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Everything posted by Still-young

  1. I’ve liked Sylvaneth since they came out and I’ve recently been tempted by Gloomspite. I like that it’s all ‘new’ models for both sides (I.e. no Dryads or standard Moonclan grots).
  2. Looncurse! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/04/28/coming-soon-looncurse/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_campaign=AoS&utm_content=AoSPreorderPreviewApr28
  3. Well, that looks pretty damn sweet. I’ve always liked the Sylvaneth...
  4. They learnt from the GUO that people will pay £85 for a greater daemon. It was never gonna be cheaper than that.
  5. Tzeentch and Nurgle got pretty big releases, in one hit. Tzeentch got the Acolytes, the Tzaangor (technically were released as a 40k option earlier, but released again in their AoS version), the Tzaangor Shaman, the Tzaangor Enlightened, the Lord of Change, the Changeling, and the Gaunt Summoner and Ogroid Thaumaturge rereleased separately from Silver Tower. Maggotkin got the Great Unclean One, the Lord of Blights, the Pusgoyles, the Beast of Nurgle, 2 different heralds, the tree and the seperate release of Slimux. That’s on top of all the stuff Nurgle got in the End Times (where Slaanesh got nothing). Slaanesh is getting the KoS, Daemon Prince guy, mirror thing, Masque and the scenery and spells. It’s noticeably smaller. Again, no one has been asking for a huge release here. Personally I’d have been happy for just one new unit. Hell, swap it for the mirror thing.
  6. No where near 90% of that stuff was from the end times, and if anything that just means that Slaanesh has been waiting even longer to get similar releases to the other gods and still hasn’t got it.
  7. Except for when it’s not been like that for the other 3 gods as repeatedly pointed out, you mean?
  8. Just seen this on Facebook. The episode isn’t out yet.
  9. Mortals have already featured in the story though, looking for Slaanesh.
  10. Yeah, I’ve never bought a model based on its rules. I’m all about those aesthetics baby!
  11. I already said, I don’t like the Slaves to Darkness models (or the Beastmen ones, particularly). And they’re available to everyone so it does nothing to lessen the disappointment.
  12. You’re focusing too much on the word ‘mortal’. Non-demon unit. Its just about unit variety, for me anyway. I don’t care if they’re human or beasts, I just wanted a new unit that wasn’t daemonettes, like every other god has got. To me it simply boils down to this - Slaanesh has waited the longest for any kind of update, and got the least out of it. I waited patiently for Slaanesh because I thought it would be well worth the wait. And while what we got is awesome, there’s still not a core of the army that appeals to me, so yeah, I’m disappointed.
  13. Why? They increase the diversity in the unit choice, exactly how a mortal unit would. I’d be happy with Slaangor instead. Also, I mentioned them from the start, so I haven’t shifted any goalposts - they’re right where I always put them.
  14. But any chaos army can take Slaves to Darkness etc, as well as having more of their own options. That’s not unique to Slaanesh, and therefore still leaves them behind the other gods. Also, most of those models are old and not great, partly why I was hoping for a new unit kit.
  15. Yeah, that colour scheme is just fantastic. I like the big hair too.
  16. People keep saying this, but Maggotkin got the Pusgoyles. They may just be mounted Blightkings, but I’d be happy with a unit of dismounted Hellstriders. Tzeentch also got Tzaangor, Tzaangor on discs, and a Tzaangor hero, which might not strictly be ‘mortal’, but they fulfil the same role of increasing the diversity of the basic troop options.
  17. They got the Pusgoyles with the Maggotkin release, so they have 2 mortal units, and a handful of mortal hero’s.
  18. Daemonettes are just as old as Bloodletters...
  19. There’s very little, if any, outrage here. Disappointment is the word, and it’s not unwarranted. Every Chaos army has access to Slaves to Darkness. Slaanesh has waited the longest for their update and got the least out of it. No ones asking for much, and they aren’t expecting things blindly, there’s been a pattern to past chaos releases.
  20. I would probably just assume we definitely aren’t getting them, or the disappointment is just gonna be worse.
  21. I just watched it and couldn’t see the Mangler anywhere.
  22. Exactly the same here. I’m usually fully in the camp that we overhype things and it leads to disappointment, but GW absolutely did not help this time.
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