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Tzaangor Management

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Posts posted by Tzaangor Management

  1. The price increases won't effect me personally, but I think this is down to the way that I purchase models and engage with the hobby. I tend to pick an army, buy most of what I need, build and paint it. I do of course buy other things along the way, but I can tell you exactly what is in my pile of gray and also that it fits inside the Soul Wars box... because it's all (mostly) inside the old Soul Wars box...

    It takes me about a year to paint an army, along with distractions like Warcry Warbands, etc., so the cost is effectively spread across a twelve month period. When I compare this to my other hobbies, past and present, it is approximately the same cost. I recently gave up playing football due to advancing age and injuries. Age of Sigmar costs no more than that did and seems fairly reasonable to me in terms of the enjoyment it brings.

    When I got into the hobby I spent a long time researching and getting a sense of how things worked. As a result of this and the quality of the new sculpts, I have bought very few old kits. It has been clear to me, from the beginning, the direction that Age of Sigmar was going in and that it was intentionally away from the Tolkein-esque themes of the Old World. I am surprised that this seems to have been missed by so many, but I mainly put this down to nostalgia and differing tastes. Regardless, as a result, I have very few fears about units being discontinued and for those few that are, I know I have learnt some lessons from them.

    I am very conscious of what I enjoy about the hobby and how much I value it. I have framed my expectations based on this, as well as real world inevitabilities like price increases, and so this round of price increases, the first I remember in four years, will have no effect on my purchasing.

  2. I don't think the new painting system will stop people from trying to improve. The same people that stop at a base coat and a wash at the moment, will stop at a contrast base coat and a contrast layer if this system proves to be what GW are advertising it as and vice versa. 

    At first blush I can't see myself using these paints, as I have moved away from using washes in general, as I don't like the 'pooling in the recesses' technique, which these build on. I'll be interested to see what cleverer folks than I can come up with though and it looks a good first step.

  3. 1 hour ago, Turin Turambar said:

    If the lion is Hysh aelves... then I am worried it will turn out they are  AOS space wolves, made worse by the fact I hate lions.

    I'm almost scared to ask, but I can't help it: why do you hate lions?

    • Haha 5
  4. I'm not a fan of either of these factions returning, mostly because I am in no way nostalgic about them. The models don't do it for me, they're leagues behind the current plastics and I don't care that Settra doesn't kneel.

    I don't say that to invalidate anyone's point of view, but as a player new to the game (starting in the first year or so of AOS and not including the 90's where Settra wasn't in the game) and with new players clearly a target for GW's expansion, I think it's a point worth making.

    That said, if either of these two factions was remade with the current technology and design aesthetic, then they'd be amazing I'm sure. I can't say they'd be an 'insta-buy', because I'm all about the aesthetics, but I got into Stormcast for the Aquilor and the Palladors, so a human-ish faction riding fantastic beasts would probably work. That said, are the Stormcast cavalry units already occupying that space?

    • Like 2
  5. It would be a massive curve ball to have no Stormcast, so I can't really see it, unless they're about to get a special Warcry Squad with all new models in the second round of releases... Champions of the Gladiatorum or something...

    • Like 1
  6. 30 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    What are the other two? 

    Eidolon of Mathalan and the Lord Aquilor. The Eidolon is the only model I've bought just to own the model, although I have since bought an IDK army and the Aquilor was the first Stormcast I really liked (along with the Palladors) and got me into that army.

    All three represent the best of GW model making for me and the huge leap forward from what came before. 

    • Like 1

    25 minutes ago, Luke82 said:

    I’m really intrigued what this new paint product is. Honestly stumped thinking what could reduce the grey shame pile (unless GW are going to only allow you to buy more models when you send em a photo of you holding your last purchase fully painted and a copy of that day’s news paper.)

    New paint pots that don't have that terrible flip lid design is my hope!

    Amazing releases and I don't remember there being so many reveals for AOS and AOS related items in any preview seminar before.  I'm particularly excited for Warcry, as I was all in even if it was just Chaos, but the chance to use models from other factions should make the game much more appealing to a wider market and allays my fears that this was a Necromunda release with a Kill Team-style release still to come.

    Never had any interest in Slaanesh before, but that Keeper is amazing and on a par with the Lord of Change, which is in my top three models GW have ever made. If they have a solid mortal line, then I think I've got my next army, before I've finished painting my first unit of IDK...

    The Fyreslayers release is as expected for me. I won't be buying them, despite really enjoying painting the Shadespire warband, but if you've already bought into the aesthetic, then a new book, Endless spells and terrain can't be anything but a good thing. An easy fix for these guys would be to make them two wounds each and increase their points commensurately. Less bodies on the board all looking the same, keep a portion of their staying power, which has been their hallmark and reduce the cost of fielding an army. 

    Perfect preview for me: One thing I'm definitely getting; one thing I'm tempted by; and a number of things that will improve AOS overall.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  8. I would much rather see a 'Free Cities' tome that includes the former High Elves than an Aelf soup tome and I think it's the much more likely outcome. 

    Aelves don't really have anything unifying them other than the Aelf keyword, which is in use by the Daughters of Kaine and the Idoneth Deepkin, and our collective memories of the Old World. If you look at the armies that have received soup tomes they have either: built out from one faction that has given them their theme like Moonclan or Beastmen; had a common keyword that unites them like Skaven; or had a unifying theme like the Legions of Nagash (auto-correct to Legions of Natasha 🤣). The disparate Aelf factions don't really have any of these. The most obvious option here would be the Swifthawk Agents, but that model range is OOP.

    In the lore most of these factions (with some notable exceptions and these tend to be restricted by keyword) are part of the armies of Azyr or attached to the Free Cities in someway. There is little to no justifications for combined Aelf only armies at present. However, GW could get around this by including a the facility to create your own Free City, similar to the way that Kharadron Overlords can create Sky Ports, which would allow you to pick a number of traits, etc. and compose your army of the models that you like. Not only would this solve the Aelf problem, but it would also neatly solve the Ironweld problem at the same time.

    GW have already done a lot of the work here with lore writing and the Firestorm Campaign supplement, they would solve three problems at once tidying up Order in almost one fell swoop and they could move onto the things they are clearly interested in: designing brand new factions, with interesting and unique IP's.

    This is obviously my preference as well as what I think is the most likely outcome, but I don't really mind how they solve the Aelf, Dispossessed and Free People's problem, I just hope they do it soon. The other option is that they hang around until they can get folded into new factions and that could take a while...


    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Grimhack said:

    @Tzaangor Management 

    I've been following his thread for a while, he has some amazing stuff. The biggest reason I would try nmm on these guys is because I haven't been using metallic paints for a while now and the more practice the better. I'm just worried it won't look right with these models

    Yeah, I know the feeling. I recently painted some Namarti Thralls and didn't want to use metals, for a slightly different reason, so painted the weapons black and then edge highlighted them with progressively lighter purples. The effect works fairly well and gives a sort of obsidian look.

    Also, if you check out Mitzy, from the Mitzy and Jimbo show, on Twitter (@EATBATSmitzy), he has a similar scheme to yours with the blue and yellow and has gone for dirty metal on the weapons and armour plates, which might give you some context.

  10. NMM is a tough technique and will be slightly more difficult due to all of the bumps and ridges you have on the Iron Jawz weapons. I'm certainly no expert, but tried it on a Blood Warrior axe that had grooves in it and wished I hadn't 😬. That said it can look amazing if you have the time to do it across the whole army and would check out @Lysandestolpe's thread, which has some excellent tutorials on the technique doing just that.


    For the bone you have lots of options. I usually do a simple Ushabti base (over white), shade Agrax, restablish the definition with Ushabti and then highlight with an off white (usually off white, or Elffic Flesh from Vallejo as I have those in my box). You can take it a lot further from there and I will often blend browns (Mournfang into Rhinox) at one end of large pieces, like that on the Mega Boss' shoulder, to add some additional visual interest. 

    Looking great so far though and loving the blue and yellow scheme you've got going on!

  11. Warcry looks brilliant to me and more interesting than I expected. I had presumed that it would be Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh, with the possibility of Beasts of Chaos and Skaven, so am excited by the potential of realm themed Chaos warbands (if that is indeed what they are).

    This is the direction I hope the eventual Human AOS release goes down - not a rehash of the Empire, but realm-based customisation on standard human models.

    Warcry is a definite buy for me, but then I like Chaos and never expected every faction to be represented following the initial trailer.

    • Like 1
  12. Congratulations! It's a great achievement to get an army fully painted and I must admit to some eyebrow raising  t-shirt over the head celebrations whenever I finish.

    I don't have kids, or, truth be told, much of a life, so I do try and make time to paint once a day for at least 30 minutes and usually manage a little more. I never batch paint more than six models at a time, before rewarding myself with a character or cavalry model to spice things up a little and I've tended to paint fairly low model count armies. 

    I finished 2,000 points of Stormcast in around 6 months and went on to paint up to 3,220 points of models, along with a few other bits and pieces, last year leaving just 3 Aetherwings, 10 Sequiters and 5 Evocators in my grey pile.

    In terms of a good finish fast, I'd recommend an airbrush, even if it's just to prime, zenithal highlight and get a base layer or two down. I got a fairly inexpensive one for Christmas and I reckon it's saving at least an hour per miniature. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, so I'll see how long it takes me to paint my next project, but so far so good.

    Also, let's see some pictures!



    • Like 3
  13. I predict we'll see a Battletome: Freecities to clean up the Order micro-factions and turn them into something more playable. GW have already laid the groundwork with Firestorm and with the current direction of the lore, which seems geared towards creating fleshed out locations, rather than attempting to map an entire realm.

    Duardin and Aelves are in a different position to the factions that have received large catch-all books (LON, BOC and GSG) in that part of their factions have already been built out with the introduction of Idoneth, DOK, Fyreslayers and KO (BOC not withstanding the inclusion of Tzaangor) .  I would also imagine that we'll see something big for Humans, as the relatable window into the Mortal Realms, that has a less generic (German) feel. Possibly realm themed forces, with different Allegiance abilities and visual signifiers depending on the realm they hail from.

    GW is clearly trying to move away from the more generic fantasy tropes and the visual-style of the new releases is an indication of this. We will likely continue to see small factions used as inspiration for larger releases (part of the old High Aelf faction used to create the much rumoured Light Aelves for example), but it would seem an odd change of direction to organise along racial lines, not to mention an unnecessary labour when the groundwork has already been laid.

    Just my perception. I've certainly been surprised by GW before and there does appear to be an appetite for an Aelf or Duardin book from reading this forum, it just feels as though it would run counter to the work and effort GW has already made.

    Slightly more on topic (although in my defence it's hard to tell what's off topic in this thread these days 😉): I'm sure I've heard mention of a second set of generic Endless Spells available to all factions, which would fit the 'something for everyone' line. Would be a little lack luster given previous LVO, etc. reveals, but was where my mind went. I'll try and remember exactly where I got that from...

    • Like 2
  14. Took me a while to find, but I remembered there was a topic like this at the end of 2017 beginning of 2018 and that I'd made some bold predictions for 2018... thought I'd look back to see how I'd done.

    Topic can be found here in case anyone else wants to check theirs:

    My goals had been:

    1. Plan an army that will (hopefully) be effective on the table, rather than a collection of models I like.

    Sort of remains to be seen, but I think this is a no, having picked models that I liked to base an army around...

    2. Build and paint said army in the first six months of the year. 

    Pretty much painted the initial 2000 points in 6 months.

    3. Play 3-4 times a month (re-arrange work schedule) and up skill level.

    Nowhere near. Was probably playing around twice a month at best, but moving to a new part of the UK has slowed me down.

    4. Attend a tournament.

    I managed to get to a one day event and finished dead last. Probably a nail in the coffin for objective 1 🤣

    5. Enter a painting competition.

    Swallowed my fear of not being good enough and have entered a couple of painting competitions at my new local GW. Not won, but have a model in the cabinet, which I look in on from time to time.

    3/5 is not bad and I have probably learned that having an effective army is probably not a huge concern for me, so I won't be repeating that one!

    In 2019 I aim to:

    1). Learn how to use my airbrush that will be arriving for Christmas

    2). Play at least twice a month

    3). Get to a tournament at Warhammer World

    4). Build a 2000 point army and customise (so learn how to Green Stuff do conversions)

    5). Win a painting competition (even a very small one)

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