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Posts posted by Rekmeister

  1. Hello all, I have a friend who really wants to start AoS. He loves winning and his dream is to use Nagash. I had a conversation with him about how Nagash is a great lead singer, but he still needs the rest of the band to put on a show! He's asked me to put together a list for him, but I have never played death, so I'm not sure if it's as decent as it seems to me. The primary aim is to make a 1k list that can win on a good day and put up a fight on a bad day, with a secondary aim of it being a 1k list that transfers easily into 2K. I'll post the list and explain my reasoning below.

    Allegiance: Grand Host of Nagash


    Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon - General

    - Aura of Ages

    Wight King with Black Axe

    - Balefire Lantern


    10 Grave Guard with great wight blades

    2 Morghast Archai with halberds

    5 Dire Wolves

    This comes to 1k exactly. Aura of Ages and Balefire Lantern protect his heroes (the core of a death army if my research is on point), and putting the artefact on the wight king means he has an easier time scoring points for objectives; as many battleplans count either a wizard or a hero with an artefact for the sake of determining victory, so he may as well split them up. From this he can get Nagash and another box of both the grave guard and morghasts for 2k - shelving the wight king and wolves to make room for the big boys.

    As far as troops are concerned; dire wolves are just there to be bubblewrap, and grave guard are there to be targeted by the resurrection abilities of the graveyards and the vamp, since such abilities seem most cost effective when targeting elite, 1 wound models.

    All C+C is welcome, especially the budget friendly variety.


    On 8/8/2018 at 9:01 AM, konradduncan said:

    ARTEFACTS: 0/1

    My friend, every army gets at least one artefact! And a command trait! Feel free to copy the ones I listed above as they seem like a pretty effective combination to keep your vamp safe.

  2. 1 hour ago, Ben said:

    Even better in Khalibron Temple 

    If only I had the courage to take Khailebron. I'm too scard of coming up against a devoted casting army!

    What is really insane is that they are wizards. There are 18 matched play scenarios now and a good chunk of them have the word Wizard in the rules for determining who holds an objective or wins the game. Ten wizards are much harder to kill than one! I played Places of Arcane Power yesterday and went 18-1 because those warlocks sat on an objective the whole game.

    50 minutes ago, Aspirant Snaeper said:

    I eventually want a unit of 10 but I can never seem to make them fit without reducing other parts of the army that I don't want to reduce. They are phenomenal on paper, though. As a Khorne player, they give me everything my army lacks! (Speed, Shooting, Magic). 


    Well I guess I'm lucky that I had them before Daughters of Khaine was a 'playable' faction, and even more lucky that I am a stingy person who doesn't like spending money, so to me the 320pt investment is great as it means that's 1/3 of a 1k army I don't need to buy! They are a unit whose worth is compounded in a tournament setting where you play multiple games. You are going to get that Doomfire off turn 1 at some point and it will swing you the game. If it's not a hero you snipe it could be a stormfiend, 3 shock troops, or even just cracking a behemoth so it has worse stats.

    54 minutes ago, Aspirant Snaeper said:

     Being able to contribute during every phase of the game is absolutely massive. I don't know of too many non-hero units that can do it. 

    You hit the nail on the head. It's just value. As long as they aren't deployed on the front line they will have something to do in any given match up, which is quite important for an aggro army. They might be the only men in the army, but dear god do they make the gender proud!

    • Like 1
  3. @JackShrapnel

    I highly recommend running a Hag Queen for each multi model unit you are running. Their Hag Brew lets a unit ignore battleshock AND re-roll wound rolls. This is the greatest piece of game design ever as it keeps your models around till turn 3 (when your whole army starts re-rolling combat die) and helps you push damage through for the entire game. It is especially nasty on sisters of slaughter because if your opponent gets tricked by the 6" pile in they are suddenly at risk of taking a lot of damáge.

    P.S: You don't need another Cauldron to get more hags. Convert them! The 40k Lhamean makes a great Hag Queen, as do a lot of the Drukhari. Makes it easier to differentiate between hags if you do this, which you'll need to do since you'll want them each to know a different prayer.

  4. I won a 1500pt tournament with DoK today!

    My big takeaway is that Hagg Nar is by far the best temple. That 5+ shrug is phenomenal, and a universal re-roll hits on turn 3 is just great. Those two rules gave me a strong position. Nagash's hand of dust was the only thing that killed my shrine.

    Similarly it seems that prayer selection is big; Catechism of Murder, Blessing of Khaine, and Sacrament of Blood work very nicely and combo well with both each other and the myriad of combat modifiers our spellcasters have access to. I only had minimum sized units (bar some doomfires at the back), and even one prayer on a single unit was capable of swinging combat phases in my favour. Really insane potential in this army. It was my first outing wit them and I was very apprehensive about playing against summoning armies; but after playing seraphon and Nagash it is clear that our buffs and rules do form a strong enough web from which we can cut through anything. I am very impressed by how the ladies held up.

    A special shout out to Doomfire Warlocks. Been playing them in GA: Order armies since AoS came out and the fact they now benefit from all these great battletome rules has pushed them over the edge. Really insane utility. Anyone unsure about them take my advice and get yourself a unit of 10.

    • Like 1
  5. Yeah Morathi is a bizarre profile. For 480pts you get a 6 wound caster that can transform into a beast, but if you are unlucky with your transform roll, she is just a 500pt tarpit whose best quality is the ability to tank two turns of combat against anything. You also can't heal her.

    I almost wish that the profiles were separate. I'd happily pay 160 or so to play little Morathi in smaller games, and pay 600 or so to play the big girl in big games. I'm helping a friend pick up the game with Nighthaunt and I'm left feeling a little jealous at the variety of heroes available to such flagship factions. We have Queens and Medusae', and that's it. I suppose we do have a very malleable centerpiece in the Cauldrons. Daughters of Khaine is definitely one of those factions that makes more sense on the table than it does on paper, as all our battle traits are universal and don't require a hero on the table to be online. It's comforting to read that the core rules command abilities are good enough  for our faction to run Medusae as generals without suffering from the lack of unique command abilities.

  6. Hello Death forum.

    Dirty Order player here to look for advice on behalf of a friend. He wants to get into AoS with Nighthaunt, and isn't sure whether to buy Soul Wars and two boxes of Grimghast reapers, or build his own 1000pt army for the same price. The reasons that Soul Wars might not be for him is that he lives in a city with lots of great places to play - so he can jump in at the matched play level. He's definitely a trial by fire kinda guy. He asked me to build an army and this is what I came up with after reading through the tactica in this thread:

    Lady Olynder - General 

    Spirit Torment

    Spirit Torment

    Lord Executioner - Balefire Blade

    10 Grimghast Reapers

    10 Grimghast Reapers

    10 Grimghast Reapers

    980pts, 52 wounds.


    I elected to give the executioner the artefact as I think that at the 1000pt level, in an army with a solid regeneration shell, the executioner wears an artefact the best. Upping his damage means he can pull double duty; either sit in the frontline against tough units like brutes to help guarantee the 3 models per turn for the torments to regen, or deep strike against armies like Seraphon that use little heroes to buff big units, which seems to be a theme in the current meta.

    The army plan is really simple. Deep strike everything in a shell and use the torments to regen models, while Oly sits in the back and uses her command ability to further stabilize losses. I put the Grimghast in three units so he can split his force to grab objectives easier, and so that if he wants to shell up 3 units get resurrections instead of 2. 

    He can purchase this and the battletome for the cost of soul wars and two boxes of reapers. He's not sure what is the better option so I guess I'm coming here for validation that the list is a playable army and not a hot mess.

  7. On 8/1/2018 at 7:57 PM, Erdemo86 said:

    How do a typical 1k seraphon list with slann look like?

    Really depends what sort of army you want to build. Seraphon has three different battle line options and each of them pushes the army in a different direction. The units that have the most direct synergy with a slann are probably saurus guard and the eternity warden, but that leaves you with little offense, and the liberal access to mortal wounds in 2.0 doesn't make them the monsters they once were. I'd probably go for something along the lines of:

    Slann - Vast Intellect/Incandescant Rectrices

    Astrolith Bearer

    20 Skinks

    20 Skinks


    That leaves you with 60 points to spend on endless spells. I'd argue in favour of them at this points level, especially given you have a hero that can cast three spells a turn and a banner that buffs its spell casting ability. If you take two spells you could drop both in one turn, which combos nicely with the new teleportation rules from GHB 2018 as you can zip the slann into place then let loose. You can afford Quicksilver Swords and the Gnashing Jaws for that many points. I suggested skinks instead of warriors/Guard because they are more numerous and benefit greatly from being stood under an astrolith bearer. The Bastiladon holds objectives like nothing else in the game, and is also a prime target for teleportation; it fares pretty well in 1000pt games as it can sometimes tank an entire army without them having access to something that can kill it.

    Seraphon is a big faction with lots of viable strategies though so it's worth looking through all your options.

  8. 12 hours ago, Fyrm said:

    Salutations! Made the account mostly to post here. My roommate is looking at getting into AoS, and I wasn't hard to convince. I love me some snake people, so this faction was a no brainer for me. 


    We're at starting with 1k armies, to help us ease into it. Obviously, as they are the reason for my enjoyment of the faction, I am going to want as many snake ladies as I can. So far I'm thinking this for a list:


    Bloodwrack Medusa [general]

    Hag Queen

    5x Blood Sisters

    5x Blood Sisters

    5x Blood Stallers

    5x Blood Stalkers

    Temple Nest


    this leaves me with 70 points unaccounted for. Obviously I could grab another Hag Queen, but that would mean buying another box [as I would get the first Queen with my Medusa]. I'd rather try to keep it as cheap as possible for now. The reason I'm looking at Khailebron is because, when we eventually expand our army, I can keep the entire main forces in the battalion so they all get that neat rule. My general plans for expanding are more Sisters, and shrines/cauldrons for my heroes, as well as potentially more heroes as points work out. 


    Still debating spells/prayers/items. Advice there?


    Am I being foolish for trying to squeeze in the battalion at this point cost? I was also considering dropping the battalion and the Queen to put the Medusa on a Shrine and get 5 more Sisters, either to beef up a unit or to be a new unit. 


    My goal here is not to have a super competitive army, just to help learn the rules, easy into my collection, and have fun. But part of having fun is not getting rofl-stomped constantly. I have a feeling it should be fine as is, but figured I'd check with everyone here. 


    Also, roommate is going Dispossed. He'a a bit of a dwarf nut, and would rather stick with the classic dwarves rather than any of these "new-fangled" offshoots. If that plays any part in this.


    With those 70 points I think you pick up either another hag queen or an endless spell or two . You can get individual spells on ebay if you don't want to buy the whole box. Suffocating Gravetide is only 30pts and it can cause a lot of issues if moved efficiently. I don't think you are mad trying to fit the battalion into 1k as the rules for it are pretty good; most 1k armies need to roll attacks so it triggers a lot. As for prayers, with no big units to buff you may as well just take blessing of khaine or crimson rejuvenation to keep the medusae safe. 

    Don't worry too much about dropping the battalion as it lets you translate enemy attacks into mortal wounds. Even if paying for it means using a loose medusae. I was using the medusae back when it was a unit in the compendium rules and they were great then and are even better now. A spellcaster with decent attacks, 6 artefacts of her own, and an insane vision attack that is good at pinging elites and incredible at slaughtering a hoard. Just keep her behind the lines and make sure you are making the most profitable decision with her every turn. 

  9. @DJMoose Yeah I follow the logic regarding predatory spells. Nevertheless they look like a bit of fun and at least let me be aggressive on two fronts. I don't doubt that they are largely psychological weapons; but sometimes those can work. I definitely need more Blood Sisters. Building towards two units of 20; but I don't hobby every week and I'm happy building slowly. I have a 2k Seraphon list where I imagine I'll get more use out of both spells; but the potential with Khaliebron is very tantalizing as it offers a guaranteed deep strike with casting modifiers on either of my casters. Thanks for the advice on the Hag Queen, I can't help but agree that she will probably be better than the Lifeswarm.

  10. So, I've been thinking a lot about Khailbron and endless spells. 

    I'm not at the 2000pt level yet, but I think I have worked out a list designed to drop a purple sun on turn 1 in the heart of the enemy. Here is the list:

    Bloodwrack Shrine - General: Mistress of Illusions / Shadow Stone/Mindrazor

    5 Blood Sisters

    5 Blood Sisters

    10 Doomfire Warlocks: Mindrazor

    Purple Sun of Hysish

    Emerald Lifeswarm/Hag Queen.

    So if it isn't obvious already, the plan here is to teleport the Doomfire warlocks to 9" away from the enemy,  cast purple sun (adding 1 to the roll), deploy it within 6" and then move it 9", resulting in a 15" deep strike. Yes enemy deployment can counter this, but most armies can be relied to field  either a big unit for the sun to decimate, or lots of small ones clumped together. For different matchups I can teleport the Bloodwrack Shrine in to cast the sun and perform a bloodwrack stare.

    Yes, this leaves 11 models to fight a 1000pt army, but if the plan is to nuke them in the first turn, I am confident that the insane damage output of the snake ladies will clean house against the enemy. I am debating between the swarms and the hag because Witchbrew is lit; but the lifeswarm can outright resurrect models, and with the sisters costing 140p for 5 I'm almost always the player who stands to gain the most from one unit being regenerated/returned by D3 per turn.

    I chose Mindrazor as my spell for both units so that I can punish opponents with lower bravery/gain an edge over units whose bravery is being hurt by the sun.

    I think this is a (somewhat) consistent army with a turn 1 play that has a 50/50 chance to nuke the enemy; thoughts?

  11. @TeddyMadeMeDoIt

    I'm glad I was useful! Yeah skinks are great. I often run a unit of chameleon skinks. I was skeptical of the saurus but they have some great synergies. The Oldblood on Carnosaur can save up command points and then use it's command ability multiple times on a key turn. Sunbloods are also fun for the same reason.


    What army will you be playing most of the time?

  12. On 7/29/2018 at 9:56 AM, TeddyMadeMeDoIt said:

    Hey guys, 

    Looking for a but of advice as my 9yr old son and I are been playing some of the mini starter games Storm of Sigmar and he's really enjoying it, so I let him loose on the GW website and of course... He loves the dinosaurs! I told him how the giant frogs were some of the most powerful sorcerers in the game and now I can't see him being anything else

    I did give him a bit more actual lore too but hey, if giant frogs and dinosaurs get him in he's got plenty of time to discover the rest

    So I'm here to ask for the advice I mentioned, tend to play smaller games at the moment around 1000pts, want to make him a decent list that's not win at all costs but at the same time one he can have fun with, what do you guys think the best list to go with for him?

    I started with the getting started box and it is great. If you want to turn the contents of that into an army, I think a Skink Priest, a box of Saurus Guard and an Eternity Warden will give a 9 year old endless fun. 15 Saurus Guard with a priest and a warden backing them up are a reliable meat grinder that can stand still and kill everything. If he starts beating you too much, bring some mortal wound-dealers. The faction just got some really spicy race-specific artifacts and abilities in the Generals Handbook 2018 that I am sure a 9 year old would love as it gives him the tools to essentially can make his own character in game.


    For an actual list:

    Oldblood on Carnosaur

    Saurus Eternity Warden

    Skink Priest

    5 Saurus Knights

    10 Saurus Warriors

    15 Saurus Guard

    940 Points


    That leaves with you for 60pts to swap out the warriors/knights for units he likes the look of, or even some endless spells. You can use this website to generate army lists. It's official, so don't feel guilty:



    If he likes the look of a Slann; I'd recommend giving Kroak a miss. He is, very strong, and forces the opponent to play very competitively and cut-throat. Maybe when you get to 2000pts he's worth a look in; but at the <1001pt level the Slann Starmaster or the Skink Starseer will make for more interesting gameplay. There is also the downside that named characters cannot be given those abilities/artifacts I mentioned earlier. It's worth mentioning that if he prefers the skinks to the saurus you could always give the getting started a box  a miss and build a skink army.

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