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Everything posted by Mortarch

  1. Not the mist weaver per se - but the helmets and armor aren't that dissimilar that they couldn't be part of the same team.
  2. Rumour I heard is that this Box is the new Stormcast Chamber (I recon Sacrosanct Chamber), and Nighthaunt (New wraiths as per artwork)
  3. Also, current Black coach is a hero so that list wouldn’t be correct with current warscroll as it should be in the leaders section. Hopefully that’s something significant rather than just a mistake.
  4. What's the source on these? ... Was there a picture released?
  5. From RuneBrushes blog... some changes in warscrolls: No regen banners any more - replaced by a bravery modifier. Less summonable models - Summoning looks like it will work based on Keyword rather than spells. Some models lost the ability to be summoned - Morghast, and Mourngul to name two. Extra warscrolls - Names characters, and a Soulblight vehicle of a description. Without the context of updated allegiance abilities.... seem like an Even HEAVIER reliance on heroes. Deathrattle, Deathmage, Deathlords keywords still intact - Legions of Nagash therefore doesnt replace these Factions. Neferata and Mannfred gain Soulblight... Arkhan DOESNT gain Deathrattle.
  6. Latest malign portents story supports a future new faction of "Mortal Death". From the wording...I am here by predicting a "Revenant" faction... those who have accepted Nagash's amethyst glow and released their stubborn hold on life to return as an other wise normal person, but ya know... dead. https://malignportents.com/story/grim-deliverance/
  7. Lets be real. GW love releasing Stormcast. Deathcast will mean more Stormcast and Death in one release. its a sure thing!
  8. This new book is great - get something at least for Death. To have a year long campaign without death getting SOMETHING would be lunacy. However I also think that leaving LON as a "Thats It" for death allegiances is also lunacy. The middle section of the campaign is going to be interactive... if theres no death players then GW will shoot themselves in the foot. My thoughts are that this book is to give us the equivalent of a "Death Lords" Faction, and "replace" the grand alliance rules... more supplement them, I think, than replace them. I honestly think that the legions are essentially going to function as a "Cheat" around the allies rules. as in... "take 0-1 Nagash, plus any death model and maintain this allegiance and gain these death lores" or "take Arkan, and any deathrattle and gain these additional Osteomancy abilities"... etc. Then a soulblight allegiance as well.. This allows future expansion into the Night Haunt, Death Rattle, more FEC if they wanted, some mortals Faction, and some other new ones without making this book redundant or backing themselves strategically into a corner. Those are my thoughts anyway. M
  9. Definitely metallic, odd shape. Looks like the view from the rear of a hood. Could be a "metal fabric" hood for a new primarch? Ferrus Mannus?
  10. I think it’s one of those bases that form part of the model to support a character when they are floating or mid air. I reckon the horn/hook is like a weapon of someone doing a summersault or similar. was thinking tenebral shard esque... but that’s probably reaching.
  11. Heads up.. rumored breakdown of upcoming new Deathrattle units. ++ Mod Edit ++ Removed image for swearing!!! Please use common sense when posting images!!!!
  12. Looks... like something from a 1970s dirty movie. The Vulvite berserkers?
  13. I really don't think this is death. Doesn't seem like bone spines at all. Looks like a painted helmet top - direction of shadows make this seem like it sits in the same direction on the model as per photo. Only faction that I think this fits with is elves or 40k eldar. This could be ynnari... but I'm going to keep fingers crossed for dark elves so that it's Sigmar. M
  14. The piece looks more like an injected molded piece, rather than a printed piece - so this piece looks like something they would actually issue rather than an in progress piece. Therefore the lack of detail on this - which is so far removed from the level of detail we would expect from even battle line level of troops that I would echo the suggestion that it belongs to terrain or something to that effect. Therefore, I think an objective markers for AOS - since 40k got some recently. I say AOS, but that includes Shadespire/Warhammer Quest and other games like that!
  15. On facebook, posted on Website and taken down. But too late - I give you confirmation of Fyreslayer SC contents.
  16. Hes floating over a big marine with a flaming sword, who I would assume is RowboatAY Girlyman - so seems like a reasonable assertion.
  17. I'd imagine we will start seeing a few more repackages like the Skeleton and the Wanderer. They were always going to run out of existing stock eventually, and there was bound to be cases where that happened before any repackaging was planned in line with a faction refresh. So if that's the case do they keep printing the old boxes or just put them in the new packaging that's planned anyway at the existing price point. In the knowledge that they were models being kept regardless. I think we will see more of this no fanfare Reboxing. This is refresh of existing product rather than a new product like the new box of more Liberators was a new product at a new price point. I wouldn't preclude a larger skeleton horde box when the Deathrattle faction is addressed. M
  18. Hope so, but why not do all of them at the same time? The other Skeleton Warriors (5s), which is of the older sprue, is still available. So possibly they run down their stock of the 10s a bit faster than intended? If it was intentional to remove them now, for reboxing, why now - Deathrattle release? Maybe. Unlikely at this time considering a DORF DAY is dawning. If it was a Deathrattle release, I would have thought they did Graveguard and Black Knights at the same time.. at minimum.
  19. Sepulcral Guard seems to the name of the "Unit" for the "Deathrattle" Faction... or is that the team? Possibly a step over Grave Guard when they are ported to AOS full? or... will these even be released as unit and JUST be Shadespire...? Either way. Ill take 15 please.
  20. In keeping with the simple philosophy of the rule set, what I would like to see is a simple modifier applied where the full model cannot be seen. Can you, after stooping down, see the full model without obstruction by terrain - then resolve as normal. Can you not see the model at all? Then no shooting. Is the model partial obstructed (behind a building, behind a unit) then apply a modifier. The cover modifier currently gives a +1 to save, however that implies that there is still the same chance of making a strike but your armor has somehow improved in value... which to me isn't thematic at all. Therefore I would like to see firstly a change to the cover rule. Missile Cover to be -1 (Minimum) to Hit, Melee Cover to be retained as +1 to Save. M
  21. Broken archway, with a "torn" grid gate. Looks Sigmar enough as the blocks in the arch look more like a stone than a concrete. Could also be a herring in that it could be a drain grating. Something that's torn and wrecked doesnt strike me as being related to any of the upcoming order rumored releases - there's nothing really on the horizon for Chaos/Destruction in the short term that I remember reading about - (unless you have a breaking out of your cage theme for Slaanesh?)... so I would say its related to Death. Bet is on a destroyed realms scenery, terrain, basing kits that line up with that death tomb stone.
  22. I think the issuance of the Stormcast book SANS any airships or flying contingent indicates that this (while it might be cool) is highly unlikely. Stormcast would be first inline for some "Sigmarite Storm Riders" and they would be included in a single SCE army book.. so if thats the direction they were going they would have delayed by a couple of weeks and moved up the announcement of flyers. Which could then have been followed by a Duardin VS someone else box set and the Duardin release. So yeah, think it may yet just be the Duardin "grounding" troops with the larger ships left in artwork and fluff as where the live rather than playable elements.. the same way Sigmars cities are just pictures and not massive "Sigholds"
  23. Well Nagash was last seen sucking the Sigmar out of a Stormcasts nostril. The only thing stopping me making converted Stormcast for graveguard, is that GW will be releasing some at some point ?
  24. Definitely someones chest. Someone wearing beating up and damaged armour, that looks like a combo of plate and chain-mail. AOS for sure. Too damaged for Duardin... Possible the Death-Sigmarines... or the Shadow Aelves?
  25. Re-asking... anyone know how many Slambo points it costs to Slambo up a matched Age-of-Slambo game?
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