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Posts posted by Aelfric

  1. 2 hours ago, Pitloze said:

    I like the new tempo. It makes tomes last longer before they become irrelevant.

    The tomes lasting longer is a good ambition, but that is why each tome needs to be  thought through properly to begin with, as you will then have to live with it for a long time, for good or bad.

  2. If their agenda on Battletomes is that frenetic, it would make a Sylvaneth/Wanderers tome more likely - not sure how I feel about that as a Wanderers player.  I personally would prefer them to slow down and ensure that each Battletome is created with care and keeps to the standard laid out by the more recent releases.  I don't want them to do a rush job under pressure to satisfy everyone.  I would prefer a good (and I don't necessarily mean powerful) Battletome later than a half-baked Battletome now.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, The Red King said:

    Prince Maesa there on the cover is an exiled prince so he may look different even than the rest of his kin.


    As an aside he's not even in that book and it's rather upsetting. (Sorry he IS in there. Asking someone to tell a story that turns out to be the entire short story section Maesa is in. That's it.)

    Yes, I bought the book assuming that, as he was on the cover, that Prince Maesa would feature fairly prominently inside as well; felt slightly conned in that respect. It was my first Black Library purchase.  It probably won't be my last, but I shall certainly not be judging their books by their covers.

  4. 1 minute ago, PlasticCraic said:

    @Malakree you are probably right about the Shaman not being in the new box btw, I'm just bitter because I'm one of the small number of people who was sad to see the classic Greenskinz squatted, and one of the larger number who thought it could have been handled a lot better.  Gone but not forgotten.

    What do you reckon will be in there from Gloomspite's perspective - existing models only?  They usually do splash a new Hero into these things, but it would be weird timing when the book has just come out.

    My biggest hope is some storyline development and preferably with Black Library support - that is well overdue.

    I thought the general consensus that there would be a new sculpt for the Loonboss riding a Cave Squig. 

    With regards to Greenskins, Aardboys are not "proppa" Ironjaws in the lore but sort of acceptable to Brutes and Megabosses, etc.  I've always assumed that Aardboys still went recruiting to get the best of the Greenskins to replace losses as they did in the old world.  If so, it's fairly easy to bring Greenskins in as a sort of recruit unit - any that survive get to become an Aardboy.  Might give me a reason to put 90 of them on rounds :) 

    • Like 1
  5. 23 hours ago, rattila said:

    Hello everyone ! Quick question about the spells of the shamans:

    If i take an army with the Destruction allegiance, can a shaman use the spells who are in the book? Or the army have to be Gloomspite for the shaman to use those spells?



    Just to add that you can take the Arachnacauldron as an endless spell with a Gloomspite wizard in a mixed Destruction army, which will give you access to the Moonclan spell lore.

    • Like 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

    I get the distinct impression that snotlings as a unit are not long for this world in any version of GWs games.  I think they will be relegated to being fun little extra details on greenskin models.  They are already at that point in 40k and have been for a while.  In fantasy they have become more and more marginal over time.  I don't think I would advocate for many people to purchase them now as I don't think they will be around for too much longer.

    You may well be right and I'm under no illusions, but then Snotlings are such lovely critters, I'll be happy to have them sitting on my shelf if they become legendary.  But for the moment they still have life in them and mine will fight alongside my Troggoths for the time being.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Malakree said:

    All my "competitive" lists revolve around having at  least 60 Grots in them. Not least because you need them to zone out deep striking and screen your troggs.

    Speaking of zoning, I finally got a few solid pictures of it in game. One was against Dispossesed using the Ancestral Pickaxe on a unit of 30 Irondrakes while the other was vs Deepkin with the stupid eel strike. I think this more than anything shows why the 20/40 grots are so important to troll lists. 




    I realise a large amount of people will already know this sort of thing but I've been talking about it for ages and I finally remembered. Primarily it's showing how to fully use the 9" bubble and that you can leave gaps as long as the opponents units physically won't fit in there. On the dispossessed game, there is a lone fellwater troll in those massive trees at the bottom which you can't see. So the dice show the only place on the four right hand boards where he can deepstrike outside of his deployment zone and the Irondrake unit is to big to fit in it. I did a similar thing in the Deepkin game, he can deploy in the back corners of my board but there isn't actually enough space to put his unit of 6 eels down.

    So yeah, I'd say at least 20 shootas is mandatory, Personally I'm going to be working two or three of 20 Shootas, 20 Shootas, 60 Stabbas into my lists just for this sort of thing.

    For 320 points you can have 16 50mm Snotling bases with 64 wounds.  In units of 6, 6 and 4, or 4x4, it should be possible to screen the first 20" of your side of the board all the way across and at bravery 10 they don't run away.  I am halfway there, just need to buy more Snotlings.

  8. 3 hours ago, pseudonyme said:

    As apparently there is also a mirror matching DOK design, do you think there will also be artefacts hinting the future elves factions on this Slaanesh terrain?

    I'm hoping that they will release the rules for the Temple of Khelt Nar for DoK when they release the Slaanesh Battletome.  Morathi established them to guard a powerful spiral of Shadow magic and something is keeping Slaanesh confined.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, michu said:

    (I'm actually surprised that we're going to have AoS Tale of Four Warlords as they just started a 40k one in March WD.)

    I'll be interested to see which armies are chosen.  In a previous Tale of Four Warlords Daughters of Khaine was picked as the Order army, then, hey presto!, the Battletome comes out a few months later.

  10. 30 minutes ago, Malakree said:

    The only case I can think of where you would want troggs in ironjawz is 6 rockguts in alongside The Big G. That particular synergy totally justifies including them.

    3 Troggs and a Fungoid Cave Shaman with the Arachnacauldron for some teleporting - something Ironjaws can't do.  As a bonus, you also get the use of Itchy Nuisance (other spells are also available).

    • Like 1
  11. 59 minutes ago, Grimhack said:

    Also if you guys have tips concerning bones, I'm also uncertain there...

    For bone I use Flayed One Flesh for the base coat, then a wash of Seraphim Sepia, then back to Flayed one Flesh, wet-blending with Pallid Wych Flesh up to the highlights.

    As for metals, I can't help on the NMM as I've never tried it.  I'm happy using the GW metallic paints.  I give my Ironjawz the rust treatment - base of Leadbelcher with an Agrax wash, then stipple some Typhus corrosion on top, dabs of Ryza Rust (not too much), then pick out the edges with Ironbreaker silver.  

    Hope that helps.


  12. 10 hours ago, Turin Turambar said:

    but isn't Faerie Queen about arthurian knights? I don't remember actual fae in it (i could be mistaken though). but I still think since Tyrion is called the god of logic in at least one source his aelves are going to be magic/light/speed(a major element of the realm of light)/logic army.

    Well, it has been a long time since I read it and it is primarily about knights and chivalry, but I thought it was an allegorical poem set in a version of Fairieland with giants and dragons and other mythical creatures that the knights encounter to display their virtues.  It was a long (and I mean long) time ago so I may have mis-remembered.  In any event, this idea of Fairieland is not how the common people viewed, and interacted with, the otherworld and the Fae in folk tale.  I was trying to make a distinction between the two versions.  

    I totally agree that Tyrion's version of Aelves will reflect the Realm, and himself,  in some way, especially regarding light and movement.   I am most curious, though, as to how GW are going to represent this in the model Aesthetic, more so than the rules themselves really.

  13. 1 hour ago, Gecktron said:

    I don't think that's so unrealistic but I think GW will give the Fairy theme to the wanderers. They already have a nature theme and are accompanied by little spirits and animals. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to incorporate some Irish mythology into the miniature line. 

    Fae Kingdoms ore something like that would make for a great name. 


    Tyrion will keep his martial prowess and knightly theme. 

    Tyrion's Aelves could be in the aspect of Fae as depicted in Spencer's "Faerie Queen, as seen by the nobility, whereas the Wanderers could take on the older, wilder aspects of Fae mythology such as the Wild Hunt and the Black Dog that were more in line with country commoner culture.

  14. I have currently 60 gitmob grots with bows and 20 with sword and board, all re-based on rounds.  I would like to use them as Moonclan, but obviously have no netters.  All but 20 are metal and those I have that are not re-based are metal.  Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could turn 12 old grots into netters and what to use for netting?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I have some old metal fanatics that I could cut the ball off the chain and attach net to it, but i only have 4 of them.  I know it sounds like sacrilege, but I bought them new and I'm not going to sell them - I would like to give them a new life.

  15. On 3/15/2019 at 4:40 PM, Skabnoze said:

    He will be much better when I extend his legs a bit and then cover his back & head with crazy giant mushrooms.  

    In the lore, Dankhold Troggoths change size to fit their environment - so any size between Mollog and the standard Troggboss should be perfectly acceptable.  It just needs to look imposing enough to be a boss.

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