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Everything posted by DantePQ

  1. And those stats are for Avatar of Manthlann (one of the aspects) not for guy on SeaDragon.
  2. you could as you can retreat and charge , but without extra protection he will die fairly easily
  3. Ok I got another translation 1 is ability - re-roll 1 to hit and +1 Damage on the Spear when you charge, heals D3wounds after charging and can charge even after retreat, 2 ability - re-roll of 1 to wounds for ID within 9''
  4. yeah thanks @smucreo for trying at translation. If that guy can run and charge he's quite decent, 12W 3+ Bravery 10 is nice but it all depends if an army has any extra protection. Also he isn't centerpiece model and isn't getting worse with wounds suffered. So far quite good (but good be great - abilities,spells, maybe itmes but I guess he won't be main guy or quite bad without any extra protection he will be easier to kill than TLA and TLAs die like flies in current meta)
  5. Could someone translate those rules on the warscroll ? @Ghark could you translate abilities of that hero ?
  6. I think twins are more important to that story then Malerion, also both Deepkin and DoK aren't very good so I doubt another faction will be Malerion's Aelves
  7. That's great I love those kind of changes much I'd rather have them cut double turn as well as it swings games too much but rolling for first turn is great. @LLV so no double turns? Wow all those news sound like a dream all I hoped for AoS - cutting one drop alpha strikey list, Wh40k combat and no double turn. And my DoK isn't build around any of it. I love it, I love it.
  8. Wow that's great changes. Roll for first turn (even without removing rolling for every turn) is awesome, Command Points for CA as well as some armies are just overusing it (Changehost) I would love 40k rules that charging units activate first in CC. Also those kind of changes nerfs some stupid builds like Clown Car or Changehost.
  9. Not really as I wasn't hyped much I got my DoK which I loved but I hoped for more of Soul-Vampires kind of Aelves instead of more cartoonish, but I wasn't decided to start another army anyway as I was ready to wait for Malerion's or Tyrion's Aelves. I already got huge Sylvaneth army and I'm building big DoK army having too many armies isn't for me and I have a feeling I won't be able to resist Tyrion's and Malerion's Aelves.
  10. And where are Tyrion's and Malerion's Aelves ? But seriously don't want them soon as I want to develop my Daughters of Khaine, but being disappointed with ID I'd love some new Aelves somewhere in one year time.
  11. That makes sense Slaanesh in Januray then I will go with Eldar and Aelves in march-may, I think Ynnari will get some kind of release - maybe 3-4 box release and then they will release one of them Aelves factions - Angelic Hysh Elves or Malerion Aelves. Also it's kind of interesting what Malerion is doing we know he created his Aelves, we know he has huge city in Uglu but that's it and I doubt we will learn much more anytime soon (for sure we will know more about Teclis soon). Also what's interesting how GW with AoS made Slaanesh this arch-enemy of Aelves, back in WFB/End Times he was there but he wasn't preying on them, there was Cult of Pleasure, Elves were killing each other but he wasn't anything special. In AoS they made him somehow like She Who Thirst in Wh40k even know he is close connected to all things Elves. That's why we might get huge release maybe even with new starter sets for both AoS and Wh40k with Slaanesh vs Hysh Angelic Elves and Slaasnesh vs Ynnari. I think Hush Elves will be first just because HE was one of the most popular armies and they could be ultra good Order force and will look amazing for sure but I expect kidn of HE aesthetic turn up to 11. (which is possible as Avatat of Manthlann look like Lother Sea Guard Lord on steroids). Also Eldar will need to get something as well and the timing would be perfect I think GW may push Ynnari more as In doubt they want to release all those aspect warriors for Craftworlds in plastic anytime soon, it's better to release double kits or even kits with possiblity of assembling 3 different units this way they can basically build up fresh Ynnari range with 3-4 kits along with using some CWE, Harlequin and DE kits.
  12. One think I doubt Slaanesh is soon is the fact that Deepkin were released it would make all the sense to release Slaanesh along with Tyrion&Teclis Elves or Malerion Elves and I doubt they aren't coming this year.
  13. Probably true but it does t have to be Nighthaunt faction, I think GW could release some more armies with DoK alike release those with fairly new kits like Witch Elves/Cauldron.
  14. It's possible that Death is next and it could be DoK alike release with 3 new boxes. Makes much sense. I think next after that should be Destruction and Moonclan is quite possible. Don't know about Slaanesh I think Slaanesh could be moved to next year as GW like to keep releases with storyline and Slaanesh have to involve Tyrion, Teclis and Malerion and I doubt we are getting more Elves anytime in 2018. But what's strange that all HE alike factions didn't get anything in GH. It's speculation only but for this year I think : Death, Moonclan,new SCE Vanguard alike release(about 3-4 boxes), then maybe Slaanesh followed by More Elves in 2019 that would be nice balance between Allaiances. Also I think Tyrion and Teclis will be one army (with maybe two different ways to build it) and Malerion will surely get his. But who knows. GW can push DoK alike releases quite quickly.
  15. Yep maybe lack of creativity was bad word but they don't look as fresh as KO did and Seahorse rider is just Manfred copy.
  16. Maybe not original but much better also we haven't seen huge characters riding such creatures from GW before - Turtle is just another platform and looks a lot like Stegadon put skinks on platofrm and he will fit right in Seraphon army.
  17. It doesn't bother me that they fly what bothers me how this release seem to lack creativity. Sharks and fish riders are just copied Dark Eldar Bikers and Harlequin double bikers, guy on huge sea horse is copied Manfred, melee infantry looks like Incubi with less armour and bald heads. And turtle is only ok - just a giant turtle with platoform nothing orginal like Alarielle flying Beetle. I like heroes a lot (even Manfred guy as it's still an awesome model) and shooting infantry looks really cool and really dynamic but apart from that it's just lazy design with big part of this range - especially after how awesome and fresh Khineri, Melusai and Morathi look like. I was expecting crazy, fresh take like KO not bascially copies of Wh40k and Death designs.
  18. 21st of April , pre orders 14th of April so you have some time
  19. I think we might see : - one more dual kit infantry unit - Mistweaver is obviusly part of this faction - maybe another box/all alternative builds maybe seaunicorn guy has alernative build and Avatar has different Aspect as well.
  20. I will just convert their heads to have masks/helmets. Don't like cavalery and turtle - rest is fantastic. And heroes are freaking Awesome crazy.
  21. they said during WHTV that's it's not all also almost every box have tons of options - different weapons etc. Big Elf on Wave is Avatar of Manthlann and will have 2 aspects (so 2 different builds) And they haven't show everything so this release is quite massive as we have already seen - like 6 characters (3 foot, one on Wave one on Seahorse) - 3 different cavalery types - two builds of Turtle chariot - 3 options of infantry - also some models have very Mistweaver alike helmets.
  22. I don't know about Deepkin some minis are awesome (characters) but those sharks/fish riding Elves look horrible, bald heads look terrible (if I collect tchem will change all theri heads) I don't know they look pretty strange not as good as KO.
  23. Surely not, also some of tchem have Mistweaver alike helmets
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