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Posts posted by PJetski

  1. On 11/26/2021 at 4:42 AM, pnkdth said:

    Fringe cases do occur due to a string of perfect match-ups or maybe someone has create an unexpected anti-meta list which catches people off-guard.

    Top 6 factions have 236 of 430 4+, 19 of 79 5wins.

    Bottom 6 factions have 44 of 430 4+, 2 of 79 5wins.

    Notably SBGL, SoB, Seraphon, DoT with 8-10 5wins has twice as many as the tier below them with 4-6 5wins (LRL of 6s). So in regards to 2.0 the meta is healthier since the upper half is more spread out. However, if you also look at data presented by THW you can still identify the top dogs and trends.




    TL;DR: The meta is much healthier than in 2.0 and the main focus should be to bring up the bottom of the pile while nipping off some of the buds in the top tier. Let's hope the winter changes reflect what we've learned so far from the data.

    I agree we must buff stormcast!

  2. 31 minutes ago, Chronos said:

    It's the last round.

    Rest of the list is K Incantor, L Relictor, Imperatant with 6 Longstrikes, 5 Vindictors, and 2x10 Skinks.

    T&N in the last round is rough. If it was the first round it might be okay because that is when you will likely be facing the weakest opponent you will see at the event.

    I think in this case I would avoid a list that relies on Scions, like 3x3 Grandhammers

  3. 1 hour ago, Chronos said:

    Found out the three Battleplans I'll be playing this weekend at a tournament and unfortunately for me Tooth and Nail is in there. My plan was to run three units of Grandhammers, but that battleplan is really going to hurt. Of course it will also hurt summoning armies, but I'm not sure how to navigate having to not be able to use Scions.

    I could switch all three units for 4 Fulminators and another 3 Raptors, but then I kind of feel like I should just go with it and try to learn to play around it. Grandhammers are just SO slow and they won't benefit from half their warscroll.

    Kinda bummed out, tbh.

    Which round is Tooth & Nail? 

    What is the rest of your list? If you have sufficient shooting you can probably force the enemy to come fight your Grandhammers.

  4. 38 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Really looking forward to Dragon Week!! Hopefully we get a tease at a new Dragon model as well, who knows maybe the Idoneth will get a Sea Dragon after all!! 

    New Easterlings look glorious.


    These guys look like they have to take a dump and are looking around for the bathroom

    • Haha 8
  5. 10 minutes ago, micahaphone said:

    I'm not a stormcast player, but that dragon points change seems good? Like, now an "oops all dragons" list will now be solely for the big dragon lovers, not also the competitive focused. But mixing 1-3 dragons into a normal stormcast list? That could still be p good.



    Also we can all be excited for GW to do balance adjustments pre-release instead of a month after release

    Ironically this makes dragons much less useful in regular "mixed arms" stormcast tournament lists and doesn't do much to reduce their power in dragon spam lists. Classic GW blunder xD

    I would prefer if GW did balance adjustments before releasing their books, so they wouldn't have to make changes 3 weeks later. 

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  6. 7 minutes ago, Sagittarii Orientalis said:

    Then all the more reasons for me to doubt their competence and/or "equitableness" towards various factions. I do not think I have ever witnessed massive points nerf on models that are yet to be released, let alone accumulate enough data on competitive scenes. 

    GW has never been, and will never be, competent

    If you want a balanced and/or competitive game I suggest you look to other companies or other mediums (like video games)

    • Like 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, Doko said:

    We knew this this,its the same that got the other tome celestial updates.

    But we hope we get something usefull as sons of behemat got and not the rules updates of seraphons that never gonna be used before regular generic grand strategys and tactics.

    The seraphon rules are really good, though?

    • Like 2
  8. 19 minutes ago, AdamR said:

    Not seeing the problem?

    Issue command in hero phase 

    Translocate in the hero phase 

    Shoot in the hero phase.

    What's the issue?





    You have to fully resolve an ability before you can use another one.

    Thunderbolt Volley doesn't say you can shoot later in the phase, like some other abilities in the game do. It works exactly like Unleash Hell shoot as soon as you receive the command.

    You must shoot with TV immediately, you cannot issue the command, translocate, then shoot.

  9. Save stacking defines Stormcast and that's cool & good

    In some other armies it can become abusive - they weren't written with 3rd edition in mind and the errata doesnt go far enough to clean them up

    I think the issue is Their Finest Hour and Heroic Recovery. Mystic Shield and AOD have limitations, counterplay, and opportunity costs (once per phase, have to cast a spell or spend a command point, cant receive multiple commands, can be unbound/roared, etc.) but TFH is the last piece of the puzzle that makes 3+ HERO MONSTER units feel oppressive. It can't be stopped and the opportunity cost is really low.

    Heroic Recovery should probably just heal 1 always with no bravery check required, OR heal d3 always but you cant use it while within 3" of an enemy and you cant charge later in the same turn

  10. 10 minutes ago, OG SCE said:

    Am not sure, i follow.  None of this occurred to me.

    Are we suggesting that if, for example, i take a Warlord Battalion for an extra enhancement, then instead of an artefact i can:

    1) choose an second, different Holy Command?

    2) choose the same Holy Command again so i can use it multiple times?

    2a) if 2 is true, can i use the same Holy Command on the same unit?

    yes / no responses would be sufficient for now


    1) Yes

    2) No

    You can take the same Holy Command more than once, but each Holy Command says you can only use them once per game.

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  11. Yeah it depends on the unit.

    Stormdrake Guard: "Once per battle, in your hero phase, this unit can make a normal move." It is a once per battle effect but it is specific to the unit using the ability.

    Knight-Draconis: "Once per battle, in your hero phase, you can pick 1 friendly STORMDRAKE GUARD unit wholly within 12" of this unit that has not made a shooting attack in that phase. That unit can shoot". Once again this ability is specific to the unit using it.

    Other abilities in the game state something like "Once per battle, any unit with this ability can blahblahblah"; in that case you can only use the ability once per battle regardless of how many warscrolls have that ability.

  12. 3 hours ago, macrake said:

    So this popped on on twitter as part of the US worlds team coach stating stormkeep redeemers are OP, drakes need to cost 380 etc

    One of those opinions were that you can take and use multiple Call for Aid, thunderbolt volley etc.

    Just seems like a strange take. They all start with "You can use this command ability once per battle..."

    Even if you could in theory pick the same one multiple times, you still wouldn't be able to use it more than once per battle. Right?

    They work exactly like Triumphs. You can take the same one multiple times, each one says you can only use them once per game

  13. 8 hours ago, macrake said:

    I think you're undervaluing Celestial Warbringers. I've found it to be very solid in a mixed list with raptors. It's a reroll in every phase - hero phase, shooting phase, enemy charge phase for unleash hell. Rerolling a save against a big damage attack is also pretty great. With our excellent saves, very few attacks get through, so having that reroll is super effective.

    For something like a drakes+raptors list it's really good. Vindicators on 4 drakes would get you about 5 more dmg on the charge, whereas warbringers will give you about the same, if you take into account raptor doubletap and a reroll on one drake attack.

    Vindicators will do nothing on the opponents turn, whereas warbringers will at the very least let you reroll a save in the shooting and combat phase.

    It's doing something every turn, including the enemy turn. I'd put it in A tier. Just my perspective.

    I think you've made good arguments here, and maybe I am undervaluing it. Here are some things you did not mention:

    Vindicators bonus activates the turn you charge but the effect lasts until your next hero phase, so you can get multiple combat phases. Vindicators can create situations where you have two different units with explodinf 6s (because you can still use Blessed Weapons). Vindicators also allows units deployed in Scions to get the bonus, which you normally cant do with Blessed Weapons.

    Rerolls are good, but even rerolling a 2+ is less average damage than exploding 6s, and less potential maximum damage. 

    The rerolls cant be used on abilities like dragons breath attacks and starsoul maces.

    Rerolling a single dice is good with Raptors, but is less useful for our highest damage shooter (Crossbow Judicators) since they have worse accuracy and higher volume of attacks.

    Picking Warbringers doesnt make your army actively worse but the effect isnt great, it requires specific kinds of units (Raptors, Grandhammers, Stardrake?) and those units perform better in other lists/stormhosts.

    I might be undervaluing it at D, but I don't think its worth an A ranking. Really wish Warbringers had something like battleline Evocators.

  14. 38 minutes ago, macrake said:

    Your Karazai list only has 1 battleline unit, right? You mention Karazai making sdg battleline, but isn't it only stardrake and knight draconis that do that?

    I so badly want the big dragons to work, but then I start doing the math and it's just, oh, I could just buff up 4 SDG and be far better off.. :/

    Any DRACONITH general makes Stormdrakes battleline, and both big drakes have the DRACONITH keyword

    Stormdrakes are great, especially buffed up, but you can't heal them with Heroic Recovery or use Finest Hour, etc.

    19 minutes ago, Tizianolol said:

    Guys anniehalators got 50 mm base size? Thx all

    They are definitely on 40mm bases, there seems to be a typo on GWs website

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