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Posts posted by Davariel

  1. I personally feel like the post-WFB grace period where GW could get away with axing entire armies and figuring out what they wanted to do with the range has passed.

    It's one thing to drop armies that have never had a coherent direction in AoS, it's quite another to drop ones that have had full battletome support. That's not to say GW can't or won't do such a thing, just that I think it would be very toxic and unhealthy for the game.

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  2. It's interesting to hear talk about updating the Witches/SoS, I'd have said they fit seamlessly with the rest of the DoK. Perhaps the biggest flaw of the kit is that it only makes five specific poses... but that's true of many modern kits too.

    Dryads are an interesting case (and one dear to my heart) as the models are actually really old, but they've aged pretty well and still fit the overall Sylvaneth style. I'd definitely expect a new kit at some point, but wouldn't call them a high priority compared to stuff like phasing out resin, replacing the marauders and 25 year old Skaven sculpts, and so on.

  3. 49 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    I mean, back before the grimdark turnaround, bretonians USED to be pure good guys. And norscans weren't murdering barbaric ******, but people trying to survive in hostile lands that could take care of a baby slann and have so much flexibility on their ranks that that same slann could become the leader of a clan.

    That was my first thought on reading this too. It feels to me like the writers are trying to reconcile the different takes on Bretonnia that have existed over the years - both in terms of good versus grimdark, but also by adding avenues to take stuff like the bombards in the variant army lists.

    It's not exactly the Bretonnia I fell in love with, but I'm honestly really liking what we've seen so far.

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  4. On the bright side, it seems like the rumoured Bretonnian box could be decent. Unlike the Tomb Kings, the core Bret plastics hold up pretty well considering their age (I'm biased here because Brets were my first Warhammer love, but IMO most of their 6th ed range still looked good next to 8th ed stuff). Plus their new kits should provide lots of extra bits to convert the old Knights with.

    That Tomb King box is a tragedy, though.

    • Like 4
  5. Wonderful post - I love seeing the awesome lore and stories people come up with for their armies, and the background you've come up with for Nacht'Tor and Fendale is excellent. And your interests sound very similar to my own, exploring the opposed forces of life and death, to boot!

    I look forward to seeing how this develops :)

    • Like 1
  6. That really is one impressive conversion. So many disparate bits involved, but they all look so natural and thoughtfully placed - the end result is just stunning.

    And of course your compelling background just elevates the whole thing even further :)

  7. This thread is full of so much incredible stuff it's hard to decide what to compliment first! You've put a lot of love into this army and it really shows. The conversions, painting, background... it's all just fantastic.

    Eagerly awaiting the next installment :)

  8. 6 hours ago, Kugane said:

    Super long build up for all the Heralds...

    Everybody getting unorthodox releases... goblins... darkoath... malignants. What unorthodox release could order have? A dwarf? An elf? Perhaps free people's?

    The moment finally arrived and boom! Another stormcast joins the battle! The least expected of all!

    Ah, but you see, that's the genius of Games Workshop! No one could possibly have expected another Stormcast hero so soon, making the most expected choice for Order's herald subversively unexpected xD

    Joking aside I'm a little underwhelmed by our Stormcast herald. He seems like a random blend of ideas - Stormcast Warrior, village blacksmith, freeguild general... and is he wearing pearls? O.o It's not a bad model per se but it doesn't live up to the awesome standard set by the other three IMO.

    • Like 1
  9. Putting aside the issue of which faction is getting attention for a moment... am I the only one that thinks this new model's proportions look really off, even moreso than most Stormcast?

    Not sure if it's the crouching pose, the size of the sword or what, but he looks more like a duardin with a tiny head than a human to me O.o

  10. @Turragor Thanks for a very insightful and clearly expressed view. We get lot of people complaining about more Stormcast releases, so it's good to hear from the other side of the fence once in a while!

    You make a lot of good points about how GW treats their poster boy factions. I agree completely regarding the "main character" status of Stormcast; I don't like them much myself, but I can see they're going to stay in the spotlight. That's probably something we all just have to accept, for better or for worse.

    4 hours ago, Turragor said:

    I guess what I'm saying is everyone is entitled to their opinion and everyone is entitled to their counter-opinion but if either opinion or counter opinion is expressed too often it drags forums off kilter and makes things a bit stale!

    You're absolutely right (and I'm probably guilty of more than a few sarcastic asides at the expense of the Stormcasts myself :$ - for that I apologise). Posts just complaining again aren't productive and should probably stay in our heads. I think there's still a space for criticism of Stormcasts (or anything else), but such criticisms should be well-reasoned and give people something to respond to and talk about in a civilised manner. Am I being too idealistic here? xD

    4 hours ago, Turragor said:

    The whole tapestry is woven for Stormcast to stride across the centre of. Just like Space Marines in 40k. People don't like it there either sometimes but have come to terms with it.

    Again I think you've hit the nail on the head. But I think this also speaks to one of the biggest problems AoS faces (and probably the source of much complaining) - GW is trying to have Stormcasts stride across the tapestry when they haven't finished weaving the tapestry yet. So much of the setting, the factions, the backstory is given little to no attention, or only a few shallow pages or fluff, and so on, that when Stormcast get more attention it just calls attention to the holes in the world.

    But anyway, this is all getting a bit too far off topic. If you want to contiune the discussion I'd be happy to do so in another thread :)

    In the meantime, uh, RUMOURS RUMOURS RUMOURS

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