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Posts posted by azdimy

  1. 3 hours ago, Qrow said:

    Has there been any word about the early july errata for the newer battletomes? I want to order the last few things for my army, but I don't want to risk wasting money if there are major changes.

    Give them time to increase their prices first 😀

    • Like 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, Dr.E said:

    Another short question: can I still try the locus when I fail in the ability of the epitome? (which is effectively the locus to multiple targets)

    I know the locuses cannot be duplicated for the single target, but is the limitation also applied to the epitome’s too?

    You can, it s a different named ability. The limitation on the locus ability does not apply to the eptitome ability

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, PJetski said:

    Went to a tournament yesterday that had a lot of people practicing for Adepticon and summer GTs. I went 3-0 and took first place with this dual threat Anvilstrike list.

    Played against Fyreslayers, Slaanesh (Archaon + Mammoth 2x double pile-in), and Skaven (Thanquol + 2x WLC + Skreetch + Bell). Tabled each opponent on turn 2, only lost 300 points of models over 3 games.


    • 2x Dispel Scroll is brutal.
    • Veritant doesn't need to be the general.
    • Longstrike + Evocator is an amazing combination. We all know how good shooting twice with Longstrikes can be, but 10x Evocators attacking in the hero phase then run + rerollable charge into a second attack is even more devastating, especially when backed by Longstrike shooting
    • The Longstrikes force the opponent to come to me, then the Evocators clean up. If my opponent chooses to focus the Evocators then the Longstrikes win the game for me, and vise-versa.

    The list seems pretty much perfect; not sure where to make improvements.


    I would try to get an extra CP in the list. You could then in the same turn use 1 on the longstrike and 1 on the evocators. I m running a similar list but with 20 sequitors instead of 10 evocators but thats a personnal preference

  4. 6 hours ago, Elmir said:

    Does anybody have any idea when the next big event is that could have more AoS related reveals? I've not found a nice overview of 2019 yet with all the major events like nova, adepticon,... where they usually do these types of reveal seminars. 

    The Las Vegas Open is next Week End

    Expect some AOS reveals there

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, nine7six said:

    Anyone got a good list that doens't use the new stuff except an incantor or 2?

    I have so many warrior chamber models but none of the new stuff except incantors and struggling to write a list. Anything i can come up with is also heavy drop wise as the battlion suck....

    trying to stay tempest lords as i've painted them that way since beginning of AoS and used upgrade sprues.

    The Skyborne slayer battalion seems interresting and it s all older units

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Sin_ozono said:

    The heraldor is better but I don't have one 😂. How does he keep the pace with the dracolines, first time, drop from azyr, but after?

    The heraldor ability is used at the beginning of the movement phase so I don t believe you can use his ability the turn he drops

    I guess he s positionned for the next turn?

  7. Regarding Gavriel Surecharge, I would change his command ability to be used in the hero phase instead of the charge phase so it doesn t garantee units to teleport in the ennemy unit the sce player wants to delete

    I think he would still have a place with that change, not just the auto include, forget any other list type of hero

  8. 5 minutes ago, Temp said:

    Evening all, 

    i am joining a path to glory this week at my local gw, and i am starting off with a Lord-Celestant (as i love the model) but after i am torn between 5x liberators or 5x sequitors. what do you think would be better? i hope to get the battle-tomb in the next few days but so far that's all i have. 

    Sequitors are better in every way and especially in path to glory  as you don t pay more points for them nor do you require the lord arcanum tax to make them battleline

  9. 6 hours ago, LordCelestant Imperius 1st said:

    Hi there.

    Why not take two helstorm rocket batteries instead of the hurricanum. You loose all idea of scions on the ballistars and so on but THIS is a gunline army =). I'll test it very soon also.

    Because you can only get 4 artillery pieces at 2k? Or are you taking less ballistars?

  10. From the blades of khorne faq:

    Q: When Skarbrand becomes Incandescent because he was 
    not able to fight in the last battle round, does he use the 
    Incandescent row of the damage table to determine Slaughter’s 
    attacks and Carnage’s total carnage rolls?
    A: Yes.

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