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Posts posted by Baz

  1. 48 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Hmm you're on to something here... Book 1 Chaos, Book 2 Destruction, Book 3 Death (ghouls especially) ...... leaving Book 4 as Order to finally launch the Cities revamp?!?


    Think book 3 will be order with some kurnothi releases and book 4 will be death along with the fec battletome 

  2. 1 minute ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Ok so Whitefang laugh reacted my latest post... make of this what you will, but I think it's a haha react that has the same meaning as the one left by our Gargant King moderator... As if, someone's been paying attention at what kept recurring in this thread as wishlists, which just so happens to have become a rumor now. 

    Also confirmed in mortals redesign thread that its a fake. 

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  3. Just now, Gitzdee said:

    Good point on the wild riders. I always thought they looked somewhat similar to revenants. I do wonder how they would fix that lore wise. They would have to leave CoS and Wanderers would be squated and somehow some units would cross over to Sylvaneth. 

    Wild riders were a big part of the wild hunt led by Orion so if Kurnoth returns then it wouldn't be a big step yo move them across to Kurnothi and the wild hunter, in particular those aelves that worship Kurnoth. Although I'm hoping we get reimaged wild riders on bigger bulkier stags if that was the case.

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  4. 8 hours ago, Greyshadow said:

    Some of those leaked rules seem a bit incongruous. (If it was from a playtester, GW probably know which play tester has leaked it). Even if it is legit, unlikely this will be the finished version of the new edition. Pinch of salt recommended.

    Saw on Twitter that these are fake and are a wishlist for changed made by a podcaster. 

    • Thanks 2
  5. 23 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Could definitely see Tyrion added in Harbingers. A narrative event is a far bigger moment than a character showing up in their Battletome.

    Final book being Tyrion showing up would be insane and paves the way for Lumineth Wave 3 (2) simply by adding 2 new units in 4.0.

    Heck Id love to see it!!

    so I think Tyrion wont be around till the next edition. It looks like him and malerion are going to face off after Teclis had his chat with Nagash in Broken realms about Tyrion fighting a foe more deadlier then Nagash. 

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  6. 13 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Dropping at the same time would be my bet too, if only because of those remarks about it being very soon. I imagine the standalone BT release isn't as big of a deal since they probably figure most people bought the Army Set for theirs anyway.

    We still have 2 weeks of unannounced prrorders before the anticipated preorder of 40k 10th edition on the 10th June. So expecting seraphon or the harbingers in those 2 weeks.

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  7. That was my initial thought as well But there was a second comment by whitefang about it being good for Sylvaneth players which makes me think that we will get more then a warband. Maybe a splash release of 3 to 4 units that will get rules in one of the harbingers book (my guess is the one in summer after the destruction book) we also know that ghyran will play a big role in the narrative. So no new battletome needed and they will get to use Sylvaneth allegiance abilities and maybe introduce some new seasons of war. 

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  8. 1 minute ago, EonChao said:

    What if it's Chaos Dwarves in Aqshy that cause that crusade to succeed. It's about to flounder without supplies and the Chaos Dwarves are the ones who save them, trading them goods and protection in exchange for a place in their city. It creates tension within the order grand alliance that there's a chaos worshipping faction that can be reasoned with properly and opens narrative hooks for Chaos beyond them just conquering and sacking cities.

    Then the Ghyran crusade fails because it awakens Kurnoth, causing him to attack and destroy them as that area of Ghyran becomes more wild, gathering the Kuronothi to his side.

    Kurnoth awakening to lead a wild hunt against the crusade in ghyran is my bet as well. 

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  9. 21 minutes ago, Wobbly said:

    A thing that has given me reason to speculate and ponder is the symbol on the cover of the second book of the Dawnbringers series. If I´m not mistaken that represents specifically Ironjawz!

    A Ironjawz focus for the lore/story in the book? More Ironjawz kits? Just chosen because of the revealed Maw-Grunta, so a more general Orruk/Destruction driven content?

    Not that I dare to go hogwild when it comes to hints and teases from GW...as they keep on surprising me.



    This was confirmed on the preview stream and the maw grunta will be part of that release. This leads me to think the other 2 books will focus on order and death with some factions getting a few more units with the respective book. 

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  10. 15 minutes ago, Hawke said:

    From the AoS Q&A, a few bits I remember, the winter tome is FEC (said he couldn't confirm for definite but implied it strongly enough that it's FEC without a doubt). No Incarnate this year/next 9 months. No warclans endless spell planned within the next 9 months. It seems like at least *a* wanderers kit will stay, no indication of which, (take that with a pinch of salt cos I can't remember the exact words).

    @Hawke any idea why wanderers were mentioned initially, was there a question about sylvaneth and Kurnothi that led to it? 

  11. So with each dawnbringer book based on a grand alliance maybe the order one will be based on the Crusade going into ghyran and awakening kurnouth. That way we get the kurnothi introduced. The second book with the destruction theme and ironjawz getting some love makes me think that the kurnothi/sylvaneth get the same treatment. 

  12. 1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    About CoS and Warhammer Fest, remember last time, everyone expected massive Votann drops at Warhammer Fest, and only the trike was revealed. The rest of 40k were CSM (including WE), books, and Warhammer+.
    I think you can apply the same logic to CoS, I think we get the full squad of dawnbringer soldiers and another thing at least. A character (2 max imo) and another unit (1 or 2 max). GW army boxes are always 1 character + 1 battleline troop + another unit, and then either nothing, a 2nd character (see the Votann or Black Templars army box) or a 3rd unit (Cadians army box). You always end up with 4 different kits. I would love for GW to reveal the whole army box content, but I'm prepared in case it doesn't happen. Since apparently CoS will share the red carpet with apparently Season of War, FEC and Orruks, and who knows what other stuff. 

    I still think an extended roadmap will be shown, and anything else is on the table, from Black Library heroes 2 to Warhammer+ to a dev interview, who knows. 

    Yes will think the updated road map with what's coming in winter will be shown off. I remember Eddie at the adepticon preview saying who knows what the winter bring when talking about the current road map. 

  13. Yes there's lot of sources that suggest he could return and with the current story arc and the rite of life spreading across the realms it makes any sort of return more likely. 

    With regards to the artwork, I think the important thing is that they don't usually release artwork for deities in particular unless something is coming out. For example no tyrion artwork yet and whilst the malerion artwork has been out there for a while we know that when the time comes their models will be released. 

    I'm just speculating really and also hoping that based on whitefang stating that a Kurnothi released is coming and on top of that seeing a Kurnothi in the first episode of Blacktalon. 

  14. 16 minutes ago, silverstu said:

    Maybe a new campaign for the summer for AoS with different factions getting small updates? Hoping Kurnothi might appear and perhaps Grombrindal?

    Looking at the list of reveals I'm thinking something will be pop up for me- there is plenty there and I hope there are few teaser videos for stuff beyond full faction reveals. 

    We should see some aos previews for some stuff that will be available for order over the next 6 to 8 weeks as following on from the seraphon box preorder this week there is nothing concrete release wise for aos apart from the remaining seraphon stuff, which isn't set for release until summer which starts in June.

    I'm thinking a new season of war book with new incarnate and I think the other mystery book could be a dawnbringer crusade campaign book with rules for some new factions. Maybe this will open up the narrative and introduce some smaller range updates for existing  factions. 

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  15. I was wondering if there were any pieces of artwork in AoS of major characters that haven't had a minature release yet? 

    In the first instance I can think of the Malerion shadow demon pic from the first AoS rulebook but was wondering if there were any more? 

    I suppose this could also extend to other units as well within AoS although that would be tricky as we wouldn't know what we're looking at but was wondering if there is some sort of GW policy that they only release artwork for stuff that will get a minature later. 

    The reason for asking is that I saw this pic of Kurnoth in the sylvaneth battletome and we know that whitefang has hinted at a Kurnothi release so could we see the hunter god as part of that release?


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  16. 13 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

    I think I'd like both. The centaur from Underworlds was a great call back to Wild Riders, and I liked the idea of their reinvention being actual centaurs in the more fantastic Mortal Realms. But if the new version of wood elves is going to have basic archers (which, it's the new version of wood elves, so of course it will) I'd quite like them to be relatively low key in comparison. Kurnoth hasn't blessed them as much yet, so they have much less significant blessings.

    If we do get Kurnothi, and if they don't make an awesome centre piece Kurnoth god tier mini, I will be very upset. I know he's dead, but you know who else died literally ever winter in The Old World: Orion, Kurnoth's avatar. He always got reborn in spring, so Kurnoth can too!

    The attached is from soulbound rpg book and with the rite of life sweeping across the mortal realms its the perfect opportunity for Kurnoth to return  My only concern is the lack of rumour engine pics that point to kurnothi models but who knows we may get some soon. 


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  17. 23 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    That is one really different elf from what we're accustomed to. The bestial design is cool, I'm more puzzled by his sideburns than his literal hoofed animal legs, which is a bit weird when you think about it, but I guess that's me ! Makes you wonder what a 4-5 plastics kits of these guys might look like. 

    I think both designs can coexist without any problem. You could have Kurnothi that have not very turned bestial yet, sporting just wild hair, antlers, basic fur, and then the ones that are more deeply into the beast aspect, with the half-elf/half-animal look. And maybe the "basic looking" Kurnothi try to turn into the fauns and centaurs. That's how I could envision it anyway.

    Yes, Kurnothi just being a collective name for those that worship kurnoth and so you have regular aelves and then those that have been changed through some way to look more bestial and centaur like. 

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  18. 52 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    How many episodes is it, and are they coming out one a week?

    i have wh+ this year, but it hasn't really been worth it, this might make it a better deal, but I really don't want to have to keep it into next year if the last episode airs after renewal day!

    Just that its a series so not sure how many episodes but presume weekly. 

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