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Everything posted by Souleater

  1. Savage Orruks need only the slightest nudge to be turned into the painted savages that fought the Roman invaders to the British Isles aka the Picts. And they’d get to keep the English accents!* *Yes, I know the Picts weren’t actually Cockneys. Probably.
  2. Might this mean that scenery is actually relevant again? It seems fairly unimportant outside of faction terrain.
  3. You’re quite right. Which makes the complaint about them being ‘unbeatable space marines’ even odder.
  4. I’d prefer Wee Free Men style Gnomes to join the Ogors, but that’s just me. Regarding Stormcast not dying in the big battle trailer - I wonder if that’s because we’ve already seen the protagonist die a couple of times…and I would start to wonder if Sigmar’s Men and Women are on the right pills at that point . 🤷🏻‍♂️ It would have been neat to see them ‘blip out’, IMO.
  5. We would get new models just not new units. In other words, old 1st Ed Liberators get replaced by new 4oS Liberators using Thunderstrike armour. Rather than something like us having Retributors (big 1st Ed dudes with two handed weapons) and the. Annihilators (big Thunderstrike dudes with two handed weapons) Two really, really similar units. That’s how we’ve ended up with - in my opinion - a bloated roster for SCE. I think we have eight or nine different types of folks with bows… I am sure we could par that down a bit. I want shiny new Thunderstrike and Ruinination stuff…but there are plenty of old sculpts that can be replaced or updated rather than adding more units.
  6. My main army is Stormcast. I really don’t want to see more units! There are enough OG 1st or 2nd edition Stormcast units that can be redone into the modern, better proportioned style. Leviathan (the 10th Ed 40K launch box) suffered from units the seemed to have been invented just to fill box space. I was hoping that GW would begin merging very similar units into single entries…but going by the exact opposite happening with the Tau codex…that seems a distant hope.
  7. I’m going to refer to this new edition as 4oS until I grudgingly realise it’s never going to become ‘a thing’.
  8. @Goatforce my debatable ‘Sigmar as surf dude’ bit aside, him just doing stuff like that was my point. We know he plucks suitable souls (sometimes long dead) from death to use as Stormcast. Not mentioning the downside is hardly a shock. Mortal soldiers in AoS are already putting their lives and souls on the line…and they don’t get to respawn. On the other hand, the guys and girls picked to be SCE are exactly the sort of folk that if Sigmar did explain the whole thing in a slightly speeded up Terms & Conditions way before transforming them would take up the hammer willingly.
  9. I don’t know why they thought the game needed to be vastly overhauled…other than this silly three year rotation. My only gripe about the current rules set is that my aging brain struggles with the battle tactics (but that’s a similar problem to 40K missions) USRs…I don’t recall 40K ever managing to stick to this.
  10. Sadly, I wasn’t wowed by any of it. I liked the 4oS trailer. But haven’t the SCE known for quite some time that each reforging can strip another bit of them away? I have a vague memory of some future lighting dude shouting at another SCE…but I did recently watch The Flash again. Sigmar resurrects folk without their prior consent and thrusts them into the fray to fight an ‘eternal’ war for him. Missing out the ‘you’ll eventually run out of luck’ bit doesn’t surprise me. He’s already that kinda guy. He’s kind of a douche, really. ‘Hey, brah, sorry you’re dead, and you might be having a nice afterlife and all but I could totally use some help fighting the endless hordes of Chaos, Death and…whoever those other guys are…. Would it be cool if I turn you into a superwarrior? If you die you’ll just come back - which will hurt *like a lot* - and your soul will eventually wear out so you’ll just be either gone or some weird lightning thing…not sure on that. Whaddya say?’ Consent, Sigmar. Consent!
  11. @Ejecutorit’s a disappointing model. I known it’s a power weapon, but blocking almost half the length of the blade with a side mounted gun barrel seems rather silly.
  12. So…what’s the likelihood of a Gnome AoS army before Chorfs? I’m laughing but more crying at the idea…
  13. On the one hand I really want my Drukhari Mandrakes from Kill Team, but on the other I really want those CoS dudes to convert into various things for my Imperial Knights! 😁
  14. I’m hoping it’s KT because I want those sexy, sexy Mandrakes!
  15. Agreed 100%. It’s great to have new stuff, but they clearly can’t keep up with it all which just leads to frustration.
  16. If only weird snake vampire lady had looked as cool. 😕 I think this model is spot on.
  17. I don’t know if you folks think this would be appropriate for AOS or TOW games, but what the heck…
  18. How do the ‘get them before they’re gone’ Underworld Warbands fit into the idea that plastics aren’t viable for small runs? Do we really see them being reused in combat boxes or something like Hachette’s Partworks? Not trying to be snarky. I’m genuinely puzzled by this.
  19. Those old ogre sculpts have character . They still work, IMO.
  20. That really wouldn’t surprise me at all. I am surprised by the sheer amount of stuff we are seeing return today. Even if it will be released in stages.
  21. I felt it was a good show. I really like the new Mandrakes and will be happily replacing my 3rd Ed BDSM chaps with these much more interesting models. I was madly excited about the Solar Auxila as they would also work for GSC Brood Brothers with a more industrial look or Imperial Knight infantry while also being a possible entry into HH. But then realised that I have hundreds of assembled but unfinished models already. So I should hold off on those. I love the Cat Lady and SCE models out of the C&T box, the former I can’t decide if she should be a GSC Magus, and older Callidus Assassin, a knight pilot…I may end up with a couple of her. Such a characterful model! The Necromancer is fantastic, too. I am puzzled about complaints over there being different types of zombies in AoS, though. We have (had) different gods of Death before Nagash started his shenanigans. Seems fine to have different ways of becoming a zombie. Not fussed by the Kroot, nor bird lady. She’s all feathers from one side and all hair from the other. Oh, and the new Nighthaunt are nice. Oddly I far prefer their whispy effects to those on the Mandrakes. Edit: forgot the Night Lords. I don’t want to seem as if I am damning them with faint praise. They retain character of the NL without going too over the top. They maybe could have used a little more dynamism in the poses?
  22. It might be in a state of quantum uncertainty at this point… 😉
  23. Another Bonesplitters thought: mounted archers for harassment. I dearly love my Bonesplitters army. I’d be very sad if they get removed just to be ‘asset stripped’ for the other subfactions.
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