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Kaleb Daark

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Everything posted by Kaleb Daark

  1. that would be amazeballs. I'd put money on her being identical in pose and size to sigmar not-valkia but with a set of bat wings and hooves. valkia (potentially) down, just taurox to go...
  2. they do if they're an elf in disguise. Don't trust over tall dwarf women with beards.
  3. I totally agree. This would be an amazing time for a magma dragon to make an appearance for fireslayers, or even some salamander type drake cavalry offerings. Some armoured options would be cool - I can see fireslayers working the forges in protective magmadroth scale suits or aprons in order to avoid getting splattered by molten metals.
  4. definitely you being serious again And I always admire a man who is totally wrapped up in his faction, these are the guys who are needed to move the faction lore forwards as if anyone gets that faction it'll be the fans who bought into it. See... See.. I knew you were a closet stuntie. Are you really two dwarfs standing on top of each other underneath Elf clothes? By the way... is all Lumineth food beige? It always struck me as beige.
  5. You even have a picture of us by your bedside table. Please tell me you kneel down and wear some shoes on your knees and walk around wanting to be like us. ... We luv ya man! You will also note that even out statues are grinning. Yup. happy chaos dwarfs.
  6. M'colleague... As a follower of the shorter big hatted persuasion I humbly respect your views and opinions. However, I must add that on a rather shallow and superficial level I'm really not getting into the whole metaphysical deeper existential meaning of it all beyond it being building painting and pushing toy soldiers across a table. The only thing I was framing was that it's fantasy, scifi, make believe, escapism, call it what you will. I love me some tom and Jerry and Bugs bunny, but even I know that were I to clout myself around the head with a frying pan my face won't be the shape of, or sporting a depression of said pan. Naturally, as a non smoker I have yet to hide a stick of acme dynamite in a comedy cigar and suffer the comedy consequences, but I think I'd be safe in saying that it's not going to explode in mirthful fashion and leave me with little twittering birds flying round my head. In this manner and with this lack of understanding I do struggle with some of the deeper conversations on this thread other than I got no chaos dwarfs - which I get entirely. Now, M'colleague @Maogrim what is a pointy ear I can understand as elfs, now they love a bit of philosophy and debating, and to be truthful, elf and dwarf verbal jousting is a lovely thing, my knife eared tall fella bredrin does make me smile it has to be said, he truly is the pointy sanitised sparkly clean and scented mirror to the cheese chomping rag wearing @Skreech Verminking in his ardent love of all thing ever tall and silly looking. Bear in mind I have to smile for his as he, being an elf is incapable of smiling - must be elf botox magic or something. But you know... elfs innit. You can't look up to them or else you just get a sore neck - I know, I knew a elfs plastic shover, and he was tall as well. hard work talking to the man, so it was, and he never smiled either. Now, onto the important matter of pushing plastic toys across a table... Did someone mention Chaos Dwarfs?
  7. Hashut obviously. A massive flaming bull with a massive flaming bull grin. Your mountain spirit like your archmage doesn't smile. They even gave it a silly neck to try and stretch out his face into a smile, but no. See.. Elves... all the toys and still miserable. Whereas Chaos - always smiling. Always killing each other - smiling, you lot, reading lots, making sure your cutlery is arranged in straight lines and eating pot noodles... not smiling. And Chaos Dwarfs, the smilley-esy of the lot. Even when they got Bretts'd, we still grinned and said yep'd. Anyway... did someone say Chaos Dwarfs?
  8. You know what you elfy Nogrin, I'd actually say that somewhere in the bowels of the mother ship when all that kicked off someone probably said " really.. I mean..really?" We've had a funny two years where people now look for anything to be angry about, and if they don't find it they get angry about not finding something to be angry about. I mean come on, one can argue that Disney/marvel should appologise for a bunch of human fascists deciding to decapitate an albeit miguided eco warrior who just wanted an end to suffering, famine and illness, that lucasfilm should appologise for the destruction of alderan as an act of genocide and that JRR Tolkien should apologise for not seeing it from Sauron's point of view and why can't an orc identify as an ent if he's gnarly enough. Indeed, and if you read the latest Uriel Ventris novel you're told that to cross the rubicon Primaris actually makes you lose some of the things that make you 'human'. Uriel and the other Primaris realised that they now cared very little for the humans they were created to protect over and above the act of fighting for the imperium. I think that scene in the trailer puts this across really well. You're right. a plastic injection moulding setup will smash out probably the best part of five to ten sprues a minute. 3d printing on the scale that GW would need price for price would be comparable - we used to have 3d printers and laser sintering printers at my old job and they rolled in at around 250k each with all the toys needed for cleaning and post curing the parts to harden them off etc. Speed was not their forte, and if we wanted speed we sacrificed on quality with the banding layers becoming more pronounced (we aimed for 2-5 microns normally) Where you win with 3d printing is in storage, because you essentially can truly build to order on an as needed basis. You could almost go back to the old GW business model where you could buy individual bits of models again as with 3d printing it's worth doing from a cost perspective. Customer just wants a set of Manticore wings - fine, just print them off. They used to do this once, and then realised that it was costing them more to make the individual bits than it was making them money as they had to pull those old moulds out and make just one part from them. Case in point, one year they made some bits or other for some empire thing, and it turned out the price paid didn't cover cost of materials and to add salt to the wound it was ordered by a gw employee so he got 50% off anyway! Aerospace companies use them quite a lot for fittings and other bits and bobs because you don't have to keep a warehouse full fo stuff, and when you know you don't see more than 100 ordered a year then it makes perfect sense. I wouldn't dismiss it entirely for someone like GW but in reality 3d printing isn't there for volume production, sure it has a place, but massive production volumes isn't it. Where it wins is in the ability to just smash something out without a requirement quantity of x thousand units to make it viable. Also consider that it would be like going back to trying to work with resin or metal until a polystyrene based medium is available to print with, so superglue it is. Obviously this means that for Nogrins knife ears he can get extra heroic ear extensions and all chaos dwarfs can have decent parts on their skull cracker as opposed to the parts looking like swiss cheese. Ohhhh... did someone say CHAOS DWARFS?
  9. true dat, but space dwarves got bretts'd didn't thems
  10. yebbut.. he said chaos kittens... kittens - small and cute Chaos - small cute and chaosy small cute and chaosy can only be chaos dwarfs, both are small, both are very well loved and both have sharp pointy teeth and both get looked at, laughed at, dismissed and then the sheer surprise when they unleash hell. Chaos Kittens is design studio project code for Chaos Dwarfs. Anyway... Dwarf ancestor spirit terracotta warriors ya say.... hmmm... 🤔
  11. well it's going pastoral, lets face it, Wrathmongers are nothing more than khorne farmers in iron dungarees. Nurgle has a garden and Slaanesh has a combine harvester, and a greater combine harvester. Tzeentch is the only chaos god that hasn't got old and decided to get an allotment.
  12. that's what I do. The only thing the plastic thirster needs as an expansion sprue is a tall grass meadow flower base and a straw basket full of bread and cakes for grandma, oh and some mary sue pony tails. It is utter dog toffee.
  13. it could be like a horus heresy mini two character diorama on a massive heap of slain foes. You'd smile... teclis wouldn't.
  14. yup I'd totally agree with that. Its like the khorne dragon. Every week I'm just about to buy the wee fella and then I pull back, I really should treat myself for crimble, as he'll look awesome with the three exalted thirsters I've got - which I may add, I use as regular because plastic leaping kitty thirster is a pile of dog toffee- when they could have just given us a plastic exalted and made us all proud to take skulls.
  15. to fulfill criteria of all centrepiece heroes and so they can say the model is 10cm tall she will obviously be standing on a rock which is actually the top of the pillar that the mountain of bodies (preferably elfs) is piled up against yes?
  16. It would be interesting to see what if anything (why am I even typing this of course they won't!) forgeworld do with their exalted greater daemons. By this reckoning the exalted thirster should be an absolute 1000pt wrecking ball of omigod. But more than likely it'll just be easier to put an exalted greater daemon in your list as it's cheaper! funny old world.
  17. Apart from provide massive amounts of canon fodder because ya know… beasts..
  18. Once upon a time there was a beastman centauroid...
  19. still wouldn't crack a smile out of the old git though.
  20. I'm going to go to my chaos bible here; the Alpha and the Omega that is Realm of chaos : Slaves to Darkness, I loved khorne as instead of magic it got technology and chaos dwarf artillery and war machines. I was great, you could equip your units with random 40k tech so a chaos warriors unit would be armed with bolt guns 🤣 But you make a really valid point about new unit additions. As you say, all armies are slowly getting a thing to cover all bases. But why? I think it adds so much flavour if armies have obvious weaknesses. Lets take my beloved khorne, no magic, but again back in der day, a khorne army was amazingly effective at shutting down magic phases as a result, and other than technology which was a random chance, they had no effective range - they were a melee blender army, and as an opponent you really really didn't want them to get into melee at full army strength. Admittedly if you want a laugh read the daemon entries in that book, the daemonic legions were a whole different back of crazy! While im on my skull throne soapbox, the other thing I'd love to see in a khorne army is the literal interpretation of "cares not whence the blood flows" and it be the only army where you can actually attack friendly units to trigger stuff, it would be nuts and also add a whole new dynamic. I'd also like the cutting your nose off to spite your face rule that a khorne army cannot hire or have mercenaries - after all as RoC:STD said, nobody in their right mind would be stupid enough to work for a khorne army as they knew that as soon as the battle was over they'd be next. Anyway back to rumours.. On a slight digression, do we not think that the guys who did the cinematic trailer for Space Marine 2 should just make a whole feature length fillum? - it's great, and if they could do that as a mini series for AoS that would be amazing.
  21. I agree, they always were the army where they took a long time to get a hit in, but when they did it hurt, and on the other side of that, trying to dent it was nigh on impossible. I wish I could agree that khorne were heavy hitters, but not anymore - they're lots of hits-ers but certainly not heavy. I'd love MoK to be like in 3rd ed fantasy, where it gave you a +1 to strength so the aos equivalent would be higher damage output vs lots of lunatic attacks that bounce off like a elf's palm slaps, or even a +1 to hit - I think it would be more representative of the models as well who are physically powerful and swollen with khorne rage - speed won't be so much their forte, but they will always make a blow bite. But yes nurgle - you're totally right , magic, cannons, planets falling , then the dust settle and clears and they're all still there picking their noses with that "was that it?" look about them. A big nurgle I'm bored of this now sigh.. and then the huge rusty greataxes come out to put an end to it all.
  22. was festus always in the maggotkin book or has he just appeared? I thought he never made it past end times.
  23. Mate, they only have to go back to 1st to 3rd Ed fantasy and that’s what beasts lore was literally blow for blow. they moved away from that lore because it was all a bit too dark. You need to read yourself the original realm of chaos books and then you’ll understand why now with beasts and slaanesh they’re like “erm.. yea erm.. how do we spin these puppies without the ‘suggested for mature readers’ tag?!”
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