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Posts posted by PJetski

  1. 7 hours ago, Grungnisson said:


    Remember those times, when GW dice came in boxes of 20? No more. I like the redesigned box as well, so you can't see immediatelly, you get fewer now. But hey, I bet the price will at least remain the same!


    I believe GW outsources their dice manufacturing to another company. From my experience the cost of making dice is really high and it is difficult to sell them at a reasonable price point, so they end up being a vanity/collectors item. Everyone knows they are overpriced, but some people really want those vanity cosmetics and are willing to pay the crazy prices.

    • Like 4
  2. On 1/21/2024 at 1:53 AM, Marcvs said:

    Gargants. They survive the first salvo, they can spread their deployment, and then they just go stand on circles.

    Anything with sufficiently high wound count, yeah. Soulblight, Flesh-eaters, etc.

    14 hours ago, Dogmantra said:

    I've played against a less all-in version of the list, if I recall correctly it had 3 vexillors, the everblaze comet, and a decent amount of shooting support from deep strike Tempestors.

    It ended up being more interactive than you'd think with the mind games, obviously you expect to get bombed turn 1, so you can try to deploy against it by spreading out to minimise it, but then it becomes a game of can you lower their potential output enough before they decide to pull the trigger and drop the bombs on you. In the end, the dracoths ended up being the main threat, and there's really about the same interactivity between vexillors dropping their MW bombs and tempestors dropping from the sky to shoot something important.

    Sounds like my list! Have we met?

  3. 3 hours ago, Beliman said:

    J. Hewitt talked about how GW doesn't throw anything away. Instead, they store all this stuff in their sacred vaults. Maybe,the spider incarnate can be repurposed/retooled to be part of something new? Time will tell.

    I wonder if this is the explanation for Kragnos...

  4. 35 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    The thing to remember Mortals is that this year, well in a few hours!! Is a launch Edition year. The first few months of the year we have Dawnbringers and then we will have the massive launch of 4.0 and new Skaven!!

    Then we will have, just like 40K has the past 6 months, a relatively quiet time with a Tome or two releasing alongside Single mini updates.

    I hope this time the Stormcast release isn't delayed until December

  5. 1st edition ended with Nagash doing his big spell and starting the Soul Wars, so it focused (somewhat) on Shyish

    2nd edition ended with Alarielle doing her big spell and starting the Era of the Beast, so it focused on Ghur

    If the pattern follows, some big event is going to take place in the next (and final?) Dawnbringers book. I don't think there are any significant narrative hooks that strongly point to any particular realm... the crusades aren't even in Ghur. I do think Chamon seems the most probable of all the options, given the connections to Tzeentch, Skaven, and Grungni.

    But maybe we just stay in Ghur :D

  6. 15 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Btw, clearer version:


    It has something white on the top left corner. Maybe bones/ fangs?

    It might be a Stormcast helm plume

    This might be a Prosecutor-Prime with Thunderstrike Armour

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
  7. 8 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    I personally like having more USRs for actually common rules, but I'm used to playing MTG so that's probably why. Definitely prefer it to having the same rule fully written out under a different name on several different warscrolls.

    USR are cool and good but they should be using sparingly

    It's hard to know what the right number is, but having a full list of special rules like this is obviously too many

    • Like 7
  8. 50 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

    I think it's the golden demon, the mascot of the painting competition, so presumably organisers would give those cards as awards for best painted warbands, etc.  

    They've been doing golden demon special art cards in Underworlds for many years... I have a couple in my collection from 2019! :D

  9. The new Blacktalons video has a piece of art I haven't seen before - Krondys fighting Kragnos


    Can anyone place where this is from?

    If it hasn't been used before... is Kragnos supposed to show up in Dawnbringers campaign soon?

    • Like 5
    • LOVE IT! 2
  10. 39 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    @PJetski do you think that's to prevent him from Translocating?

    I noticed the wording on the prayer ranges... Seems like a huge oversight when the Prayers themselves only need Stormcast and Priest keywords, which he has ffs. there's even a mention that unique units ARE included.



    Yes RAW he cannot resolve the effect of prayers that require KNIGHT or LORD to figure out the range. Without a range, you cannot pick a unit within range.

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