletome combining DoK + Umbraneth) and would be Elven kits in the new CoS aesthetic. and finally an "Infantry, Character and Warmachine" release for the human side of Cities. (Flagellants, War-priest, Cog-Fort) With 9 kits it would remove all the Fantasy kits, but still keep Duaradin and Elves as part of the multi-racial CoS aesthetic.
  4. Idoneth have so much design potential. Would love to see Idoneth get a large Octopus monster in a similar style to the one accompanying Lotann, Warden of the Soul Ledgers. An elite infantry kit wearing Isharann Soulrender-type armour. Crab cavalry would also be cool. 3/4 kits would bulk out the faction and make the line feel more rounded and "complete" (like with many AoS factions) This is how I feel. DoK + Umbraneth = Children of Khaine.
  5. Bloodbowl is grouped under the Old World setting by GamesWorkshop, which makes perfect sense, even if it is an "alternative Old World reality". Middle Earth is its own thing. It is WARHAMMER which is what I was talking about.
  6. Oh for sure, and I think that it is a great idea. WARHAMMER should be the "brand" they push across all platforms. I like their direction, having 4 distinct "Warhammer Settings" to place their games. Warhammer 40,000 - Kill Team, Necromunda, Quest Warhammer AoS - Warcry, Underworlds, Quest Warhammer The Horus Heresy - Adeptus Titanicus, Legions Imperialis Warhammer The Old World - Bloodbowl (Would love to see a return of Warmaster or Mordheim in the future) It's cohesive, legible, makes sense and covers all you could want from Warhammer-type settings.
  7. Across all of their investor relations material as well. https://investor.games-workshop.com/the-games-workshop-hobby
  8. I would move away from the "tor" naming structure, that is for sure!
  9. I have no problems with SCE being the "Poster boys" for AoS. I think there is still a vast amount of creative space that can be explored through them and it makes a lot of sense from a marketing and game development standpoint. They are incredibly friendly and forgiving as a modelling project for new and young players (something that people wishing for other factions to appear in STARTER boxes over-look)
  10. It does come across as such an afterthought. They even use other companies' Neoprene gaming mats for their events at Warhammer World!
  11. What do you mean? They have expanded the company massively over the last 5 years. In 2017 the company had 267 production and design staff, in 2023 that number is over 714! There were significant production bottlenecks caused by all sorts of issues over the last few years. The company has expanded massively. I would suggest having a read through this very informative article from Dungeon Investing on the company's growth and how it has expanded in many different ways. Shareholders aren't holding back expansion in any way shape or form (I know, because I am one! lol)
  12. It's not just about "action" though. It's about world-building. There is so much to explore in terms of the Realm Of Heavens. Stories of the refugees from the Age of Chaos, regional maps, and cityscapes of Azyrheim, Grimpeak, Hallowstar, Nordath, Skydock and Starhold. Grand paintings from the different ages, past heroes and politicians. I want to know how the cities are run, their councils, cultures and courts. How the diverse populations reconcile their differences (or don't). Readers could journey into the great libraries and vaults detailing the Age of Myth, and explore in detail the history of the Dracoths and Stardrakes. Azyr would allow writers to explore political intrigue and duplicitous organizations. (Such as the Guild of the Cat, the premier thieves and murderers of the mortal realms) and of course, there is Mallus! The remains of the World-That-Was! Tell tale of the haunting whispers that can be heard dancing across the winds by those who mine it for Sigmarite. (Do I hear... Settra!, Dun, Dun Duuuun!) Then you have the endless possibilities for introducing "action" Potential portals being opened to summon demons, different politicians and champions settling their differences in grand colosseums, Gnaw-Holes from the Skaven opening up into the realm and discontent erupting between different races, factions and lodges. Each of the Realms offers a million possibilities in terms of world-building. Which is kind of the point I am making. They shouldn't just be back-drops, they should be deeply layered, integral characters in their own right. They should be Middle Earth, Westeros and Narnia-type worlds that invoke excitement, imagery and passion when their names are uttered. They should be fun, scary, whimsical, serious, and detailed. They should be storied and revered. They should be peak fantasy.
  13. A potential release roadmap for a series of "Realmtombs" could be approached in several ways. Take Age of Sigmar 4th as an example, If the edition launches in JULY 2024. You could have a couple of months for the initial launch and the first two accompanying Battletomes (Stormcast and Skaven) with a "Realmtome" for a realm (Chamon) Released in September. A Realm Tomb could then be released every four months, with a total of 8 being released across the edition. AoS 4th - July 2024 Chamon - September 2024 Ghyran - January 2025 Ulgu - May 2025 Hysh - September 2025 Shyish - January 2026 Aqshy - May 2026 Azyr - September 2026 Ghur - January 2027 AoS 5th - July 2027 If GW wanted to push the boat out then the "Realmtombs" could be released alongside Flaura/Fauna/Scenery miniatures. I think it would be a tough sell for GW to release a book series like this without including some rules. So you could have a bunch of Realm-specific special rules for the different factions, scenarios, and historical battles of note. I've always thought that Gdubs is leaving good money on the table by not properly investing in a full scenery department. Why they haven't ventured into producing Neoprene mats is beyond me. As a consumer, I should be able to go onto Warhammer.com, go to scenery and for a couple of hundred quid, click a desired realm and get a "Realmtomb", gaming mat, scenery, Flaura/Fauna and some themed gaming goodies like dice, measuring tape etc.
  14. No, I'm not talking about a narrative series. I'm talking about building out the realms as settings in their own right. Their histories, geographies, points of interest and what each of the main factions are up to in those realms in a general sense. Short stories about characters past and present that have taken place within the realms. Different towns, cities and settlements and how they work, giving depth to the realms, not as a device to drive the narrative, but to build out the background. (Also lots of new artwork and maps!)
  15. I agree with this. I'd like to see an edition approached with 4 months to each realm, with an accompanying Battletome-sized "Realm Tome" that describes and explores each of the realms in detail.
  16. If I were to vote I would go for Chamon. There are a few reasons for this. The Skaven are mooted as the main antagonist for the launch of 4th edition. The Spiral Crux situated in the realm of Chamon is featured in the Skaven battletome. Clan Skryre "covert the Realm of Metal and have swarmed into the Spiral Crux in vast numbers". The under-city of Gnawbreach was formerly the inventor's haven of Durenberg and the Skaven clans of Fizzik, Shyvik and Nibbolt are all present across the Realm in vast numbers. I can see 4th edition beginning in Chamon (In a similar way as 3rd began in Ghur) with the Twin Realms of Ulgu and Hysh being the primary realms explored in a "Grand Narrative" series towards the end of the edition (In a similar way to Aqshy and Ghyran being the primary locations of the Dawnbringer series) with models for Malerion and Tyrion being big feature releases for 2 of the books in that series.
  17. Not a big fan of their current schedule. I'd personally like to see a scheduled "Warhammer preview show" streaming simultaneously on Twitch/YouTube on the last weekend of each month at 3pm GMT, with a full "show" covering each of their 4 main settings. 40k, AoS, HH, ToW. (With "specialist games" being covered within their settings dedicated slot) Not a big fan of preview shows being tied to random events and being aired at ridiculous times for people depending on their location. I think a regular "WARHAMMER PREVIEW SHOW" on a monthly basis would allow them to build a much larger and regular audience.
  18. I was just thinking in terms of a 3-year edition cycle. Spend the first 6 months of the launch (The second half of 2024) in one realm, cycle through 3 in 2025, 3 in 2026 and spend the first 6 of 2027 in an 8th realm before launching the next edition. It would mean that each realm would have some time in the sun each edition. This could certainly be another way of approaching it. (Although it would mean 8 years before each of the realms were covered if you only focused on one) Perhaps an annual book combining Season of War/ GHB but with a lore section for each of the 8 realms contained within?
  19. I have heard similar things before and it's why I think the AoS design studio would do well to really explore and define the realms further. The 8 realms should matter a lot more than they currently do. Rather than have an edition focused on a singular realm, it would be cool if an edition spent around 4 months "in" each realm releasing factions, battle tomes, books, scenery and narratives appropriate for each.
  20. I like the ToW profile. I much prefer USR which can be learned, allowing you to clearly see what a unit does by just having the keyword on its "card". As for the AoS "books/lore" discussion, I really wish that GW and Black Library would invest more into building out the Mortal Realms. Regardless of subjective opinions, the actual game of AoS is in a solid place and the models/factions are in a very solid place, unfortunately, the weak leak for AoS is its "world-building". It's not that the lore of the setting is "bad", it just feels a bit scattered and thin. There is so much potential in how the Mortal Realms could be portrayed. As was previously mentioned, The Horus Heresy's setting has been brilliantly explored through novels. I'm not sure I am entirely sold on how AoS is approaching its Realms exposition. I feel like each of the 8 realms should be characters in themselves and discussed simultaneously. People should be able to relate to them. Have a favourite and be able to "spend time" in them. I'd really like to see a new and updated "Travellers Guide to the Mortal Realms" series on Warcom. More maps! More art! More stories. More written lore explaining cultures, civilizations, nomenclature, and creatures. (I've mentioned before that I would love to see an 8 part "coffee table" style book series detailing each of the respective realms as if from the perspective of a great explorer) In terms of product, there should be a scenery section for AoS that has 8 different sets allowing you to create battlefields in each of the realms.
  21. I think the development of both Malerion's Aelves and Grungni's Dispossessed (and the potential reunification of the Khazalid Empire) both depend on what we see happen with the Cities of Sigmar and the realm in which the launch box is located. Ideally, CoS will receive a sizeable second wave (things currently point towards a Wheel-based religious fanatic-based addition) resulting in the removal of the Dark Elf models from the line and for Malerion to step out from the shadows with a range of emo-Aelves. If the location is Ulgu then this becomes all the more likely and I think it may mean the Dispossessed models sticking with Cities for another edition. (which would be a shame IMO) If on the other hand, the location is Chamon (which I think I would prefer) then the Dwarves might be up for some long-overdue love. AoS launched with Fyreslayers and Kharadon are cool but both remain relatively small. Aelves on the other hand have received a lot of love with both Lumineth and Indoneth Deepkin. (and the rumoured Kurnothi on the way) I know that the location of the realms on the Realm map doesn't mean much, due to the ability for transportation through realm gates, but the location of Blight City under Chamon on the map and the concept of the Forge God Grungi's new forge deep within Chamon's mountains being assailed by the Skaven and the reunification of the Dispossessed (with lots of new Dwarven models) would be really cool. Of course, in an ideal world, we would get both!
  22. The Skaven are heavily rumoured to be the 4th edition launch protagonists. I suspect (and hope) both Ogors and BoC will get a full range refresh with their 4th edition Battletomes. Kurnothi could be released towards the end of 3rd edition with some free PDF rules and then folded into the 4th edition Sylvaneth Battletome proper as one of the first 4th edition Battletomes released in Q4 of 2024. I have said before, but I would prefer to see the Daughters of Khaine battle tome expanded into a "Children of Khaine" Battletome with the arrival Malerion, as I would prefer to see larger "umbrella" factions represented in Battletomes rather than lots of smaller ones. (the same as Kurnothi being a part of the Sylvaneth faction rather than as two separate ones) This would allow for the addition of these new model lines whilst not contributing toward faction bloat. There are already 9 factions represented under the Order Grand Alliance. I'm not sure it is a good thing for the game longer term to keep adding to the number of factions. I would like for there to be a hard cap of 10-order factions in AoS, which means there would still be space for one completely new faction to be explored with their own tome at some point. As for Chaos, there are currently 7 factions represented across this Grand Alliance. If Skaven and BoC do in fact get range refreshes in 4th, it would bring the entire Grand Alliance up to "AoS standards". (On a side note I think a hard cap of 8 Chaos factions works well, allowing Chorfs to be explored at some point and keeping the thematic chaotic number of 8) Death is looking very solid in terms of ranges with the upcoming FEC rounding out 4 distinct, well-represented factions. I really don't see the need for further additions to this Alliance in terms of factions. Destruction is a funny one, I think this Alliance would be best for a brand new unique faction. Although having 10 Order, 8 Chaos, 4 Death and 4 Destruction = 26 factions is a good amount. I don't think there is a need for a million factions spread thin, I would rather more depth be given to existing factions than just lots more factions being added to the game.
  23. Don't get me wrong. I would love for 3rd edition to close out with a bang! The narrative currently being explored across the Dawnbringers series frequently references the fact that the "Era of the Beast" is reaching an apex. The magical fluxes are surging, building... towards something. With Dawnbringers IV announced (completing the AoS Roadmap) and all factions receiving their 3rd edition Battletomes. Apart from rumours of a potential 2 further entries in the series, there doesn't seem to be that much in the pipeline for AoS over the next 6 months. There could be a Kurnothi release that ties in with the success of the Ghyran Dawnbringer crusade?
  24. Army sets are always "While stocks last", they are splash releases.
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