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Everything posted by Sabotage!

  1. Eh, even is Warcry hadn’t been done, I would much rather have the 8 cult units than new marauders. They are much more visually interesting and allow people to choose what function their army has/ what they look like rather just having a single option. Also if the WU Darkoath kit is what new Marauders would look like I would rather have ANY of the cult units as I think the Darkoath WU models are some of the most visually boring models GW has ever released. I am a huge fan of Slaves (played then for 3 editions of fantasy) and will be starting an army with the new book and since Warriors / Knights are getting modern resculpts. I personally think we got spoiled for new models. So far we are getting 1. Resculpted Warriors 2. Resculpted Knights 3. 8 Cult Units 4. The Formoroid 5. The awesome Cat/Sphinx thing 6. The Myrmidon 7. The new Hero on Monster We will almost certainly get multipart Warriors and Knights later (like the New Shadowspeae box and the new CSM), and hopefully the Warriors can be assembled as Chosen.
  2. This guy will be buying a SC set and a battletome this December (my Xmas gift to myself). Also how cool would it be for GW to release SC bundles with army releases instead of a year or two down the road?
  3. Wow, what a release. These are perfect upgrades to Chaos Warriors and Knights. Kept the aesthetic, upgraded the models, absolutely love them.
  4. I would love Varangard on foot. I love the idea of Chaos Warriors, but I think having all the heavily armored murder machines be very elite (significantly stronger than a Stormcast) and very few in number would be more fitting. Even though their were armies of them, back in WHF and into AoS I imagine Chaos armies as horses of mortals, mutants, and monsters with a small number of heavily armored elite that have been blessed by the Chaos gods. From a financial standpoint it seems odd to not update the traditional Chaos Warrior, which is probably the most iconic unit in the entire history of WHF.
  5. Those monsters are both awesome. I'm hoping I can use them both in Warcry and in a Slaves army. I love the idea of an hodge-podge army of murderous barbarians, magical armor-encrusted killing machines, mutants, and monsters rampaging through the lands. I'm particularly interested in the first monster.....I'm hoping it's some kind of mystical creature, possibly with magical attributes, and not just a mount without a rider.
  6. I'm thinking if StD are getting any new units (which it's strange the Knights are rumored, because I agree, they are reasonably modern and much better than the Warriors on foot? Maybe they are foot Knights?) It's going to be the first week in January. GW has in the past (and maybe with the OBR? I haven't paid too much attention) released the book, spells, etc, and additional stuff the next week. This way people can spend all their GW gift cards and holiday money on some shiny new models.
  7. Bummer I was hoping for Farmers of the Realms of Chaos! Pledge your soul to the eight-pointed plow!
  8. Very true. I think if we don't see a STD preview at Blood and Glory that will also make it very unlikely.
  9. Nice catch on the Chaos Dwarfs. A made to order could definitely be possible. I do agree on the Warcry prices being pretty confounding. I don't think we can compare the new Necromunda Starter to the Grandmaster edition. The new Necromunda starter has two gangs which are full retail 40 USD each (probably 60 for the Cult as they have 15 models) so that's 100 USD in retail pricing vs 220 for the two Warlords alone. At that rate GW would be charging more than the listed retail for the ZM terrain when it is bundled in the starter (that can't be more than two sets in my opinion), plus 60 for a 50 dollar rulebook. It just doesn't add up. Not to mention starters usually offer a good discount, and at that price only diehard Necromunda fans will pick it up. There definitely is some real info mixed in there (army boxes, BL probably), so some of it will probably happen. I can't 100% say the list is fake, but it definitely is leaning that way.
  10. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that these lists are fake. The first hint on the green one was that they named the Ogre Blood Bowl Team. The second one looks more plausible, as the Inquisitor availability aligns with Inquisitor rules coming in the November WD, but totally kills it's credibility with threethings. 1). The Chaos Dwarf Team - The FW team has to beg and bargain for production space for plastics. They have never been able to produce more than 4 teams a year, and have a lot of trouble even squeezing those in. To make matters more apparent, the team coming out the same week as another? 2). The new Warcry box prices: I am guessing the price increase is for a full Sprue, AKA double number the number of models. GW would give a slight discount over the normal price of two Warcry boxes (think 85$) not a marked discount. 3). The price of that Necromunda Starter: 290 USD! That is out of this world for the contents. The box has less minis than the Warcry Starter and about the same amount of terrain. I can't see even GW putting a product like that out, it would just sit on shelves forever. I honestly think we will get the Spire Tyrants this year and not the next (probably the monster too), but I really don't think we'll see STD until early next year.
  11. Thanks for clearing that up, I'm not really up to date on 40k related things. Good to see GW being reasonable with their book releases again.
  12. Still-young did point out that SM got a lot of stuff in the new book that is just releasing now. Though I don't know if that's the Phobos Marines, and if so I wouldn't say they count as they had rules in Shadowspear (sorry don't really follow 40k so I could be wrong). That said, if this list is right, I don't see the Spire Tyrants shown on it at all, and the Scions haven't been previewed, though I suppose they might be at Blood and Glory.
  13. My apologies on being unclear, I was intending on saying that the Warrior models are too small (they are dwarfed by Stormcast and do not match their fluff descriptions) and that the models are very static (because they were originally designed to be assembled in regiments for Warhammer). I wasn't intending any comment on their rules or how they play.www I do hope that GW is getting over their fear of third party manufacturers. It gives them a lot more freedom to update books if they don't immediately need model X produced.
  14. Another reason that I'm skeptical about the StD release in December is that means they would have to publish rules for The Spire Tyrants and The Scions of the Flame before the kits are out.....and unless they are coming out a few weeks after the book GW hates to do that. I think there is still a good chance we will get an updated box of Chaos Warriors or Varanguard on Foot. Maybe a dual kit of both. We had that armored gauntlet teaser from WarCom that looked very much like a Varanguard gauntlet holding a weapon haft. I assumed it would be Spire Tyrants, but it was not. Really that's all the faction really needs for new models. The old Warriors are very dated, and while not the worst plastics GW offers, they are very clearly very too small and made to be built in regiments. The Warcry bands can replace Marauders, the leader models are mostly plastic, etc. The new monsters add some neat new stuff. I suppose if we are getting a Slaves release this year we will probably find out the weekend after this at Blood and Glory.
  15. There very well could be some more 40k stuff for Psychic Awakening, I hadn't considered that. I think in the past the Spiel previews have been more in line with the boxed games GW produces, as they are more on theme for the event than mass battle games. Underworlds is a possibility as well. Though I think the Goblins are the only other Underworlds thing we will get this year. I think since we had that Spire Tyrant shown and the 2019 Warcry book we will definitely see them, as they are very likely to be released in the next five or six weeks.
  16. So what is everyone expecting from the Spiel preview? Last year we got The Undead BB team, a board game, and something I can't recall. Personally I think we will see the Spire Tyrants (and possibly the Scions of Flame) for Warcry. I'm also expecting to see the 4th team of the year for Blood Bowl (Chaos Dwarfs maybe?) and the new Necromunda gang.
  17. That wouldn't surprise me, or to get Ossiarch players who are impatient to buy the box even if they really don't want the Ogre stuff. That said this is all conjecture at this point and all the other OB stuff could be out soon. I do like Ogres, though I'm still holding out for Slaves or a new Human army.
  18. I wonder if this set is going to be an early release set (as the Sisters box is rumored to be) where the box comes out and then no more Ossiarchs until early next year. It's really strange to see an entirely new faction in a battle box also.
  19. It was cool to see Orruks combined with some new units, however I really feel GW missed an opportunity to give Ironjawz a new kit (and Fyreslayers too), as they have few options for miniatures in their faction.
  20. That would be pretty awesome. I would really like to see Slaves get a book. It would probably get me to start playing AoS again. Other than the Warcry bands they don't need much added to their line. I could see the release just being a book, spells, a terrain piece, and Varanguard on foot/Chaos Warriors resculpt and a character.
  21. That could be. I personally doubt we will get a second Psychic Awakening release this year, and honestly I don't think we will see Ogres or Tzeentch either.
  22. The more Space Marine isn't surprising. The preorders being just Space Marines is though. So in the last 2 and a half months of the year we have: - A Sisters of Battle Army - Ossiarch Bonereapers - A Blood Bowl Team - A Warcry Book - Very likely the Last Two Chaos Warbands for Warcry and possibly the Cyclops. - An underworld Warband - A new Necromunda Expansion and gang - Possibly Ogres or Tzeentch - And (I don't really follow 40k so not sure) another Space Marine release and another Psychic Awakening book and possibly accompanying kits. - Army and Terrain Bundles - Aeronautica Ork Heavy Bommas It looks like an expensive time for a lot of hobbyists.
  23. @Maturin You did a great deal of work there along with a lot of other Order players, thanks for putting in the effort. This is really good information to know, and definitely something I will have to consider in deciding what units/City to go for.
  24. That is an extremely helpful link. I really would like to use Freeguild, Duardin, and Dark Aelves (though I'm not so into the corsairs as I hate painting them), so I', not sure which route I would go. Maybe Anvilguard. I like the idea of making my own paint scheme and coming up with my own fluff for a city, and it would be an added bonus to be able to experiment with different rules.
  25. @Maturin@Arkhanist Thank you two immensely. I really appreciate the feedback, this is really good to know If I decide to go forward with building an army.
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