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Everything posted by Carnelian

  1. @ElectricPaladin: This guy is pointing at you! better watch out!
  2. Honestly I'm struggling to make sense of that picture. if it's just a single model then it's really really tall! No sure it matters much but the white background and single model focus would set it apart from all prior white dwarf releases. Are we sure it's not just an official random mockup to promote the new language?
  3. Yeah it's strange they didn't mix between systems more - they definitely enough material
  4. I would like to see active points changes following tournaments. for example they recently revealed the top 5 lists from Blood and Glory. the would be great if they said hey, we've seen many many people taking X (warscrolls/battalions) and we've noticed that it's super powerful so we have added a little bit of points to it so it's just a wee bit harder to squeeze in to 2000 points. Let's see if that makes a difference at the next tournament!
  5. I would say make fyreslayers cheaper across the board Make monsters slightly cheaper Have some battleplans for narrative play which use unbalanced points on each side Make stormcast prosecutors with javelins the same cost as hammer prosecutors Make judicators more expensive or not battleline Take feedback from the thread about ironjawz points Do not get rid of legacy warscrolls points Keep summoning as it is More expensive savage orruks - 20 wounds for 100/120 points is too cheap! Give some negative to shooting whilst in combat Make orion cheaper - hes so squishy Include allegiance abilities for all pre sylvaneth battletomes
  6. I came on here to post the following but I was beaten to it: i have New white dwarf which confirms that the new Tzaangor kit allows you to arm the models with simple close combat weapons and also that it is not a monopose kit! So they should be suitable for AoS too! All hail tzeentch
  7. Then you should be very pleased that Thousand Sons have come with Magnus to kick some Wolf butt
  8. I for one love the new way GW are presenting and reacting rumours. it's great fun!
  9. Oh boy I wish I was a quicker painter. it's things like this that will inspire me to stay up painting all night tonight! work will be painful tomorrow....
  10. The words below the picture seem poorly formatted and don't read very nicely but the pic is otherwise quite convincing
  11. Any word if there will be new warscroll or points to go with them?
  12. It's definitely a variant of the castellant as it shares one of the two sprues
  13. He's down in price compared to lord-castellant which is awesome
  14. That ahriman model does look fantastic. Can't wait to see better custodes and sisters pic's
  15. Forget about the rebox bit, lets get all new minis like silver tower please!
  16. So are you saying the more boxes of silver quest I buy the more boxes there will be in the future? .... Reaches for my... wallet
  17. I think games workshop confirmed in white dwarf that there won't be any death or destruction packs for silver tower but they did suggest further warhammer quest boxes would not be limited to just the silver tower setting. That's not quite confirmation future Warhammer Quest boxes but it suggests them as at least a possibility
  18. ....ghostly silence.... Surprise skeleton! OK last time I promise! I think those battle matts look great but I hope they produce larger ones and in different realms fairly soon.
  19. I wonder if this means I can finally get a necrosphinx?
  20. To be fair Kill Team is much more balanced than regular 40k....(cue easy gag)
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