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Posts posted by flamingwalnut

  1. Well, I am excited. Was pretty sure I could skip this release as while I like Beastmen (tried to scratch build an all Chariot Beastmen army in 8th...oof) I was sure I could just watch this one and let the hardcore Chaos players have fun.

    Then they announced Marks again...and Thunderscorn look good...and potentially God Marked BATTALIONS! Suddenly the Slaanesh idea I had in mind gets the hooved troops it desires and a Battalion to go with it'd theme. The Beastlord is better when he also generates Depravity points on his hero hunting/suicidal adventure. lol

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  2. 21 minutes ago, Bolgan said:

    Never mind what I said about move and shoot. I checked the warscroll and it looks like irondrakes haven't changed (not sure where I got that from). In that case, I'm not sure what makes them better than the other shooting options.

    An FAQ made them able to tunnel via pick and not count as moving when they arrive, so you can plop them in position and blast away from there.

    So...I have been meaning to post here for a while. I have a dwarf sized lacking amongst my armies. A cannon, a custom Cogsmith, but I need MORE. Problem is, every dwarf faction looks super expensive, even for a small chunk in a Mixed Order army. (Excluding the older Dispossed models, but they just don't compare to the new Hammerers.

    So, I ask this whole group of duardin gamers, if you had to focus on just a small (ha) duardin addition to an overall Mixed Order collection, what would you prioritize? For reference, my Order so far are Freeguild and Sacrosant Stormcast, with a Hurricanum and some artillery for spice. 

    Keep up the stubborn and the glorious beards!

  3. This makes me really think Spiderfang might be involved soon... I guess you could do an underground grot theme, with caves of spiders and squigs. Would be a good move to buff up the grot battletome roster and not leave poor Spiderfang out in the cold (who get a SURPRISING amount of lore time for a 3 unit army...)

  4. @Yoshiya  Awesome list and lore. The Living City is probably the most interesting to build around alongside Anvilguard. Once you got a scheme and finished models, I would love to see them.

    I am still debating where to take my Mixed Order. Hallowheart was my choice mechanically, or Grey Water if I keep my artillery. But I also want Melusai... /sigh Indecision is my middle name...

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  5. Gorgeous. Both the models and the writing! Every time I am impressed. Do you write professionally? I feel like ya should.

    This Plog has been an inspiration for a while. Maybe one of my own can kick my current projects into gear... Even if it is half as good as this one, mission accomplished.

    BTW, while you seem to build narratively, you mentioned a 2000 point list? Care to share that? I am mostly curious as to what you see as an "end goal".

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  6. It is rather nice to see a lot of the lists on here resemble the basic structure of my own army. Glad I am on a solid track at least. 

    What are everyones thoughts on the more...forgotten elements in the Battletome. Mostly Fel Bats, Bat Swarms, and most importantly...the Coven Throne. I like the Coven Throne when I used it in Path to Glory, and it is the biggest reason I started Death. The Beguile spell can be BRUTAL, especially on big death star like units.

    Also, anyone think the Castellens of Crimson Keep batallion is solid? Will probably run those units anyways, so worth a try...

    Will try and get some games in soon, see for myself.

  7. The Free Cities are quite possibly my favorite aspect of Age of Sigmar. The amount of fun stuff you can do with them, as well as giving center for stories and Mixed Order armies and themes are just fantastic. That being said...none of the fun Free Cities allow all the factions I want. lol Greywater Fastness is about as close as I can get using what I have in my Mixed Order so far. But I always want more! I guess its Hammerhal for me... Can't have everything!

    Would love to have a customizable Free Cities generator. Similar to the Kharadron Overlords one, where you can pick a combination of abilities and put in a number of factions. Make your own city! Would go well with the Free City lore generator they have.

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  8. Soo...for the General's Handbook, we are all good, but the App has us...split. Awkward? I assume it is just a mixup, but hey....awkward. I am glad the crew do seem to be included in the profile, but 4 wounds is still kinda lacking for a cannon and such...

  9. With the new Soul Wars set finally giving Stormcast the theme I've been wanting in my Mixed Order list (Arcane Engineers) it looks like I might actually loom into playing more Stormcast these days. Will keep an eye on this thread for ideas and such. May post some lists later once I break into my GHB and such. 

    Love the reset to the Let's Chats, I can finally get in on the ground level!

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  10. 39 minutes ago, Hoseman said:

    I have a question and dont know where to post it... how much time do battleforce packs stay on shops?? I know theres some battleforce boxes very difficult or impossible to buy. I say this because I like tzeentch box but dont wanna buy it right now as I have idoneth and the next starter box next month, but I dont wanna miss that box too

    The big $170 battleforce? Those are technically limited and once they are out of supply, they are gone. Get it while you can. 

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  11. Given the Malign Portents story, perhaps these thin hand rumors are a mortal Death Cult instead? The latest one, with thr scroll, reminds me of a common thread on Flagellents and Priests. The dragon doesn't fit, but the chain could. Maybe the "two aelves factions" was one smaller aelf release, say fleshing out Daughters of Khaine, and the other is a bigger cult of Nagash.

  12. Just wanted to say this has been an absolutely fantastic project. This is what Warhammer is all about, IMO. Such a vivid story, such epic models, such creativity, it is all fantastic.

    I have been wanting to do something like this for a long while, basically since I started Warhammer. The idea of a long and well detailed road marking a journey from lowly mortal to immortal Demon Prince is one of the greatest and most iconic stories arguably in all of Warhammer. Sadly, I can never decide on a god, nor can I ever find the time and money to do it PROPERLY. Maybe one day...

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  13. Feather for Free Guild...that quiver is very elvish...

    What if they start introducing mixed races, as ways to add to both general factions/aesthetics? So, the Herald of Order is a half-aelf, perhaps? Mixing things from assorted parts of the Grand Alliance would be tge easiest design space, though the DarkOath only fits that if you count her as Chaos Undivided...


  14. 14 minutes ago, Greasygeek said:

    So ehm.. Was that what we waited two weeks to find out? A logo change and a Stormcast cheerleader? 

    To be fair, she is for Chaos, part of the Marauder redesign that started with the Chieftain in the Silver Tower.

    How long does Blood and Glory last? If it is all weekend, this could just be the tip lf the iceberg.

  15. Thry darkened the logo, ya know, for dark times ahead! ....eh.

    I like the chieftain. I always felt the Maurauders were one step away from their own army. Seems they will be the Chaos portion of Malign Portents, for all that may be worth? Would love a quad army campaign release: a big, juicy campaign book and a battletome for each Alliance. Fits with thr Heralds theme.

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