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Posts posted by Greyshadow

  1. Great question! And tricky to answer too. I have grown fond of the Stormcast and am planning on adding a few units to my Cities army. Stormcast are designed to be perfect for starters sets. I could see others though: Kharadron Overlords, Warriors, Sylvaneth could all work really well as starter set factions.

    Il’ll vote no. 😁

  2. Yes to the first question. The Spearhead box is fielded as it appears on the cover of the box. I don't think we can count on the current Vanguard boxes being Spearhead forces. The wording used in one of the promotional videos on the Warhammer Community site seems to suggest these boxes will be replaced. 

  3. The general thought around here seems to have greatest concern about the double turn’s impact is on small point games. I am not so sure about the impact on new players. Small point games were always problematic with fairness in old hammer. What tended to happen was one army would always dominate and the games were always very predictable. Perhaps the increased randomness at small points is a better state of affairs? A players first small collection vs their only opponents small collection is more likely to play differently every time. This may be a moot point. Spearhead might address our concerns.

  4. 3 hours ago, Bosskelot said:

    *AOS is a very weird community too in that it's hyper-defensive about any criticism of the game. A lot of this is obviously an ingrained reaction to old fantasy players, or total war fans, trashing on the game for years, but it is what it is. TGA is actually pretty unique in it's one of the few AOS communities online where you can actually criticise the game and not be personally attacked over it or have any aggression thrown your way. If people disagree, they actually do it politely and try and have a discussion about it. 

    Isn’t that great! Almost all my online experience with interacting with the community has been through TGA. I have a very favourable view of the community as a result.

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  5. 10 hours ago, Sception said:

    So by tying the penalty 'balancing out' the double turn to battle tactics, 4e is potentially heavily punishing it in exactly the full size competitive games between experienced players where the double turn not only isn't a problem but is actually a good thing that those players actually like in the game, while doing nothing to address the smaller, more casual games…

    A very astute observation. I’m a casual player who plays small games and I have still found priority to be fun. Perhaps if I played more regularly I’d tire of it? Chance means every now and again the priority roll will seem to go really for you or against you and you will get a not so good game. To be fair though, back in the days of 8th Ed fantasy you could get games that were a foregone conclusion before a dice was rolled. It might not be perfect but perhaps it is better in than out.

  6. I am quite relieved that priority is staying as I’ve always found it super fun. I know there are others who feel otherwise and I am respectful of that. Yes, they could have taken another direction and still have a fun game. For me personally, I am delighted that it is staying.

  7. Wounds is now going to be called 'health'! My first reaction was shock but the more I think about it the more I think this is smart. There has been confusion whether a rule refers to the number of wounds remaining or the wound characteristic. I think this has the potential to make things clearer.

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  8. One of my favourite things about Age of Sigmar is the rolling timeline. I love that my first battles took place in Ghur about twenty five years after the Realmgate Wars. The Necroquake occurred in the middle of one of my campaigns. My current army features the son of one my earlier generals. I really enjoy taking the advancing story and asking ‘how would this affect my army?’  Currently, my frontier settlement is receiving new materiel from Excelsis and is drilling soldiers in the new tactics and techniques from the Vedra Reformation. I am still telling my own story but it sits inside the larger story. I think GW are doing a fantastic job of balancing these competing ideas.

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  9. 9 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    Absolutely nothing interrupts a game worse than needing to spend 1-5 minutes scrambling through the rulebook to check what a rule does. Its bad for new players for that exact reason. When you add USRs everybody is a new player...

    I do understand your point. I felt that way about Fantasy Battles 8th Edition. It is that readability vs playability balance. A few common rules; such as fly, scout, champions, standard bearers, musicians, poison attacks, that are simple and easy to remember aren't too hard for new players but do really improve consistency and readability. 

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  10. I am looking forward to this 4th edition. I know balance has been great lately and the people who play regularly are having a blast. For me, an occasional player, I would like to see a more streamlined core rules set and it looks that's the way we are headed. Really keen to play some spearhead - I'll definitely be working on getting my armys spearhead ready.

    So far so good. I wonder what is going to happen with the double turn, (I really hope it stays unchanged).

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  11. I’ve been disappointed by the Dawnbringer books too if I am honest. I’ve been happy with the prose and there have been some great scenes but there has been just too much padding. (I did really enjoyed Broken Realms). I do think the idea of a zoomed in story about the birth of a new city was a good idea. Think the execution has been a bit lacking.

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  12. In a recent video by renowned historian Jordan Sorcery, Jordan noted the following during his deep dive into the development of Warhammer 7th edition:

    'There was always a tension between the visions of the Old World as being either a STORY or a SETTING. In one version, the world develops and big changes have consequences going forward; in the other, things never change and move forward.' 'But over time it became clear that it was a losing fight and that the Old World was considered by those above our pay grade to be a setting.' - Graham McNeill, former design studio member.

    I often see players keen for narrative development make critical posts noting that happened in Ghur after the launch of 3rd edition. I have also seen comment by no less than The Bard being  highly critical of the Warhammer world being treated as a story because the magic is writing the story yourself through your games.

    My reflections are that Age of Sigmar has been intentionally designed to satisfy both these camps. During the lead in and launch of a new edition, the STORY is progresses. New opportunities for units and whole armies are created. Then, during the life cycle of the edition, the game becomes a SETTING. Is the lack of story between editions intended to give the players the chance to tell their own memorable story through their battles and adventures?

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  13. AK interactive ultra matt. Incredible stuff. Want some satin? Mix contrast medium and AK interactive ultra Matt. More Satin? Stormshield ultra Matt mix. GW ‘ard coat can be a very thick gloss. You can thin it with contrast medium too.

    I tend to only varnish miniatures that will be handled a lot. Also vanish any terrain that will have miniatures placed on top.

  14. Great question!

    I chose Ogors as, at the time they released, they opened up an entire new region of the Old World that held significance to me. The stories in their book told of crossing the Worlds Edge mountains into the Plains of Azgorh and then to the Mountains of Mourn. This location was significant because my first experience playing in the Old World was Heroquest. Our party of heroes were ultimately defeated in the abandoned sky castles of the Mountains of Mourn in the expansion Against the Ogre Horde. I was hoping to continue our story from where we left off with this new army. I also loved the beautiful, characterful models and the Brian Froud influences. Also, having a small model count was a big factor too as I wanted to get my first army on the table quickly.

    For my second army, I chose Cities of Sigmar. This army allows me to see the horror of the Warhammer universe through human eyes. To me they are the protagonists. I love the historical influences, they look like something out of a Rembrandt painting. Love the pageantry and colour of them too.

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  15. 24 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    But no one forces you to buy them. If some one like me would like to get them, at least make them available :(

    Sorry, purely my own personal opinion based off limited experience with some custom Tzeentch dice I acquired a long time ago. I thought they were a bit naff. Perhaps they are much better now? Even so, if people like the custom dice, then thats great. Maybe Cities dice might be released during 4th edition?

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  16. I am so excited for this release. I’ve always loved the original big hat Chaos Dwarves. I wasn’t much of a fan of the Forgeworld Infernal dwarf aesthetic. I felt they didn’t have the character and charm that dwarves are known for. I really like the Iron Gholem dwarves though. I think the current creative team could do an amazing job of this faction.


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  17. I am also really busy with work and kids but I have a goal that I do at least 40 minutes of painting a week. If I don't for whatever reason, pretty rare that I don't, I have to make it up the following week. I also have a rule if I want to do more, my next painting project must be built and primed first.

    The idea is that if I can't find 40 minutes of time to bring me joy each week then I have a bigger problem. Having the next project ready to go helps me maintain the momentum.

    All up, I probably spend about 1.5 hours a week painting on average. I am a slow painter but manage to finish between 30 to 50 models per year.

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