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Everything posted by Walrustaco

  1. One of the smaller things that might be nice about having a battletome is that we would have battalions. Hopefully they would be useable, but unless some other way to do so appears between now and whenever (or if ever) our battletome appears, then battalions are the only way we get more than 1 artefact. Right now most of us just load up a single tyrant with gutgouger and ghyrstrike, but we could end up having awesome butcher cauldron artefacts or other cool stuff. Btw while I'm here talking artefacts. Has anyone tried the Hysh artefact 'Blade of Symmetry'? Specifically on a dual weapon tyrant to give them 6 damage 3 attacks? I know the range is lower and rend too, so I guess you could do it on a massive ogor club instead and be hitting as hard as a mawkrushas fists. Then put wild fury into the mix and well, you get the idea. Our head fatties hit hard.
  2. For people who run armies with 3+ Tyrants in their lists, like @James S, what models do you use as your Tyrants? I only have 2 right now, those are the Bragg the Gutsman and Golgfag Maneater models. Not sure I like the generic Tyrant model, looks a bit flat and outdated.
  3. I'm sure this will disappoint some people somehow, but that's honestly really exciting to me.
  4. Gloomspite, too restrictive? It's 3 factions put together with lots of options? What's restrictive about it? And idk if StD will be the biggest faction? Pretty sure Stormcast and LoN would still be bigger.
  5. Huh so they sort of recycled on an old rulebook image. Some people speculate it might mean nothing, others something. Some are taking stock in the fact that the chaos panel was altered to not have Khorne, which just got a battletome announcement. Sort of makes sense, except for the squigs behind the Ogor on the destruction pane. If it had been Ironjawz behind him then I'd be all guns a-blazing, but... this makes me hopeful, especially the whole 'classic armies updated for the new edition' thing. Unless GW is stretching the meaning of classic to be like Seraphon battletome is a classic, instead of WHFB armies like mine. Either way, I have a little bit of hope, like I've said before, I'm even willing to be subsumed into Beastclaw Raiders to get into a battletome. Do me dirty if you must, just do me.
  6. Okay, I'm going to sleep lol @ me if gutbusters battletome. Or I guess if not, everyone do it anyway and I'll be pranked in the morning
  7. Power aside, I don't think it's a bad thing to have some armies be more complicated. Some people like the complexity.
  8. Do you think that performance might signal that they can perform well or is it just a one off? All I'm reading, of course, is results. I didn't watch any games, what makes it so remarkable? Can other players not emulate this?
  9. Hmm. Forgot about price as an obvious repellent. If you think about DOK though, they're arguably worse in terms of money, but theyre super strong so people buy them regardless, also Im sure some people just like them, but they are also broken lol. So I guess at least if KO do get a rewrite, they'll get buffed before getting their costs cut.
  10. Why do you think casuals don't play them? You see casuals playing stuff like Aelves or StD. I remember some factions putting me off by seeming hard to transport or seeming easily damaged. I remember that was the initial feelings people had with skyships.
  11. Are you trying to tell me that we have a rumour in the rumour thread? Since you're mentioning that, are there any other rewrites or releases you know of? I'm also curious about what you mean by virtually no representation. Are they not still played at tournaments? Did a list with KO not finish 2nd at CanCon as was mentioned?
  12. Did they really admit that? Where did they say it? Would be interested to read/listen
  13. I wouldn't call it pessimism. It's just that there's no real precedent for rewriting a proper battletome with allegiance abilities other than stormcast. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. Stormcast is a given. Posterboys and all that. Blades of Khorne wasn't exactly a rewrite, just like Pestilens it's 'previous' book was Bloodhound which wasn't even a real battletome. FEC is a rewrite of an older battletome too. KO have a tome with allegiance abilities. None of those did.
  15. Okay... but it probably won't get one. GW released errata. I'm sure that fix was good enough for them.
  16. The models sell well enough, no doubt. And do you think GW thinks they've botched the book? I doubt it. I'm pretty sure as far as GW is concerned, KO have a tome with allegiance abilities, so that's job done, they're all set and in order. I guess we'll see (or not) at LVO, but if tomes like Sylvaneth or BCR aren't being touched any time soon (also tomes with allegiance abilities, however old they may be) then I really doubt KO have a chance. Whereas I can look at something recently announced: the Skaven battletome. An older faction, who to be fair sort of had a tome but an older one in the Pestilens books. But that older faction is now getting a new battletome and some spells and being pat on the back and sent on their way. I can look at that and think, 'hey that could be me'
  17. It sounds to me like Kharadron aren't a priority. There's having no flavour in your battletome, and then there's having no battletome. Y'all can wait
  18. At least they wouldn't get low quality endless spells.🤣
  19. More trees. That kill you when you run over them? That fill up the board. And got my stonehorns stuck for a whole edition before they could fly or I knew they could climb over them. I love trees. Oh boy
  20. Yes, yes. Either that or they are specifically talking to me.
  21. New loadout for the butcher where he has a beer and a set of tongs
  22. Hella pumped for the new Gutbusters terrain piece lads
  23. I hope not! But if he does maybe he could be a hero behemoth with the Masterclan, Skryre and Moulder keywords.
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