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Everything posted by Still-young

  1. I just kind of assumed them doing the roadmap and showing the daemon Prince was all we’re gonna get until nearer the time.
  2. Yes, I’m sure they accidentally leaked multiple pages of a book from a completely different system.
  3. I think it might be the other way round. From the article: ‘This massive, evil-eye-popping miniature – if you can even call it a “miniature” – won’t be out for a while yet.’ Between that and the fact it didn’t show up in the CSM rumours that were spot on, I think it’s probably coming with the StD book in the winter and they just showed the CSM one now because the kit leaked anyway and people were asking about a CSM one.
  4. They kind of had to mention World Eaters, as they aren’t in the Chaos Codex.
  5. That was a pretty meaty preview so I’m excited for tomorrow. I’m really impressed with how different the 40k and Fantasy Daemon Princes look from the same kit.
  6. Well, 2 partial models. I’m hoping there’s more than that in the preview.
  7. Do finecast kits even come in boxes with art anymore? Or are they just white boxes with a sticker. Been a while since I bought any. I don’t think they get repackaged the way plastic kits do though.
  8. It’s only the head I’m not keen on on the Daemon Prince, and the chances of that being the only head option are pretty slim.
  9. Not that I overly believe this, but it doesn’t say new verminlord.
  10. Just noticed the countdown timer is wrong, it’s counting down to 6pm tomorrow not 5pm haha.
  11. They’re getting a battletome (almost certainly), but what comes with that we’ve no idea. Personally I’m not getting my hopes up for much.
  12. Why is todays rumour engines bigger deal than any others? It’ll be for something like a year off like always.
  13. The StD stuff definitely won’t be revealed next week, with there being 6 battletomes coming first that haven’t been revealed yet.
  14. We saw models that are probably the Legionnaires in the background of a photo, but I’m not sure why that discounts them from being a Warcry warband?
  15. It’s clearly neither a grot or a spider.
  16. The Horns of Hashut could still be coming for Warcry. The StD book is out after whatever we’ll see for Warcry so makes sense for them to be in the book like the rest of the warbands. I don’t think their warscroll was too dissimilar from other Warcry bands in AoS?
  17. I don’t really like the new Ogroid models, they have a similar awkwardness to the Minotaur models in my opinion. Everything else so far is pretty damn cool though.
  18. Still seems like a pretty good sign for the future though. And makes it more likely they’ll be their own thing with their own tome rather than a handful of units.
  19. I’m a bit confused what you were expecting the reveal to be? To me, the starter box reveal was the best case reveal at the end of a week of teases. I was expecting a model or maybe a warband. A starter set is about the biggest thing they can reveal for Underworlds, no?
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