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Everything posted by broche

  1. In fact, you have almost no reason to not take Icebone? you don't have to loose the command trait, and artefact is fine. I would still take drakfoot to win a tournament I think tought
  2. There's no such limitation, but you need to stay wholly within 12'' Ironfist's boss, which I guess could be hard.
  3. No i'm not too worried about waaagh pts. Ideally I would like to get the 6++ in round 1. Plan is to open with ere we go, generating 4, then build them in round 2 and 3, maybe spending some for cast bonus. In an ideal world I would like more ardboys to generate some more, but they are a bit expansive. I'm still tweaking it a bit
  4. This is the kind of list i want to try. Combine melee power of Ironjawz with shooting/mortal of bonesplitterz: Super resistant Mawkrusha. You can shoot screen with arrowboys / wurgog, then finish them with destructive bulk and charge again. Ironfist allow you to use free move on MK early and attack in hero phase later on.
  5. How many drop usually is Slannesh? like 5-6?
  6. Remember that RAW, each player alternate terrain piece (3 primary and 2 secondary each). The issue come more from the structure or tournament where table are usually fixed to save time. So as @Malakree mention, to use bloodtooth in tournament it's worth messaging the TO how they will handle this. I suspect most will be fine with you substituing a terrain piece for a Realmgate. Anyway, you always need to recheck terrain each game because of the objectives distance rule.
  7. yeah Hearthguard is the strongest CaC unit in the game, i don't think i would ever charge their front row. Your plan should have been to avoid/pin is block of 30 on unit corner (to minimize the number of model fighting) and use your superior mobility and board coverage to score. But i understand you wanted to experiment the desruction way
  8. They errated Rip tooth fist for melee only, sad... (but 100% more logical) A saw nothing about the realms gate tough did I missed it?
  9. Yeah i think you're right in fact i misread the errata is on Ironfist not on Brutish cunning
  10. Ironfist work with Big waaagh 😺 I'm not sure about brutish cunning tough given the errata
  11. Super interesting report. I see a couple of hole in your list, and given the closed game you played I think those change would likely have tipped the scale: 1. Your list is heavy on character (1060 pts). This reduce your board coverage and number of wound. I would strongly advise to reduce your hero ratio (either downgrade Godrack to regular MK, drop Megaboss for 5 extra brutes and/or drop Weirnob). 4 Heros reduce your drop to 5, raison your odd of choosing who go first. 2. I think your list is the perfect prototype to take Ironsunz. Brutish cunning is not a bad ability, but is not on par with getting a army-wide -1 to hit in first round. An army like slaneesh get really cripple by negative hit. At the end of the day, Brutish cunning is a free CP, and there is ton of other source to get CP. But ironsunz is the only way to get a -1 to hit
  12. Da Choppas is super good. spreading frenzy of violence on 3 units instead of 1 is super valuable. Reroll charge is super good, and +2 bravery is valuable especially on Brutes, and artefact is easily ignorable
  13. People are currently discussing Big waaagh under Bonesplitter/Ironjawz thread. Personnally I've couple of list in mind, and depending if Ironfist/Brutish cunning ruling with Da big waaagh, it will probably become my army of choice. I'd like mixing something with a Krusha + arrowboys and leverage Destructive bulk to chain multiple charge
  14. Yeah @ShaneHobbes I think you're list is quite good, i don't think you'll have any problem win that game. He'll loose too much damage from the Ironsunz trait in turn 1 and you will just wreck everything
  15. I think both can work. Do you know how many drop he as? the -1 to hit + sunbless armour should make the MK survive. I think he will go for the Warchanter first, with Ironsunz they would be -2 to hit
  16. Honestly it's not the Maw krusha that worry me the worse with Bonesplitter. It's the 6 warchanter buffed pig wrecking the poor nacked orruck. I think Ironjawz will just hit very hard early game to thin down the defense then win the mid game grinding war, as our counterattack isn't violent enough. But i also thing Bonesplitter have better matchup against the rest of the field. We will see!
  17. it's more 12 if they don't have mystic shield, or 8 if shield is up. He is gonna be tough to kill if he is not in combat, but once on fight he'll start taking damage in melee, he should not survive more than 2 combat if you focus fire on it. Nonetheless i still think Ironjawz might be Boneplitter worst matchup escpecially if they alphastrike, they will likely win the grinding war.
  18. what i do is I glue the weapon really lightly so it's not to painful to switch. lot less work than magnetise, and you can switch without much problem each 6month-year or so
  19. Gore hacka on an offensive set up, and consider rip-tooth fist in a defensive set up (ironclad/etheral amulet + mystic shield)
  20. I think @PlasticCraic blog do the best job at breaking down the option. I think the most survivable set up is Ironclad + Ignax scale (i would still take mean'un as trait, as weird'un + scale is overkill, and loud'un is just 1 turn). You almost get 50/50 of surviving a double pile-in by a buffed Terrorgheist. The really good part of this set up is that you're basicly immune to no rend units (hello plague monk, fury ect.) With this set up I would take rip tooth fist I think, as it will pile up damage really quick agains horde. The most aggressive set up is Live to fight + destroyer + mean'un (average 60+ damages on the charge with +1 to hit and warchanter buff). There is good in between solution too. For exemple, Live to fight + mean'un + etheral amulet give you both excellent damage and defense and is probably one of the best overall set up. Ironsunz default set up is super good as well, you sacrifice trait but Artefact is almost as good as Etheral amulet but don't prevent you from taking the Brooch, and the -1 to hit will protect you from shooting in round 1. No matter the set up you choose, I think Mystic shield is actually vital if you plan to throw your Cabbage up front and hope he will survive. So you need at least to splash 1 wizard. Cheapest option is Fungoid (still super solid as it will resplendish your CP), and I would consider getting a casting bonus to increase MS consistency.
  21. @Martijn de Bruin pretty solid list, you should have success. I would just switch the Gleaming blade, there is much better artefact out there
  22. Personnally I really like live to fight, I think it's one of the only trait that would make me forgo specific tribe. A 40+ damages charging MK (60 with destroyer) look amazing. Brutish cunning is really good, but i also agree that we have other source of CP. I guess it get more value if you don't have ironfist, but 1 free cp per turn should be enough. I'm pretty sure once you start fighting in the hero phase and warchanter are not dead that is pretty much game over. One of the reason fixing beat is really good is that it also protect warchanter against grinding shoot / spell. In fact it might worth to just double it up.
  23. Drakkfoot don't remove ward save when we do mortal wounds (via from spell, big stabba or other).
  24. Yeah I've them set up with Chompa tough, but spear seem better now suck a bit for me lol. Maniak will still put more damage if they are 5 model of more, even on the charge! Also I guess the +1 save is much better now that our ability allow the save after save (as we get double 6+ against rend 1)
  25. Yeah, Weirnob is one of the Hero that took a beat with the new book... However HoG is still not bad even with no cast bonus, considering it's a potential threath all game long. But it's more an extra than a stapple for sure
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