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Everything posted by Souleater

  1. Summer king could be mounted on a Terrorghiest or something similar. Particularly if they redo the ZD/TG kit. He shouldn’t be walking like some peasant. 😁
  2. Am I missing it, I don’t see a timeframe for this week’s preorders?
  3. I’m hesitant about the FEC update. I really dislike the baboon hounds (even more strongly once I had built them) but the new ghouls in the same box are great.
  4. It was indeed an upgrade sprue, but I felt at the time the detailing was better than the original kit. My main point - which ties into yours of needing the kit to be replaced- was that the spinal and shoulder joints were a pain during assembly.
  5. I think @Trugg the Troggoth Kingmay be asking ‘what if the SCE side of the rumoured 4th Ed box are updated sculpts of the 1st Ed box?’ We’re seeing glimpses of both character/story advancement and simple replacement of OG Fatcast.
  6. If I remember rightly the TK skeleton kit was a little better detailed than the regular skeletons of the time, but still required you to glue a the spine/ribcage to the pelvis/legs by a very narrow join. And then the horrible little arm to shoulder socket. 😬 I don’t look forward to trying to assemble those again…
  7. Trying to put a positive spin on this but could that be a reaction to scalpers nabbing them? I’m not saying it’s the best way to do it, mind you. Bit disappointed at the lack of TK but hopefully we see something for them in the November show. Same for FEC. I love the new SCE chap on dragon. Will definitely have to scrape together the cash to get him! Marine Scot’s..I can’t even tell if those are new models or not, but that’s my aversion to Marines I guess. Seems odd that the Striking Scorpions don’t have female bodies in the mix. GW have really done great work getting more women into the armies, and Eldar used to be the mixed gender army. Necron Lord is okay, but the Generic is strong in him.
  8. You might need a new head. I’m not sure a servant of She-Who-Thirsts should like quite so sullen. 😁
  9. Tree dude standing on beetle looks as if they have stuck a model standing on a flat surface onto the mount. I don’t get any sense of it trying to balance itself. I know it’s a tree dude but this is one of those ‘movie explosions in space’ things.
  10. Not to get anyone’s hopes up but here in England thirteen is referred to as a Bakers Dozen.
  11. GW confirmed this would be the case before Xth Ed was launched.
  12. Do GW really send stuff out to folks so far ahead of a release? 🤔 If FEC really are slated for the Nee Year this seems very early to sling things at influencers.
  13. If I was GW Marketing Team, I would put up an article about Bretonians today. 😜
  14. Ghouls on Film! something something Ghouls on Film! Really looking forward to the new range! Hopefully as others have said, we get something official tomorrow!
  15. Summer King…BBQs…Australia…mystery resolved. 😄
  16. My main army is Stormcast. The design and sculpting of them has come on leaps and bounds since my OG Liberators, etc. I would gladly replace those models with new, shiny versions.
  17. Bonesplitters could be easily nudged into being Picts, the body-painting (or tattooing) savages that occupied ‘Britain’ before those Roman types showed up to civilise the place. They’d even keep the ‘English yobs’ schitick that way.
  18. Having seen the newer Orruks and (leaked) FEC sprues there’s a very good chance that this warband is being used as a test-bed of sorts, and that we will see close analogies show up as full units in AOS.
  19. Critters & Keys can’t be much further out at this point! 😄 Seriously, I am very happy to see them get some different looks plus, and slightly smug, that adding womenfolk has helped them to do that. I myself and waiting for Chaos Dwarfs. Hopefully they will also have some female models to add variety to the range.
  20. We did get these guys, and then the drastic change we saw yesterday. I’m still not sure how much of WHU is trying out styles or something else.
  21. Another ‘great to see Destruction getting the love and updates’ from me. Seeing the Gorgers go from what - even at the time was considered one of GW’s ugliest sculpts - into something that looks genuinely terrifying is my favourite part of this.
  22. The vampire bat hanging upside down in his coffin with team scarf is adorable. 🥰
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