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Everything posted by Still-young

  1. Could they really have not just shown the box as part of the preview? Why drag things out like this.
  2. I’m almost certain it is all of them, it’s a comparable amount to every other Warcry warband, including ones that have been in the big boxes.
  3. I like the armoured guys but the undarmoured ones aren’t great. I don’t mind them being human, assuming it heralds an actual Chaos Dwarf release at some point. Between these and the hobgrot stuff, I imagine it does.
  4. That’s okay, we can’t all be correct all of the time.
  5. I think they look pretty awkward too. They remind me of the minotaurs, which isn’t something I like to be reminded of.
  6. That was a bit different, because they reused every cover from one edition to another in that edition of 40k. It wasn’t great obviously, but it was more of a decision than this edition of AoS’s ‘we’ll do some new ones, and not bother with others, just cos’.
  7. Well they made a big deal about how ‘these aren’t the old world, they’re definitely Age of Sigmar!’ (Even though every bit we saw would have fit just fine in The Empire).
  8. They’re actual kits though. Most of the AoS stuff is just character models. 2 of them just random characters from novels that we know nothing about.
  9. Not really, no. There were more CSM reveals yesterday than we got total today. They wasted a slot on a unit that isn’t even coming until the end of the year. They sounded bored through the whole thing (the most excited they sounded was mentioning LotR tomorrow). The biggest release is Sylvaneth and it’s 3 units.
  10. Apart from the promoting it they did today, you mean.
  11. We had more chaos stuff yesterday than the total new things we’ve seen today, is part of the problem. Plus the Skaven disappointment, low effort art, stupid long teases, showing stuff we’ve seen in leaks that is like half a year away. Even the presentation doesn’t feel as good today.
  12. That’s worse 😂 it’s only gonna be around for a year, at least a tome would last 3.
  13. I don’t get why they’re showing stuff 6 books ahead. I know it leaked but I’d rather see more of stuff we’re getting soon. Feels like a wasted slot.
  14. It’s such a shame when a lot of the 40k ones are really cool.
  15. Couldn’t even get some new art for the cover.
  16. That’ll be the one new Skaven model then?
  17. If it’s today, that means a battletome, which means we’ll see 3 battletomes. I don’t see it.
  18. Sure, but I don’t think that’s overly likely either. Sylvaneth and maybe Skaven.
  19. We’ve seen reboxed Skaven, which come with battletomes. They aren’t going to show Slaves to Darkness when there’s like 6? Battletomes coming before them.
  20. I just kind of assumed them doing the roadmap and showing the daemon Prince was all we’re gonna get until nearer the time.
  21. Yes, I’m sure they accidentally leaked multiple pages of a book from a completely different system.
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