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Everything posted by DynamicCalories

  1. At this point the rumour engine is just throwing up images for things that won't be released until 2018 given that we've seen painted stuff that still hasn't been reviled. Pls! No more scry!
  2. I'm looking forward to it regardless. If I wasn't so stretched with Uni and work i'd probably look at reading the literature more because I think AoS is far more unhinged than the little I know about WHFB, and that should lead to some interesting race concepts down the line. I hope they can come up with neat new characters too!
  3. I think they'll lean away from proper Lovecraftian tentacle stuff (except for maybe the priates) and go closer to Dark Eldar/Harlequins as previously stated. I don't know much about Malekith and Warhammer Lore, but if he's some half demon/half aelve figure now, and with the Seraphon essentially being 'daemons' I would wager that AoS is expanding the terminology of daemon, making it less of a chaos thing, and more of a "this is a great power, and it can corrupt, but also maybe controlled". I think you can see it with the Sylvaneth too, they're essentially tree daemons, I think it adds a lot to the world given that it's obviously far more over the top that WHFB.
  4. There's been a super light rumor about "Cthulhu worshiping Dark Aelves" That's all we have. Bets are on Duardin next, then Aelves later.
  5. I wonder, if like with Silver Tower, a little speculation can be done off the back of the heroes. Maybe they've chosen them as these represent the direction of the factions yet to come up: Duardin are allegedly getting this Steamhead stuff - would fit with cogsmith. Then we've had this vague rumour about Deep one worshiping Dark Aelves, that matches up with the Dreadfleet Ark Master, so perhaps the High Aelves are going slightly oriental/martial in styling to give them a fresh style?
  6. Re: Skaven Walking Cities Clan Skyre being busy busy as usually. On any roll it simple shuts down its leg generators and flattens the enemy force for infinite mortal wounds. What's worse is... it's battleline...
  7. Yeah forget all the faction updates, we got Slambro. Now to wait for the first StD army that runs a 30 warrior unit but they're all Slambro
  8. The NZ pre-order for Shadows over Hammerhal is very slightly cheaper than the Silver Tower box.
  9. Kinda sad he didn't come out as soon as AoS started so the Warscroll could have had one of his abilities only trigger if you shout SLAMBO and stand like the figure
  10. They've only gone and done it the absolute mad men
  11. Hammerhal ends up at £135 worth of miniatures. But for reals, that's good value for fully pose-able kits. I want The Sorcerer and the Blightkings anyway, which is £45, I might as well just get Hammerhal and have a ton of models extra for the difference. Wouldn't mind painting a few Order and some of those new Tzeentch things to breaks up the malignant, glutinous piles that are my Nurgle.
  12. You might hate the reavers @Double Misfire, but that is some crisp gold.
  13. Always been surprised they haven't just made a golem out of skulls yet
  14. I think, based on the text "Well, this looks a bit grim… wonder what it could be?" it's a pun and it will be related to Fulgrim. Bit grim... full grim. GW rockin' that amazing humour as always
  15. Apparently you can use the AI system from Silver Towers still.
  16. If those are the contents that is both expected and a little disappointing, only 3 types of enemy sounds a little dull after the new stuff in Silver Tower, but also understandable given the rapid turn around. I will probably buy it for the Sorcerer Lord and Blightkings, and the opportunity to paint some extra new stuff.
  17. Really late to this but I've just seen the HUUUUGE discount the Stormcasts have received in price. Wow. I hope we see some reboxes of other units like Chaos Warriors and so on to match the new unit size requirements. It's kind of ridiculous how much cheaper the new boxes are, nearly half price!
  18. More Khorne? Talk about polishing skulls. Gimme a new GUO GeeDubs!
  19. I hope we get a Dwarfy Ahab, it fits their lore of grudges really well, and could coincide with another faction getting a tasty monster.
  20. There's been some speculation off the back of the Plastic Mortarian rumour, but in all likelihood he's probably part of another Triumvirate pack
  21. Aye I was thinking maybe some stuff for the new Warhammer Quest, which is set in Hammerhal right?
  22. I am assuming from my extremely limited knowledge of engineering that it is either some kind of steering thing... or more likely a vault door?
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