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Posts posted by J-P

  1. @MyGeekyPersona I just want to thank you so very much for the inspiration you've given me. I've been so put off by the size/scale difference of the new Stormcast vs the old Chaos mortals - it just didn't add up to me. But now you've given so many ways of "fixing" it - to put it bluntly.

    I just recently dusted of my old ('97-ish) Realm of Chaos expansion box and books, to get some inspiration. The main reason I decided to theme my old warriors army as Nurgle followers was Valnir the Reaper and his Marauder tribe of the Crow.

    Amazing work, thank you for the inspiration and hobby tips. Please, keep going - I'm a follower!  


  2. Hi guys,

    Regarding Spire of Dawn bases; I assume the flappy-bird aelf(v?) hero has the largest base, and that would be a GW 105x70mm (102x68mm by my measurement, but hey - close enough).

    The problem is that the box only includes 25mm's for the skaven heroes, whereas I've been putting those on 32mm's so far (like @Percivael and the dark aelf heroes). I think I'll keep doing that, as they look better and pops more on 32mm's - or do would that be a bad idea?

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