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Posts posted by Freejack02

  1. 28 minutes ago, Inquisitorsz said:

    Also, the fyrelsayers book has exactly the same wording for a similar rule.
    "if you declare a friendly VOSTARG unit will run, do not make a run roll. Instead, add 6" to the Move characteristic of all models in that unit for that phase."
    And it's not covered by the FAQ so I assume no one's seen it as an issue thus far. 

    Yeah, I think @Mirage8112 explanation above is correct - they simply went off the current wording for the Run rule. 

  2. Does anyone know why the ability of Free Spirits is worded the way it is? It seems like they are intentionally trying to state the unit isn't technically 'running'... 

    "In your movement phase, if you declare a unit from this battalion will run, do not make a run roll. Instead, add 6" to the Move characteristic of that unit for that phase"

    Why wouldn't they just say "the run roll is treated as being a 6" like the Core Rules wording... unless they are specifically avoiding that. Can anyone provide a parallel ability that is similarly worded from a different faction/source?

  3. 11 minutes ago, Aezeal said:

    Bit you can rr 1's from archie though

    You can just go Heartwood and reroll all hits... the problem (to me) with bow hunters is that so much of their point value is tied up in their survivability, and teleporting around the board with a 30" range should really mitigate the need for it. Something like Jezzails or SCE Longbows are just better suited to be artillery units because all their points are really spent on offense, while Bow Hunters really shine more when they're soaking up attacks WHILE shooting (but the 2.0 shooting rules sort of killed target selection). 

    They just need to put more on the offense side of their kit :/

  4. 53 minutes ago, Inquisitorsz said:

    Perhaps but the arch revenant already gives them reroll 1s, The command ability is ok but the army ability is terrible. 
    I think overall you'd be better off going another wargrove and taking an arch revenant. 

    Unless I'm missing something, there's actually very little apart from these 2 abilities that buff Bow hunters.

    Yeah, but there's a big difference between rerolling 1 and rerolling 1,2, and 3 (or 4 if you're debuffed/LOS). I know it's not the same game from when Bow Kurnoths were terrifying, but I think it could be an attractive option. 


  5. 3 minutes ago, Aryann said:

    I've just quickly ran through all the changes. For a person who played Gnarlwood Wargrove it's hard to comment without swearing. I'm not sure how to name what Gnarlwood was changed into now? 

    From my perspective most of the things I cared about was changed for worse. As if this army needed any nerfs. Biggest disappointment in AoS so far I guess.

    I understand the frustration, it looks like Gnarlroot's power lies solely in the artefact... and we lack a good multi-caster to really take advantage of it. 

    Overall the changes are growing on me however. Question - do we think Bow Kurnoths could make a comeback with the Heartwood artefact? Rerolling all hits really shores up their largest issue, and doing it from 30" is just massive. Likely 3 units of 3 Hunters (more Huntmasters)... I know our trees blocking LoS is a pain, but I wonder if it can have a large impact as mobile artillery. 

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Heksagon said:

    Alarielle's warscroll is nerfed a bit, but other abilities can buff her a lot. Teleporting anywhere once per round thanks to the Dreadwood or additional attacks thanks to the Harvestboon will make her really strong in combat.

    Do we have updated info on these?

  7. 18 minutes ago, Sigwarus said:

    Alarielle was underpriced so thats no chock. Durthu will be stronger when combined with the new artifacts and command traits. Its easier to alphastrike and u get more attacks.

    Not sure I agree with Alarielle being underpriced, she was probably right where she needed to be. 


    17 minutes ago, Aezeal said:

    Durthu: How is the  sword worse or the range different? It's exactly as it was right? Stomp change seems like an improvement really. Talon worse. So with the point drop this seems like a buff to me.

    You're right, I meant Wrathful Guardian. Could be a buff, but losing the ability to soak wounds for others is pretty big. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, michu said:

    @Freejack02 They changed her Soul Amforae  (always get healing) and Living battering Ram (hurt only enemies). I wouldn't call it a nerf.

    Her Soul Amphorae used to be the combined aoe heal plus the conditional summon, now it's strictly the summon - her aoe heal got moved to Lifebloom which removes her D3 self healing, so in terms of self heal it's a direct nerf, and her aoe heal was mostly unchanged (you get it on the turn you choose to summon now, but that's likely first turn which might not have anything to heal anyway). 

    Living Battering Ram I hadn't noticed, that's a nice upgrade. 

  9. I don't think I'm a fan of the character changes so far according to the leaks:

    Alarielle - Loses D3 healing per round,  gains damage on her Talon (while losing the execute), gains nothing for spellcasting, CA is altered, points increased... not excited about those changes in the least. 

    Drycha - Squirmlings are now comparative garbage,  Aspects get nerfed, loses all Slendervines attacks, gains -1 rend on talons, Primal Terror improved, can now choose Aspect, points increased... not a fan of those changes.  

    Durthy - Loses Solemn Guardian, Sword profile gets worse, Talons changed, Stomp changed, range on Guardian Sword improved, points reduced... I'm not sure if this is an explicit buff or nerf honestly, probably the best of the 3 character changes. 

  10. 24 minutes ago, Morhgoz said:


    Second Archregent sits on throne, at least few rounds, for free summons, second one moves around where needed. Ghoul King summons just Varghulfs, Archregents either Ghouls, Varghulfs or Horrors/Flayers. I can have 3 summons per turn for one command point, leaving 2 extras to reserve when needed. Spells are probably Spectral Host for Ghoul King, Blood Feast for general and either Miasmal Shrouds or Spectral Host for  another Archregent.

    What do you think?

    Need to read the summons abilities again - they only work once per game (per character), so might as well start both Archregents around the throne turn 1 and summon then go wherever they are needed. 

  11. 12 minutes ago, Mikelomba said:

    Hello guyzz im thinking on going with ben jhonson list...but terrorgheist with no heros are kind of less effective(no mount trait) also i think i might need some bodies for sit on objectives

    You can summon in bodies that you need, for free. TG without a mount is a little less effective... but it's also 100 points cheaper, qualifies as battleline, and can be part of Royal Managerie. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Fluttershy said:

    so my general ghoul king on terrorgheist is attacking first without the attacks of the terrorgheist

    Anyone reasonable will realize that applies to combat stat modifiers (+1 to hit, reroll wounds, etc) and not a turn order modification.

    • Like 1
  13. 28 minutes ago, TheWilddog said:

    Unfortunately not. 

    Here is the quote from the main Errata:

    Q: Some units and battalions have a warscroll, but the warscroll does not have a Pitched Battle profile. Can I use these units or battalions in a Pitched Battle game?

    A: No. These units and battalions are only intended for use in open or narrative play games

    This addresses a different situation; if the battalion has points included it should be legal to play (and those points are applicable until a GHB changes them). At least this is how it used to be (thinking back to the Spire of Dawn box)... did it change?

  14. On 2/9/2019 at 11:00 PM, Roark said:

    He has a handy little +1 to unbind too. I think he could be cool in a Staunch + Castellant / "impregnable testudo" type list, but I wonder how the maths of Elemental Shield saves compares with just having 100pts more guys running around...

    Interesting question, I guess barring any instant kill mechanics (like Stardrake bite or Hand of Dust) it makes all units in the bubble 16.67% more survivable... so it depends on what you have in the area and how much you can afford to lose the extra offense/objective control of those 100 points of units. There's probably not a solid math answer, but lists that use a core unit or two that can remain within the 18" area would probably benefit more than the 100 points would.

    Anvils shooting lists might be the exception, as I don't think you want your Longstrikes taking any fire - and they're so fragile I'm not sure how much a 6+ ignore is going to do... I think I'd rather have the extra units.  

    • Like 1
  15. 6 hours ago, PJetski said:

    In an Anvilstrike with 9 Longstrikes + 10 Evocators would you rather have an Everblaze Comet or a Knight-Heraldor?

    I would rather have the Heraldor. Comet is a nice AoE threat, but the Heraldor can do that while also increasing the threat of your 10 Evos - while capping points.

    • Like 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Requizen said:

    I think there's probably a build to be made at least partially utilizing the Vanguard Justicar battalion.

    I think it would fit into an Anvils list well - the battalion ability removes the need for an Azyros, as well as the 50 point shortage for an extra CP. Maybe 20 skinks instead of 10 for some extra screening, but I think it is potentially more efficient. 

  17. 2 hours ago, Mark Williams said:

    Where do you guys see a ruling that would stop hurricane raptors getting bonus shots or Longstrike raptors getting bonus range in the hero phase? The warscroll doesn’t say anything about the shooting phase. Is the logic that you haven’t gotten a movement phase yet? Is there an FAQ that actually clarified that?

    I haven't seen a specific ruling on it, but I'm not sure I'd be so quick to say it definitively doesn't work... l could see either option making sense - love to see it clarified. 

  18. 21 hours ago, PJetski said:

    On another topic, has anyone tried Anvilstrike with 20 Judicators? Doing some quick napkin math, assuming both are shooting at a target with an Azyros to reroll hit1...

    Longstrikes: 12 shots  at 2+/3+, Rend-2, Damage 2
    Average wounds: 12-14 damage at Rend-2 plus 4 mortal wounds
    Max wounds: 24

    Judicators: 15 + 5D6 shots at 3+/3+ Rend-1, Damage 1 (leader has +1 hit)
    Average wounds: 18 at Rend-1
    Max wounds: 45

    Shouldn't the Judicator math be 16+4D6, as there can only be 1 shockbolt bow per 5? That said, the Judicator group will be 80 points cheaper, but with less range/rend... both will have their situations to shine I imagine. 

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