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Posts posted by DinoTitanedition

  1. Vince said after Adepticon, that Orruks are due somewhere around the end of the year/early 2019. So it might very much be earlier for Slaanesh. A lot of people are asking for it anyway and like with the Deepkin, Games Workshops reacts a bit stronger to the product demands of the community recently.

    • Like 1
  2. As Games Workshop`s products were earliere on the market it seems more logically to state, that X-Wing is even more pricey, not that the content of the Shadespire box is equal to a giveaway ;)


    When I thought about the price I just thought about what`s inside the Storm of Sigmar boxed set:


    3 Liberators

    2 Retributors

    3 Blood Warriors

    5 Blood Reavers

    26 Euros


    Of course, there is some more paper stuffy in the Shadespire box and this is just my personal view on it, so don`t get this wrong, it`s not my intention to start a price debate, rather looking at the product itself. I`ll probably try the game in a tabletopclub or somewhere equally. Small boxed sets like this might even get my ladies to play some more games again.


  3. If the misuse of that ability is not justified in your eyes, the place to moan about it, is actually in the game and that towards your opponent. At least you relised it`s moaning ;) One of the tournamentcracks once told me, there is no bad armies, only bad generals. Never relized how much this fits characterwise as well until now.


    Jokes aside, if an opponent actively and knowingly destroys the joyful atmosphere of your game, it would be best to widen your selection of opponents with more relaxed players. But then again, it`s just a suggestion, not criticism or a complaint. Everybody enjoys the game in their own way.

    • Like 1
  4. Grots are right now the most interesting stuff, thou I am afraid, that the overall feel might differ too much. To me, the overall setting has to stay believble. If I imagine a supermechanized Grot next to a club wielding Bonesplitter....it just doesen`t seem to fit. I have the same issue with the Kharadron and the Stormcats.


    And I think the people in Nottingham do see this as well. So I expect some of the older factions to get a more up to date look and feel.


  5. I`m a little irritated as well...I`m from Germany and it was rather a coincidence I found tga. My impression was, that this was an AoS only forum. If you`re looking for 40K....the net is flooded with those...


    I`d rather have it stay in Mortal Realms and keep the relaxed atmosphere.

    • Like 3
  6. This is what AoS needs to flesh out the setting. Depth, culture, habits, civilization. It just makes the factions so much more believable.


    Now some new minis for Greenskinz (in the Age of Reckoning style) and a similiar treatment to them, a giant Greenskin keep for example, and I`ll be buying those for the rest of my life :D

    • Like 1
  7. Is there any news about new greenskinz? I don`t mean Ironjawz, I mean regular orruks and grots. They have the most dated miniature line would be a typical "For everyone to bash on"-faction fluffwise.


    Seriously......ENOUGH STORMCASTS......can`t see them anymore. Even a cheaper box doesen`t attract me again. I need something else. No, not Khorne...

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