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Posts posted by PJetski

  1. I think we will get Thunderstrike Liberators (the concept art was used for Realms of Ruin) as well as a number of other 2015 models refreshed into new Thunderstrike kits. Anything that doesn't get Thunderstrike armour will be retired to Legends. Extremis, Vanguard, and Sacrosanct will eventually get refreshed, but not at the edition launch. They may prune a few units like Castigators in the new book.

    I'm not sure we would get a new Lord-Relictor since we already have a Thunderstrike Knight-Relictor and Ionus - the original Lord-Relictor - has a new model. It could go either way, but if I had to guess I would say they will just cut the Lord-Relictor model entirely. There's also speculation that they are dropping the Lord and Knight distinction in the next battletome, since Ionus did not have the LORD keyword initially.

    Vandus might be killed off before 4th edition. There has been foreshadowing to his permanent death in the Dawnbringers books and short stories.

    Here's my guesses for what is being refreshed and what is being cut

    New Thunderstrike model:

    • Celestant Prime
    • Vandus Hammerhand?
    • Neave/Knight-Zephyros (already done)
    • Knight-Heraldor
    • Knight-Venator/Knight-Azyros
    • Lord-Celestant (with a special character option?)
    • Lord-Castellant (already one in Toll's Companions)
    • Prosecutors
    • Liberators (already kinda confirmed)
    • Judicators
    • Retributors/Decimators/Protectors

    Removed with no replacement:

    • Gavriel Sureheart
    • Lord-Relictor?
    • Lord-Veritant
    • Knight Vexillor (rolled into Thunderstrike warscroll)
    • Knight-Questor

    Maybe Gardus will be thunderstruck into a Lord-Commander during the next narrative campaign. 

    On top of the refreshed kits we will get some brand new ones for Ruination Chamber units, but I don't think it will be a huge Chamber. I expect 1-2 units and 1-2 heroes, at most.

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  2. 14 minutes ago, Aleser said:

    I would add new (season) core box for Underworlds. They release them in april usually.

    They used to be released once a year in Sep/Oct. 

    For some time they were releasing them twice a year, similar to the Generals Handbook, but it seems that time is over now and they are back to one per year.

  3. 6 minutes ago, mawhis117 said:

    Which Beasts of Chaos kits would be getting moved to Slaves to Darkness? Can't see how that would make sense. As others have said, this feels like someone gathering together scraps and making a patchwork quilt

    I've always assumed Theridons are the replacements for Bullgors

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  4. 5 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    Could the armies that got squatted early AoS signal future army refreshes?

    Grand Alliance Destruction contained regular grots and got removed 2nd edition. Start of 3rd we got Kruleboyz as their successors. Same story with Lumineth and high elves. So we have any other factions similar to this like Wanderers that might get future updates in 4th edition.

    And what other factions got removed after the grand alliance books?

    Bretonnians -> Stormcast

    Tomb Kings -> Bonereapers

    Wanderers -> Kurnothi?

    Phoenix Temple -> Tyrion phoenix guard?

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  5. 9 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    The first Warhammer Adventures book had its main villains be "Darkoath Barbarians", I have the feeling this was supposed to release a lot earlier (like 2E "a lot earlier") but for some reason never did until now. 

    Maybe they delayed the release because of the WH+ tie-in?

  6. 4 hours ago, Flippy said:

    Maybe, but if there is any fairness in GW planning (not that i believe in it), both CoS and FEC should now stand at the very end of a long, long queue. 

    I don't think FEC is getting new models any time soon, but Cities would probably see a 2nd wave in 4th edition. There is just too much about the Dawnbringers and the various Cults and the mechanical stuff (cogforts) that wasn't fully explored in this release but they've been hyping it up for years.

    • Like 4
  7. 16 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    -Nagash's lands under assault from Skaven line up with Whitefang saying watch for Death as a 4e protagonist/deuteragonist
    -Ushoran's bits with past lives ALSO supports it.
    -if Zenestra is Death aligned (slash A Lich) thats another point for Whitefang's prophecy
    -feels like Aqshy crusade will fail if they've been overruled by Zenestra and the Cult of the Wheel is finally having material consequences for not wanting wheels used.
    -"Kin of the Stag" may turn into another Cult that gets models, seems to be multiracial, and would help the alliance of Alarielle and Sigmar (@baron klatz's story link)

    LOTS more about Death stuff. Unless there's other buildup elsewhere it kind of seems like Skaven are coming out in Shyish!


    I think Zenestra 


    is the Cinder God


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  8. On 2/16/2024 at 6:06 AM, Whitefang back me up said:

     Or Indexes? 

    I'm really torn on the idea of indexes. Overall I think it's good for the game, and helps ensure everyone is on the same playing field and don't have to wait up to 3 years to get a battletome updated for the current edition. The most grossly overpowered armies in this edition were the armies using 2nd edition battletomes for a long time (Beasts of Chaos, Flesheater Courts, Seraphon, Cities) and the White Dwarf updates were a clunky solution.

    As a Stormcast player, I know the index will be invalidated quickly by the new Battletome, and then the battletome will be power crept out of relevance within 1-2 years. 

    As a Seraphon player I would be very happy to get new rules because the 3rd edition book really missed the mark for me.

    As a new FEC player, I would be annoyed that my new Battletome would get invalidated so quickly. This wouldn't be such a problem if FEC got an index at the start of this edition.

    I don't follow 40k closely, but my impression is that the 40k team has handled updating the indexes very well. They just released an entirely new index for Dark Eldar. Even if it is just copy/pasted from their upcoming codex, at least it shows a commitment to making sure no army is left behind for long periods of time.

    The only complaints I've heard about 40k indexes is that some armies are way too strong (Eldar) and some armies are lacking flavour (Death Guard). 

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  9. 2 hours ago, dmorley21 said:

    AoS has never done an index though, right?

    It did, twice

    The first time was when AOS rules launched and they indexed every WHFB army, and the second time was with the Grand Alliance books that updated the WHFB armies into AOS armies. They had a Grand Alliance index book for each grand alliance.


    They even included some warscroll battalions in each of the books.

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  10. 11 minutes ago, Kronos said:

    So we are yet to see A king, or something similar for Both Nurgle and for Fyreslayer. My money is that these are for “Nurgle king” equivalent, no idea what Fyreslayer would have as a  “King”

    Bael-Grimnir, hopefully

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  11. 4th edition will almost certainly be revealed at Adepticon (March 20 to 24) and will likely launch in June.

    Dawnbringers 4 is being released February 10

    Dawnbringers 5 will likely be released around Adepticon, and Dawnbringers 6 will be released in April/May or just get canned like the Alarielle Broken Realms book

    It seems like there have been some setbacks in the release schedule due to whatever caused Legion Imperialis to get delayed.

    Hard to get excited about Dawn 5/6 if there's a new edition within a few months!

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