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Posts posted by flamingwalnut

  1. Why IS the monthly contest starting and ending on the 28th? That seems so odd...

    AND I AM TOTALLY NOT SAYING THAT BECAUSE I AM LATE TO THE POSTING OF MY STUFF! Also, it totally still counts as June 30th, because I haven't slept yet, which is how the day ACTUALLY ends... Or something. Ssh. 

    Want to quick post here, but will have a more elaborate post, WITH A STORY (just working out the details), on the Tale of X Online Gamers thread. Poke in there for even more....fun. Or something. 






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  2. Wanted to pop back in for a small update. No pictures yet, but only got 2 miniatures and a bit extra in regards to miniatures I promised. May end up with a big update on Tuesday as I press everything together, INCLUDING THE WRITING! Not gonna let that slide.

    This month came with all sorts of surprises. Finally decided to move at the end of the lease, so have a lot of things to tie up before I go. Also had a few evenings dedicated to helping paint store terrain, and likely more of that in the future. Then packing and planning! July will definitely be a smaller pledge and August maybe even smaller, but I have my plan solidified and my goals set, so Tuesday will be the Moment of Truth, so it were. 

    Everyone else is looking great. Love to see the progress. Feel free to slip some more narrative in there, I will gladly repay in kind. :D (Meaning, I'm giving it out anyways, for all who care. lol)

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  3. 1 hour ago, Ggom said:

    Wait we’re only halfway through the month right? Why does everyone sound like time is running out?

    Feels later. We only have 1 full week after one and only 2 weekends left. But yeah, only a little over half. 

    That said, I figured I was safe....until our shop tried to do events and I pledged to finish up/do the terrain I had lying around for them. >_< We'll see how it all plays out.

  4. Hello everyone! So I dove into Stormcast when 2nd edition dropped. The sacrosanct was finally what I wanted, the combination of epic paladin and powerful mage. Loved it, aesthetic, lore, the unit types.  From the first glimpse of the Lord-Ordinator and the Lord Arcanum, I wanted it. 

    Grabbed a few sets of Soul Wars and......they were kinda meh. Not bad so much as just...not very interesting. Some aspects were, like the synergies of Sequitors and Evocators and the utility of a Knight Incantor. But the Castigators were depressing, the Ballista was swingy, and their spell lore was....bland. I was amped for the Celestial Warbringers, a Stormhost all about magic and prophecy, would be perfect? Still no.

    So I dropped them, but after my Cities of Sigmar I wanted to try again. I wanted something more elite as a balance to the horde of Cities and well, I already have a chunk of them, so might as well. I have been finishing painting/repainting them in Tempest Lords as they fit my city's lore perfectly! And when I looked at them, they had some interesting, if slim, potential...

    First: with a battalion, I can take the both the Tempest Lords relic and Aetherquartz Brooch from Hysh...meaning every command point I spend I roll 2 dice and potentially get 2 back, GAINING command points instead of spending them...? Is that really right? 

    Second: How in the world do I abuse this? Gavriel is in another Stormhost and generic command abilities are solid, just not anything to write home about. The Dracoline Lord Arcanum's ability seems to be the biggest outlet for all of this. Kinda shocked this wasn't FAQd like the others, making me think it won't stay....

    For now, I tried out this list today:

    Lord Arcanum on Dracoline
    Knight Incantor
    Knight Incantor

    10x Sequitors
    10x Sequitors
    5x Judicators
    10x Evocators
    3x Dracoline Evocators

    Cleansing Phalanx

    Just a small bit to try out, see what kind of core I like. Considered a more Ballista support instead, but...eh. The game was kind of a blow out, but due to opponent's mistakes, a double turn, and some hot dice. Not a GREAT test. But, thoughts on the list? Thoughts on Tempest Lords? Thoughts on ways to really capture that warrior mage feel and feel like a tank made of magic and steel? 

  5. 2 hours ago, Maxi99 said:

    It’s been a very slow start, after making some really good progress in May to get things cleared up to start this project I’ve hit the hobby slump...

    I have at least managed to get the wing membranes done on the khinerai


    The transition colors on both the wing tips and where the wings attach to the back are great. Love the little veins on the membrane, too. Makes the whole thing look more real, which adds to the already twisted air of the model. Looking forward to seeing more! 

  6. A bit of progress to show: the first Sequitor! Rather like the Tempest Lords scheme. Technically my second model in it as I did a Knight Incantor for my Cities army. Hopefully I can find my groove again and start to crank them out. I got....so many projects I want to cover and very little time to do them all in. We'll see how it all pans out!


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  7. Now that the Tale of Online Gamers has been sorted for me, I now have a pledge! Yay!

    I will be getting back to Stormcast, with:

    1 Lord-Ordinator
    5 Sequitors
    5 Evocators

    Any stretch goals will be some fun, side stuff for my Cities army. But might also be 40k Orks with the new Edition on the rise.

  8. Well, my friends, come one and come all to witness the tale of tragedy and woe! No, not my army lore, but my army choice! lol Warning...might be a long post.

    These past few weeks have been wild. I have combed over all the options, weighed conversions and time and play style and lore. It also didn't help that my LGS has almost bare shelves and orders are starting to get a bit bare in the supply chain as GW starts to start back up. 

    But demons? Nothing really clicked or felt interesting enough. Chaos is super common around here anyways. Orcs? Had some conversions in mind, but AoS Orruks don't do the fun stuff that I love Orks for (weird tech, bizarre units, weird rules). 

    Skaven and Gloomspite had the weird, but relied heavily on hordes. KO and Sylvaneth all have great things, but uncertain I want a full army of them. Fyreslayers are too samey, Nighthaunt is too flimsy, and Bonereapers too busted (lol). 

    Which left me looking at expanding my Cities of Sigmar. I have a lot of lore I never really put out in the open, and a lot of angles to do models with. But expanding the Cities starts to dive into the same units (Freeguild Guard/Eternal/Dreadspears/Longbeards...all chaff. LOTS of overlap for each subfaction.) I also have a solid pile of Stormcast that I never really dove deep on because they were a bit...underwhelming? 

    So, not gonna lie, I was feeling pretty disheartened. I love the hobby, but nothing was sparking me which really throws a wrench in the machine. So, after a long debate, I decided to look at this differently. Not as a way to get a specific brand new army, but to flesh out the aspects that I HAVE fallen in love with, the stories and unique bits that I have made. So, while I do plan to aim for a 2,000 point army list, my GOAL will be to finish the Cities I have, expand each section of my city (more on that below), and put the Stormcast to use as a grounding center, both model wise and lorewise, for my Order collection. Hopefully, as well, the Stormcast will go by fast. 

    SO! My goals and pledges for this Tale of X (Online) Gamers goes like this:
    Have a painted 2,000 point Stormcast Eternals list 
    Write a short story for my Stormcast/Cities for each month
    Introduce at least one part of the city with each month's pledge with some themed models to paint
    Hopefully end up with little to no painted Cities of Sigmar models by the end OR build all the conversions I planned for my Cities army for painting later

    I do not have a specific list for the Stormcast, but I have some basic units to paint to get me started! I will be doing Tempest Lords, which ironically turned out perfect for my Cities army after I laid everything out, as both coming from Hyshian nobles (city is in Hysh) but also blue for the Lore of Heavens. How fitting! 

    Here is a base start for the City and the Stormcast: 

    The city of Aval'Atun was once a testament to perfect balance and prosperity, a symbol of the Mortal Realms United. The metropolis stood in the center of an expansive desert, with the gleaming city as the only beacon of civilization for leagues around. The city itself was built around a brilliant crystal spire and at the top of that spire sat a massive stone dais. Legend says that this dais came from The World That Was and its 8 sections, colored with magical runes, each denoted symbols and magic from each of the 8 Mortal Realms. Around the spire, the city was built into 8 perfect sections, each joined to reflect the different sections of the dais. From the crystal spire, energies from across the realms poured forth, bathing each portion in a wash of their own separate Realm's energy. The city was a masterpiece before even a single building was created.

    Over the years, the city stood for harmony as denizens from all 8 realms lived together in peace, sharing their knowledge and homelands for the rest to enjoy. The mighty city stood against assaults from all forces and even endured much of the Age of Chaos. Ironically, the constant battering did not break the walls, but instead broke the spirits, collapsing the city from within through intercity strife and anger. The city of Aval'Atun fell one century before Sigmar would move to reclaim the Mortal Realms.

    Now the bright light of Hysh shines down on Aval'Atun once more. Sigmar demanded the gem of Hysh be reclaimed and sent a contingent of Tempest Lords to ensure that the city shine once again. The Tempest Lords were quick to see it was not iron rule and absolutes that kept Aval'Atun in perfect balance, but delicate care and cohesive respect amongst all of its people. So, as citizens from across the Mortal Realms come to the gleaming city and settle in to a home away from home, the Tempest Lords stand as the arbitrators of an uneasy, burgeoning peace. But many differences make for constant conflict...

    Will the city stand strong in the face of the ever looming threats? Or will the forces of Chaos and Destruction see the city crumble to dust once and for all...

    The city is based off of the colleges of Magic in the Old World Empire. 8 districts representing the 8 winds/realms, each with their own culture, personality, and of course, their own caste of battlemages. Mages rule as the premiere users of the forces that give their city power. 

    To start off this Tale, I will have Lord-Ordinator Argul Vale, accompanied by 5 Sequitors and 5 Evocators. My stormcast will definitely be Sacrosanct based, as that is what tipped me to REALLY enjoying the Stormcast. 


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  9. 21 hours ago, hughwyeth said:

    I mostly chose Realm of Life because it works with my Cities army- Hysia is their city! But also there's some interesting themes of abundant life and change/mutations. 

    The dude taking all the SC seems to think there's a scarcity of those, but GW just reopened their online store so not sure he's going to be able to profit off those anywhere. 

    I think he was just picking up a bunch of gifts/new projects. There were only 3 there, and 2 could be related (Slaanesh Daemons and Slaves to Darkness). Hell, the third was the Corsair Cities SC, so all could fit into a weird, Slaaneshy army. lol Whooooo knooows. Not a HUGE deal, just might slow me down....assuming I can ever pick a project.

    My city is in Hysh, and I have been pondering basing (both lore and, well, their bases) all my other armies like them so I can have thematic fights. Especially if I make my own table sometime down the line. Goals right there. 

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  10. I love the idea of the Ironsworn, such an amazing concept and great execution. Kinda tempted to build something similar, but debating how to run it. Wish cities had access to a few more monstrous and odd size things, might go bigger with a Redemptor Dreadnaught or Invictor and run it as a War Hydra? Either way, excellent quality as usual, would love to see the entire painted army in a battle report or something similar. 

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  11. 2 hours ago, Kramer said:

    Yeah that’s what’s holding me back too. Would like them just to paint them. And maybe occasionally field them in cities. Good to know their fun to paint. 

    Yeah, I got lucky. I got the Hammerhal box when it came out (decided that over Tempest Eye Dwarves because of Demigryphs and the Hurricanum, though having extra old Empire and liking Liberators over Persecutors also helped...) Would love a Start Collecting Hammerhal with like a Freeguild Guard or Handgunner kit, 3 Demigryphs, and a Griffon. Would be wonderful! 

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  12. 3 hours ago, hughwyeth said:

    I will be! I love this model from Creature Caster - https://creaturecaster.com/uk/product/queen-of-malifica/ but i'm pretty daunted by it. I want to use it as a Lord of Change, but i feel a GW plastic one would  just be a lot less stress!

    Definitely an AMAZING centerpiece. Definitely save it for the end. Personally, while it DOES look daunting, it also looks like it has a LOT of good drybrushing spots. That entire backpiece could be an easy prime dark, highlight in a metal or something of your choice, and maybe even tint with a wash/contrast. You can have blue shimmering metal with shadowy recesses. Or Green to highlight the Realm of Life. 

    I do love having "weird" Realm choices for armies. Like, Realm of Life has obvious stuff in Nurgle and Sylvaneth, but Tzeentch has some cool, weird choices for that. Then you can get SUPER wonky with tech people like Kharadron or the big WTF with a Death army from Life. lol 

    Sadly, my store's stock got hit harder than I thought during lockdown. Some dude came in the other day and ordered all the Start Collecting off the shelf! REALLY curious what in the world HE was building.... Anyways, so while I will have a project set by June 1st (OR SO HELP ME! Grr...) but I might not have models ready by then. Should be easy enough to order, but time. GUESS WE SHALL SEE! :o 

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  13. On 5/27/2020 at 8:40 AM, Kramer said:

    Well done! Looking good. How are the demigryphs to paint? 

    They were actually really solid! I always loved the models from their release, but having them in person now, they still hold a lot of weight! I didn't pick out a lot of details, going solid iron for the rider and solid Screaming Bell for the Demigryph plates. The basic look works well, but there is a lot of room for fancy detail if you want to embellish them. Just wish they weren't so expensive for 3 dudes, would LOVE a full Demigryph army. A common problem for the Cities of Sigmar. lol 

  14. Alright! Got my pledge done in the past few days. Should have gotten more, but hey, things got weird this month. BUT, I am done, 3 Demigryphs, 10 Freeguild, and one fancy Gyrocopter (LOVE the model, sad it is so expensive....) Won't hit my stretches, and next month looms with an interesting conundrum in the "Tale of X Online Gamers" but for now, these will do! 


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  15. Looking good everyone!

    Curious, now I know this isn't specifically a narrative event but I do love me some beautiful narratives. Anyone on here got some background thoughts for their new warbands? Perhaps some ideas from a while back? Maybe something off the cuff right now? Since we can't battle in an awesome campaign, I want the next best thing: I want to hear from you all! If you want, of course. 

    (Still deciding on my own, I know, slowly but surely. lol)

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  16. Oh joy, it's actually happening! Delightful! And wow, people have rocketed forward!

    I am definitely in, love the idea and what the hell, been itching for a new project! The problem, of course, is I have NO idea what to do! lol I kinda want to start something fresh, but HOW fresh and in what direction, who knows!

    I DO know I want a few guidelines:
    I want an elite army that isn't one dimensional. I got Cities, which boy, piles of dudes. I got FEC, which can go elite (and I often do) but BOY is it basic and straightforward. Fine for some games, gets boring fast and has no where near enough variety to change it up. 

    I also want to try and paint an army with Contrast. Pure Contrast (besides metallics, I suppose, but maybe I'll even go and NOT HAVE METAL! Gasp!)

    I am KINDA always looking for armies that serve dual purposes. Daemons work in 40k and Fantasy, Stormcast make for cool Space marines with a magnetized backpack. Who knows, but a thought, I DO have a not-infinite budget, though luckily a lot of it comes in the form of store credit at my LGS. 

    Anyways, I'll make a decision by June 1st, that is sure. Man, I am excited! Either way, best of luck to you all, it is always fun to have projects and hobbies you can share. Love this community.

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  17. 9 hours ago, Kramer said:

    @hughwyeth & @flamingwalnut 

    the way I see it you can do it very organised, like my local GW does it. Every month a theme. Start with a hero and a battleline, next month add a behemoth, etc. 
    Or very free flowing, set a rough points goal for every month and let the participants decide whatever they want to add regardless of the army. 

    personally I would suggest something in the middle. Keep the challenge to a single army you can actually play at the end of it. But leave what you want to add up to the contestants. 
    I will reward myself some hobby budget every time I complete a month, to further motivate me. 

    what are your thoughts? And how many points a month?  250, 333, 500?

    I actually tried to get one together this year! Got 6 people together, each month and a half (to give people a BIT more time, hectic schedules and such) was a jump in points. Started with 500 and I believe we went up 500 points a pieces. At the end of each section, we were going to get together for some games to celebrate our progress.

    We got the first 500 points settled. Half of us got together for the first batch of games. And then it all kinda fell apart after that. lol One person was a super dedicated painter and hammered hard and fast. I got a solid start, but everyone else just didn't have the same heart I had in it. Similar to the narrative campaigns I do, some are excited, but not everyone and few as much as I had wanted. lol 

    But yeah, the concept is perfect and works. I prefer to keep it thematic and building up to playable forces but allowing people to do what they want with just point restrictions. Encouraging people to do certain milestones, like mages and behemoths, but not all armies have these, so whatever people want to do. It definitely feels better in person, but that is obviously super hard right now. 

    A digital Tale of X Gamers sounds awesome! Not quite sure what I could do right now, in the middle of my Cities project. I certainly have plenty of IDEA fodder there to "start over" but not sure how I want to go about that. I have been really itching for a new project, but still SUPER uncertain on what that might be and, well, a bit limited on what I can pull together. But I'll keep an ear out for this, if a big event actually happens. 

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  18. 6 hours ago, Kramer said:

    Anyone up for a ‘Tale of X gamers’ kind of thing? 
    no games to look forward to really hurts my progress 😅

    I love the concept, it is on my gaming bucket list to do a proper one. I've set up a few but they always fall through, often through budget but even more so due to a lack of focus. Only one or two of my gaming friends are focused on steady painting. lol

  19. 14 hours ago, Kierdale said:

    Thanks for the replies and very interesting discussion.


    I was asking because I was making a unit of handgunners and found I also had a pair of dwarf thunderers (just two) and some dwarf bitz, so had the idea that few duardin had escaped from the ancestral stronghold to Azyr during the Age of Chaos...over the years the descendants’ blood had become -diluted, shall we say- and hence some of this unit of Thunderers were rather long of shank and short of beard, but all of dispossessed blood (some a sixteenth, or a thirty-second duardin blood, but duardin all the same)...


    However I think I’ll just have it that the human members swore themselves to the dispossessed, taking blood oaths, to help find and reclaim the lost Karak. Most took the oath honourably, a few perhaps just due to the prospect of finding an old stronghold full of loot...


    Again, thanks for the discussion and opinions.

    A good amount of dwarves DID make it to Azyr. In fact, that is why they are called the Dispossessed: they gave up their holds and homes for the lives of their clan and kin. They fled, they are refugees, and for 500 years they planned. Some cool tidbits in the Cities of Sigmar book. Whoever stayed behind either died, turned to Chaos, or found new ways to survive like the Fyreslayers or the Kharadron Overlords. 

    I do LOVE the idea of half-dwarves/half-elves. It fits so well into the more metropolitan idea of AoS. There isn't nearly as much bitterness and alienation between the races because they are all much more united in a cause and all suffered at the hands of Chaos. Whether they can interbreed and whether they ever WILL by GW, who knows. But at the very least, I am always up for interesting stories of love and life between "unlikely pairs" like duardin and aelves. Very much a great odd couple dynamic.  

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  20. On 5/7/2020 at 6:13 AM, Melcavuk said:

    Azyrite scholars claim that to know why Midnight had to fall one must look no further than those who rallied to her defense. Even the Brides of Shade were welcomed, Assasins said to cavort with Daemons of Shadow and Spite 




    Nice little kitbash, love the model! I feel like I found some of those same models in a friend's bits box he donated. Where did you get them, been curious about the manufacturer.

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  21. 11 minutes ago, Melcavuk said:

    Yeah Cities has that level of potential because it is exploring a whole myriad of races, cultures and subcultures in a book that does fantastically to encompass the overarching concepts but can really drill into the subsects. Prayers, the Church Azyrite, Mercenary and freeguild companies, Engineers and gunnery schools etc can all be explored in detail and have whole forces designed around them. The Project started with simply wanting to make a Steampowered walker and grew around it, and as events shape its lore it goes in new directions to find new ground to break. The next project will be making the Queen in God sized mode for the Siege of Midnight which is exciting to show an Order god looking big and destructive (Mortathi as inspiration)

    Sounds awesome! Can't wait to see it!

  22. Just now, Melcavuk said:

    Cheers, it can be expensive but hitting each unit as a seperate project tends to build the bits box over time and let me make use of the spares in the next conversion. The last few characters have been birthed from some spare time and the bits box (anything based on sisters of battle, and the Forgemaster all emerged from the bits box). Most of the army finds atleast reasonable counts as in the traditional warscrolls whilst the rest are run entirely under the Midnight City fan supplement designed to reflect a city of Engineers (currently greywater covers artillery well but doesnt really do engineers justice)

    Understandable! I have been rather inspired to try and take in a more ambitious project as an ACTUAL slow grow, considering I do have plenty of army to play with in the meantime. And I do agree on the Engineers idea, sooo much more space in the Cities book for pretty much everything, which is funny because there is so much in there to begin with. :o 

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  23. These are all absolutely GORGEOUS models. The conversions are beautiful and the paintjob is very stark and interesting. Love it all. I would love to do things like this myself, but the massive mix of kits must make all of this super expensive... You must have a fantastic bit box.

    Are you planning to consolidate this into Cities of Sigmar warscrolls? I see a few (awesome) characters that certainly are some bizarre counts-as, though man are they gorgeous enough for me to not care. lol Sorry to hear that your city appears to be anti-Sigmar. The bombardment is obviously a misunderstanding. lol

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