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Posts posted by Aelfric

  1. 2 hours ago, Chaos Shepard said:

    I will be honest and state that I am coming from a place of mostly ignorance. I do not collect nor have I had the chance to play a game against Lumineth. That said I cant be the only person that has a problem with this am I.


    Maybe I am being petty, but I have never seen this used before. In both Sigmar and 40k if a model has to be placed but can't be placed it counts as having been slain. Its like the rules writers are trying to pick a fight.

    I think this is a sign of future-proofing for AOS 3.0.  Perhaps the number of slain models will have more significance.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    These thread should be locked honestly. It does no good whatsoever. It’s purely a thread specifically for people to complain about Lumineth, and anyone who tries to defend them against the hyperbole and exaggerated nonsense going on in here is personally attacked with insults 

    It serves as an outlet for people to discuss any issues they may have with LRL.  This thread was specifically set up for this purpose and to free up the Rumour Thread, which was being filled with people's concerns.  If you close the thread, it won't stop the discussion; it will simply spread to other threads.  I feel it is better to give a space for this discussion, rather than trying to supress it.  It is simply encumbent on us all to ensure the debate is kept civil and without rancour.  I am collecting Lumineth, but I don't want to put my fingers in my ears and go la-la-la.

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  3. 1 hour ago, adboyslim said:

    I have the feeling they will suffer the comparison with wardens.

    The maths are complex. But wardens will strike with 2 attacks each, with more range and with MW will do more damage even on armoured heroes...

    Are you comparing them with Wardens that have charged or been charged?  I feel they have the more offensive role, with hopefully greater movement.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Aloth_Corfiser said:

    Interesting to see where this will lead and how the rules writers will handle this, for sure.
    I still have the naive hope that we will get rules for a Tyrionic Nation (like Helon that was mentioned in this weatherforecast advert) but deep down I know that I am wrong haha. :D

    My preferred Nation is Illiatha, so I'm not so affected by this issue.  I'm still interested to see how they deal with this conundrum, though.

  5. Not sure if you are aware, but the Broken Realms: Morathi book introduced rules for Har kuron city, which is basically the old Dark Elf units that ended up in CoS, and allows 1 in 4 units to be from DoK.  So you can bring them all back together again in one army if you want to.  Didn't want to mention spoilers in case you are a lore fan, but it's well worth a read.

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  6. 34 minutes ago, Tiberius501 said:

    Does deathly furrows apply to the mount’s attacks too? So each Dawnrider, attacking a unit with 1 wound, is getting 3 Lance attacks and 4 hoof attacks?

    Deathly Furrows applies to melee weapons and, since "Dashing Hooves" are melee weapons, the mount's attacks are included.  So you will get 4 hoof attacks when attacking a 1 wound unit.

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  7. 1 hour ago, MitGas said:

    I'd almost wish you a third huge wave... also, if I can't complain about Lumineth anymore, what am I supposed to do? 🤷‍♂️

    I'm quite happy with just a second wave (and so is my wallet); a third wave and I'd be drowning!  Also, I wouldn't worry about complaining about Lumineth, we're very enlightened about it .  Well, most of us are, anyway.  Aelves are Marmite, have been and always will be. It would be a boring world if everybody loved all the armies - where's the fun in that?   I like my diet of Marmite (although I also make sure I eat my Greens :) 

    The next week, as rules drop, is going to be very interesting, but it won't be long before Gravelords are out and then it'll be their turn.


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  8. 53 minutes ago, Athrawes said:

    Am I the only one who finds it odd that the "warden of Ymetrica" is the figurehead of all the Tyrionic Nations?

    As @LuminethMage says, it may not be so odd from a lore point, but it does worry me that many of our named characters are going to have the Ymetrica keyword; I think Sevireth will also be from Ymetrica since the Seven Winds of the Sariour Plateau is in Ymetrica.  I would prefer it if they were spread more evenly across the Nations.

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  9. It's interesting that the Twins can ally into any order faction.  I wonder how, or if, they will interact with other factions, most noticeably CoS from my perspective.  Also sounds like the Wind spirit and mage both have teleporting capability, presumably only for themselves though.

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  10. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

    I love seeing brand new Factions. Idoneth Deepkin are stunning and I hope they get more attention as time goes on. All Alliances have had an original AOS centric army or been expanded to reflect the setting.

    Order. Idoneth, Kharadron and Stormcast.

    Death. Nighthaunt. Ossiarch.

    Chaos. Khorne and Slaneesh expanded.

    Destruction has remained wholly the same more or less with Orruks, Grots and Ogors. Even the Sons more or less are Giants (Gargants) that every Alliance can take much like the Alegguzzler in WHFB. 

    So I'm hoping it's a unique Faction for Destruction.

    I agree that GW have done a great job of introducing new interpretations of the old races for AOS ( esp LRL ),  I just want them to take that little extra step and introduce something completely new; not Aelf, or Duardin, human or Seraphon, Orruk or Ogor, but a new race not seen before in either setting.  Everything up to now has its roots in the past.  Give us something without a past that says "this is the future".  Give us the "Age of the Godbeasts".

  11. What I hope for is that Kragnos opens up a faction that is not related in any way to either existing factions, races, or the Old World.  I'd like this to be something completely unique to AOS - something we've yet to see.  AOS, I feel, is old enough now to begin to create its own races and forge its own paths.

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  12. 17 hours ago, Jeremierty said:

    Would be very cool ! but maybe overpowered if you have to opportunity to place an indestructible peace of scenery in front of big blobs of enemy at will ? 

    Yes, may be a bit too powerful just as a blocking object, although it does have space beneath it that looks like standard infantry can pass through.  Given the melodrama acted out in some quarters already, I can't imagine the reaction if it could move.


    15 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    we know that the Calligrave lore-wise does something with the land, eg. terrain, so it could be that ours is actually moving! 

    It does fit with the lore, I agree, and if any faction were to get it, it seems logical for Lumineth who work so closely with the Elements.


    6 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    Depends what it actually does I guess

    True; movement with short range effect or staionary with long range effect, but not both.  Perhaps you could have the option each round of either moving it or using an ability.  The OBR terrain allows you to choose one of 4 options, so not unprecedented.  Hopefully, we'll all find out soon.

  13. 2 hours ago, Howdyhedberg said:

    But to be honest, I'm not in a big rush to get the new stuff. I've built everything, but I don't think that I will be done with the painting before next year. 

    I'm not in a big rush either - currently working on my second unit of Sentinels with 10 more Wardens to follow.  That will cover my battleline.  I must admit, though, that I am itching to find out how the storyline develops in Broken Realms: Teclis, so I hope it's not too far away.

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  14. 57 minutes ago, Caladrath said:

    So, chances are they've gotten a little behind on releases over here thanks to the lockdown, but a company like GW will have their marketing diary planned months in advance. With social media, consistency of posting is exceptionally important for metrics, so it's likely we're seeing what should have potentially been posted in the leadup to preorder. It wouldn't be out of place to speculate that things may be about 2-3 weeks behind currently.

    I have a feeling that these delays are more due to Brexit than lockdown.  The new proceedures for exporting to the EU are beginning to bite, and I expect exports to other countries have had to change as The UK is no longer exporting from the EU.  Given GW want to make each release simultaneous worldwide, it's no wonder things are delayed.  I don't see these issues being resolved any time soon.

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  15. 58 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    I do agree with this. Ironjaws has less design variety than Stormcast.

    Maybe lean into the difference more, instead of less.

    Brutes fit the design languages of the other new sculpts better, but why not give the Ardboys shape their own line?

    Maybe get some young Ardboys, who have not yet encased themselves as fully, but are quicker, or rhinoceros chariots, or (armoured) wolverine drawn sleds or even... ranged tools!

    Exactly! I'd especially love a chariot.  I have even trawled through my old metal orcs to find the ten largest so they can be my new Ardboy recruits.  They do stand out, with their mismatched armour and slightly smaller stature, but then that's the point in a way.

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  16. 15 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

    Honestly I view Ironjawz as a largely "complete" faction. It knows what it wants to do, and everything in the army is built for that purpose with no fat. To me the future of Orruks is in new clans.

    Although Ironjawz may be 'complete' from a playing perspective,  I don't feel it is from a collecting and painting one.  Personally, I would love there to be further models to add to my forces.  They may or may not be optimal from a competitive angle, but some of us are not always looking for optimal but variety - both for collecting and putting on the table.  Anyway, I find that the in-game power of individual units waxes and wanes over time anyway, so at some point I'm sure they would become optimal.  I want some fat in my army; it will help get us through the lean times.



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