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Everything posted by Still-young

  1. I think it’s mainly because of the dynamism and design on the Nighthaunt. When the majority of the model is flowing cloaks, it’s hard to make it posable while looking realistic.
  2. Not if they want every model in the unit to be the same. There isn’t enough of the same pieces.
  3. Is this just wishful thinking that there’s more coming or has it actually been rumoured? I wouldn’t be surprised if this is it, at least for quite a while.
  4. Pushfit models are barely less customisable than some of the full kits these days, which basically are push fit without the pegs.
  5. That’s the Slaughterbrute (with it’s other head).
  6. From the leaked release list, there’s only the Start Collecting, none of them are coming separately (yet at least). I think they’ll probably be monopose like Shadowspear and the Sisters box.
  7. The new STD models are excellent, but the Sphiranx is a definite winner for me. Absolutely love it.
  8. I don’t like the idea of extra models in sets with models I’ve already bought though.
  9. The long Sphinx cat thingy has a certain unsettlingness to it
  10. Quite tempted by the Gloomspite box. Might be a bit of a mish-mash but I like all the models in there and I’ve liked the look of Gloomspite since they came out. If the Necromunda box is as expensive as rumoured I might swap it for this on my Xmas list.
  11. I mean it’s obviously just their opinion though, you don’t need to take it personally.
  12. Also a good point @Overread, yeah. While there are three sprues in each warband, they’re actually cast in one go - you can see where the single sprue is snapped off of the double sprue.
  13. I don’t think it works out so neatly for all the factions though.
  14. No, the other build of the Infiltrators and the Tank didn’t have rules in Shadowspear.
  15. They published rules for units in the Space Marine codex that are just releasing this weekend.
  16. ‘Ruine’ is quite obviously cut off from ‘Ruined’. And Iron Golem is how they’re referred to by GW on the web store anyway. I can definitely remember releases that big when much of it is small specialist games stuff and 6 of them would be reboxed kits anyway.
  17. The Petrifex Elite are the best looking in my opinion.
  18. He’s not, but the plaster on his head in the art does imply Blood Bowl. Edit: maybe he is. There’s more similarities than I thought.
  19. Not keen on that Warcry warband at all, but it’s nice to finally see a Warcry warband and not want to buy it honestly. The BB ogres look awesome though.
  20. There will be a Mawtribes faction focus this week, yeah. Last years Spiel preview wasn’t big. Underworlds warband and blood bowl team, and a board game. That said, most of the previews this year seem to have had more than I expected based on last years. I think it’s going to be boxed game stuff though, not AoS/40k. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/10/26/26th-oct-revealed-at-spielgw-homepage-post-1/
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