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Posts posted by azdimy

  1. It looks to me that the rules writers do not get enough time and books are often rushed creating these battletomes that disappoints.

    Imo, the rules would be in a much better state if they were not tied to a physical book that need to go to print to meet a release schedule. The writers could have more time and adjust the rules based on more recent data as well as the ability to update the digital tome more often as needed instead of only addressing the extreme cases only twice a year

    I think without changing the current model to release rules the balancing problem will not be addressed properly. Having 25+ armies in a game does not help either and gw should stop releasing new armies and focus more on the one they ve already released but I m sure this is not really compatible with the business model. Same issue with my recommendation to stop releasing physical books. In the end, money wins over game balance

    • Like 2
  2. 7 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    I don't think it's that bad - in fact, their warscrolls are pretty okay - I think the main issue is that people don't feel it fits the narrative of Slaanesh's kids.

    I bet, if these were just two daemon princes, the reaction to their rules would be considerably better.

    You re probably right, still hoping there s something in the warscroll that make them a bit better than what was leaked so far

    • Like 1
  3. 41 minutes ago, AmonRa said:

    Anyone use any Slaves to Darkness units with their hedonites?

    Given the general fragility of the army I'm thinking a block of 15 warriors with a base chaos lord might provide a good anvil. Thoughts or experiences?


    They re ok. I run a block of 15 with a chaos sorcerer lord for deamonic power and glutos for the neg 1 to hit with some decent results. Without the sorcerer lord they are way less killy and lose the reroll save when below 10

  4. 7 hours ago, Enoby said:

    Thanks very much for the write up :)

    I reckon we'll be okay without Cavalcade (most of my lists are without it, and it's been fine), it'll just mean we can't rely as heavily on Slickblades. They're still really good, just not quite "best unit in the army bar none" good :P

    I'd recommend Twinsouls; they do die kind of easily, but their damage is really really nice even without support. A lot of people (like 75%) want them coming down in points, but I think they'll be too strong if they come down too much - they look worse than they are due to lack of rend, but their rerolling hits, exploding 6s, and three attacks each add up. 

    Glutos is always an MVP - though I'd recommend him in Lurid Haze for that +1 save. While before I'd have said not to include him with a Keeper, I think it'd be a good idea just for that CA. 

    I'd say about 300 at most, because lacking that command ability hurts a lot, and it depends on how/if the DP ability works.

    The twins are the children of Slaanesh, that came out of Slaanesh's "womb". They are effectively the actual children of a Chaos God, so we assume that they'll be stronger than the regular Keeper :)


    As for some good news, the rumoured prices aren't too bad for us:

    Kroak £70
    Kragnos £95
    Slaanesh twin £65
    Warsong revenants £32.5
    Witch hunters £30

    We are also likely to get a battalion box:

    Broken Realms: The exquisite pursuit (Slaanesh) - 70€

    But I'm guessing this will not be our new models

    In usd

    Kroak $115
    Kragnos $160
    Slaanesh twin $110

    Quite a pricey conversion rate for us Slaanesh players in the US

    • Sad 1
  5. 7 hours ago, pnkdth said:

    The tricky thing with hedonites, like @TheArborealWalrus wrote, is that if you price hedonites "fairly" then summoning will become incredibly broken. As also mentioned, you would have to nerf the summoning part to compensate. Something I'd be in favour of because one thing I dislike in the HoS tome is just how much you have to lean into DP/summoning. The mortal models are just so bloody awesome too

    My experience with the new summoning is that it is well countained and cannot really be abused. Getting depravitiy at the end of the turn while being able to summon in the movement phase, only one unit per turn, you still beed to make a 9 inch charge for the summoned unit to be relevant that turn. In the current meta, games are usually decided within the first 3 turns. Whith no way to summon turn 1. that s give us access to 2 extra units. I played against a tooled up Dok list last night and I was able to summon 10 deamonettes turn two and 20 on turn three to be then tabled and unable to summon from the fane as he had units around it preventing me to do so turn 4. I am already heavily leaning to slaves to darkness units in my lists to have bodies on the table and work around our current price of units . I really don't think pointing most of our units 15-20% less will break the game


    • Like 3
  6. 38 minutes ago, LeonBox said:

    I think it's a real shame we didn't get alternative uses of depravity points à la BoK's blood tithe abilities. We're so locked into a particular playstyle (using mortal units to generate DPs so we can summon our daemons in) that it penalises you heavily for wanting to play a thematic list like mortals only or daemons only -- the former is impossible without completely ignoring your DPs and the latter is just too expensive. 

    Also the more I use Keepers the less impressed I am with their change this edition. They're big, scary, fast melee monsters, or they're supposed to be. Why, then, are we encouraged to now use them as a support piece? With the Fane change they're also swingier than ever. I had one inflict a measly 5 wounds on a unit of swordmasters the other day, and this was with the +1 to hit from the Fane. They're so crushingly disappointing now. 

    Yeah, +1 to hit is a nerf from rerolls to hit. This battletome has been full of nerfs one after another

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  7. 4 hours ago, pnkdth said:

    Grave Guard, for instance, is very similar to Painbringers but has a worse save (unless you got shields), no re-rolls to save and is slow.

    Grave guards have twice the output of Painbringers point for point. While their offensive stat is similar on a per model basis, the grave guard warscroll gives you 10 models against 5 for the pain bringers

    I m hearing that they are a lot of synergy in the gravelords book but they are difficult to accomplish while hos is a struggle to find any. Gravelords can play magic dominance with Nagash if they want to play that way, we don t have that option so far (twins may change that)

    Blood knights have enough allegiance buffs in the battletome (retreat and charge, permanent buffs for killing units) to edge out the slickblade for less points.

    The army has access to cheap battleline, cheaper support heroes when do not.

    Overrall,I feel gravelord players are in a much better place than where we are with their new battletome but time will tell

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  8. 7 minutes ago, Yoid said:

    I still didn't see that specific intervew because no one seems to know the exact reference/link, but what I heard is he said "I cannot wait for the Slaanesh players to see the twins rules" and this can be interpreted in a good and bad meaning. Whathever they do may be overcosted or an extremely niche thing that the army don't need.

    I prefer to wait and see the rules before becoming excited.

    That  was on an aos coach interview

    Here is the link



    • Thanks 1
  9. So with the rules and point leaks of new battletomes, this confirms our units in our new battletome were pointed unfairly. The gravelords have access to quite a bit of summoning and have yet been priced aggressively from the look of it. We also suffer from having less rules for our units. Like the stormcasts, our mortal units have neither musicians nor standard bearers which would have brought additional rules to boost to them

    I certainly hope we don t have to wait for the winter faq to see some relevant point changes. I am not talking about a 5pt reduction here and there

    • Like 2
  10. Consider Lumineth Realmlords. It is a strong option for an elite army with mostly ranged attacks if you want to build it that way: sentinels, ballista, kangaroo riders and the wind fox characters. You can shoot all day and don t even need line of sight with the sentinels!

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  11. Copyright infringement seems to me the only reason that makes sense for no longer producing it. Other speculations would affect its availability but not in a permanent way. It s a shame reallly when we got elves and orcs being renamed aelves and orruks yet they are still ending in a situation like this from what I ve heard is a copyright infringement with the box game titled "cursed city".  It s also the best explanation as to why they are not amking any statement regarding the issue at hand. Makes them look bad and the shareholders won t like it

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  12. 2 minutes ago, Phasteon said:

    just dont play at tournaments, thats about it. 

    If you don t play in tournaments, I wonder how much exposure you really have to other armies and army builds? Your games may be balanced because of the list you play against within you local group but this does not show the big picture which looking at tournament data does and when warhammer weekly can show that the top armies (lrl,idk,seraphon ,tzeentch,dok) have a 70% win rate against any other armies from the tournament data removing the top 25% finishers of the events, we have a real balance issuep

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