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Posts posted by RexHavoc

  1. Well that is a little bit of a let down. The new models are great, but I'm still not feeling warcry as its own game. It looks to be a good source of minis for skirmish/converters though. I had hoped for a little less kill team and a little more necromunda. I want to like it, as I love narrative/skirmish/warband games over 'full' AoS, but it really does seem like its Chaos Vs Chaos, with them having chucked the other warbands into to please people who want to use other things.

    I'd also been hoping for a more 'adventurers on the road' feel for the miniatures, rather than the shadespire sort of looking warbands we seem to be getting. Oh well, that gives me more converting opportunities  anyway.

    I really though we would get a sneak peak of a battletome for a summer release, even if it is only one of those annoying pre-trailer trailers that people are so fond of putting out now a days. I suspect there might have been if not for the hold up with the current release. Probably playing it careful.


  2. 1 minute ago, JackStreicher said:

    One color is called „Guilliman Flesh“

    Well, Then I'm sold. I have hated painting flesh since I go in to this hobby. Which is why I've been stuck to my Grots for most of my time. I have a huge DoK army I brought on the grounds I might want to branch out from skirmish only to larger battles or at least have as a show case army but I've been dreading the thought of that much skin.



    Just now, Mayple said:

    @RexHavoc Alright! That makes sense :)  I'm with you on that train of thought. More centralised content (I don't know what else to call it) is definitely better in the long run, since it gets really confusing to have a whole bunch of different expansion-esque rules from different sources. It's not as bad as DnD used to be, but that would be the worst-case result. 

    Yeah, centralised content totally makes sense. I probably didn't express myself clearly- I'm multitasking a lot of things right now and caught up in the hype wave so rushing my posts both for speed and in excitement! haha!

    I'm sure even some of the tournament players don't want multiple books either. I've seen complaints that they are having to carry around too many books once again, which is only going to get worse this year with a 2nd book of endless spells and mercenaries  & now points/GHB split.


  3. Just now, Mayple said:

    Just to clarify: You don't want them to give you a reason to buy their books? Or that you don't want to buy more than one book for your narrative needs? 

    Oh I want to buy their books. I just don't want to buy two+ books with content spread between them. Say if the GHB has the battleplans for sieges but find out the pitched book has the rules needed to use the battleplans. One GHB book a year is ok, it's not too pricey and I've skipped it when there wasn't anything in there that I really wanted.

    In a perfect world, they would put out a GHB for matched/tournaments players and we could get one GHB sized, chunky narrative/campaign book each year. They'd never please anyone though. Someone that likes both narrative & tournaments would then be put out that they had to buy two books!

    I just don't want to see them start splitting the GHB content into two books just for that touch more cash. (Though could be that both these come bundled together for the same price as the GHB alone. But it allows them to put out a 2nd pitched battle book or more every year to update things. That I would be ok with)

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    2 books, maybe it is to let them update the profiles in one book and the rules/points in the other (GHB).

    BTW, my waiting skaven will be happy with this new paint line...

    Yeah, this was my guess. It's a good idea but not for me.  I'm still happily using my original GHB. Got tired of the never ending chase for balance in their games a long time ago. I just want to roll a few dice and have fun. I Just hope they realised this and don't put a bunch narrative/fun stuff, spread out over two or more books.  I don't want to have to feel like I want to buy another two books for a couple of pages worth of content.

  5. Just now, GeneralZero said:

    contrast video is up



    I trust him. He has a bow tie. Bow ties are cool.

    I wasn't too keen on the idea of the paints, one or two as effects seems like a good idea but a whole paint system seemed a bit too much (for my tastes, I've no issue with people that want to paint hordes like it) but that skaven is actually rather good. With a thin coat of agrax over the top, to even out the paint it you could have a horde painted in a week. As a skirmish only play, I'd be almost tempted to to finally paint that horde of skaven I have always wanted but never had the reason or will to do so!  The blue & red are pretty vibrant as well.

    I wonder if they are going to a flesh version? I'm already mostly happy with the fleshwash over white look for quick skin.

    I don't expect they will, but I hope these are a bit cheaper then 'normal' paints as I can see you blasting through a pot painting a horde, as I guess there is no thinning.

  6. Just now, JackStreicher said:



    well, that snake thing looks derpy xD please don‘t be an shadow self!


    the tank: Primaris? Though that pilot looks like a skitarii

    New ad mech transport, possibly? The aerials have the same design as the dunecrawler ones. Model I'd guess at something emperors children. Looks too small and no snake body to be the rumoured Fulgrim though.

  7. On 5/9/2019 at 9:25 AM, WarbossKurgan said:

    I like the old ones better too @ManlyMuppet88
    I hope both are still going to be available but this comment on the AoS facebook page makes me think the old ones are going to disappear.


    Cheers for the heads up on this. They are the one kit I've been meaning to buy loads more off but always put it off as they've been around forever and there was always something 'better' to pick up. Grabbed a whole bunch (or should that be branch!) more to be able to put them away in storage for future projects. I like the new version, but no where near as much and they look far too tall to be useful for things like monster bases. I love making my own winter themed ones but there is just something so fantastic about the woods kits. Hopefully ebay will be flooded with them too as players look to unload them in favour of the new ones.

    • Like 1

    1 hour ago, sorokyl said:

    They can't produce an infinitely large range of products. It doesn't make sense to keep 2 different sets of woods in production when you're struggling to keep so many things in stock already.    Even if you prefer the old woods, they are painful to play with, most people just removed the trees and played with the bases. The foliage was always falling off, etc. They needed to replace it if it since it was such an important part of the army.   Similar to how the old mangler squig wasn't that old, but had a lot of problems (melting over, breaking, etc) 

    Infinite sized realms and a billion planets in the galaxy: But GW can only provide example of trees to cover both their main games. It makes perfect sense to keep both ranges of trees in this case. The new ones are clearly design with the Sylvaneth games in mind, but the citadel woods were always for more then just Sylvaneth play pieces. They are terrain for both of their main games. It's silly to replace them and not have both.

    As for playing with the old woods, everyone is so hung up on placing models directly inside the base. It's been a long, long time since I've played games of a size where I'd need to squeeze that many models in that sort of space for it to be an issue. But If I still did: "Those models here, right there, next to the trees. They have moved inside the woods". Simple fix. Even a little marker to show the unit is in there would stop someone from complaining they 'forgot' that a unit was inside the woods.

  9. Oh dear. I wonder if the leaks were out too early and they've had to blame a hold up to save face or if there really is a problem with 'another country' holding the goods up.

    Can't wait to log in to facebook tomorrow morning. There is going to be all sorts of rows and political mud throwing over this.

    Personally, I don't mind. I've just spent a fortune on GW stuff recently, but it's all just sat there not being used as I'm totally snowed under with the work load from Uni this year, even my skaven battletome is still wrapped! This will give me some time to ditch some of these awful projects and get a bit more cash in the piggy. Looncurse is on its way, but even that will stay wrapped for another few weeks.

  10. I didn't think much of the tree at first. The bad photo wasn't helping. But there is a bigger picture elsewhere and I zoomed in and that is some creepy, creepy stuff! I still prefer the old citadel wood trees, but the new tree is going to look great with the nurgle one, with some minor additions! The dice are interesting, but I don't think I'd have the patience to use them! Still love that worm spell though. It's going to be donated to my gloomspite warband though. No way are the pesky tree elves getting it!

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Overread said:

    Sigmar still has temples and churches so bells certainly fit into the theme and setting. They are just likely Bells 2.0 so probably come with magical sparks when the hammers hit. 

    Yeap, still plenty of mortal followers of Sigmar too, which are still loaded with the twin comet and bell iconography. Even if they still havn't gotten a battletome! I'm sure some art popped up not so long ago that showed the fanatics fighting along side stormcast.

    1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Change that bell a little bit up and you’d have the perfect undercity of the skaven faction, Yes-yes fear-fear the danger from beneath!

    I've been collecting up parts for building my skaven themed necromunda table but hadn't found anything useful for the bell tower that would fit the skaven bell into. I'm hoping this building might just do the trick.

    The terrain/walkways also seem a little on the small side. I've been painting up my LotRs ruins for my skirmish table and the walkways are nice and huge, but the bases seem to be hanging off the edges in the picture. I hope that it's just a bad angle, as right now the buildings look tiny.

  12. Just now, Riavan said:

    I wonder if it will come with chaos themed scenery or the sigmar stuff we have seen.

    From the trailer videos, It looks like ruins with ruins with walkways. From the small glimpses we get, they look pretty generic. If they follow the release style of kill team, I wonder if we will see things like the blight kings get a box with the nurgle tree included. Only thing that makes this doubtful is there is a huge difference between the styles, sizes and cost of the different armies terrain piece.

    I'm hoping instead of team bundles like kill team but instead we get separate terrain bundles and just have bundles for warbands that need rules (future releases).

    Maybe you don't see much in the video, but they are holding back new chaos terrain. They did do away with the chaos fort not so long ago, maybe that is becasue they have a whole new version planned for this.

  13. 14 minutes ago, Lowki said:

    Whatever one may think about Games Workshop and the way they run their business, I don't think you can compare using a parody on some classic movies in your advertisements, with using another company's (competitor) ideas to make your own sculpts  and sell them to the same audiance and market. Not saying that is what happened, but at least that is what GW says it wanted to prevent from happening at that time, I think 


    Just now, Hideaki said:

    You need to keep in mind that they are forced to do this. What a lot of people seem to forget is the fact that the copyright law works this way. If they don't shut them down (I don't know the story in this case) but if they don't defend their IP they loose it and can't defend themself if another company just steals the sculps. Also keep in mind they leave user-created content and parodies up and don't force them to delete the videos ecc.

    Nothing to do with sculpts though. This is simple because the name is similar. Warhammer/War banner. And that both are wargames related products. This isn't about someone sculpting something that matches GW ip or someone making 3d prints of GW products. The names simply sound similar. This is the link to read to find out about it more, https://footsoreminiatures.co.uk/pages/changes-to-company-name


    1 minute ago, Tonhel said:

    I bought the Mortal Gods starterset and love it, but I also think GW was 100 % correct to ask them to change the name. Warbanner is way to close to Warhammer. When Andy announced the name Warbanner I think he wrote something about Warhammer and the item Warbanner and the good memories of it. So it was clearly inspired by it. Than they changed the name to Dark Peak and again they were asked to change it as there already was company that is named Dark Peak. :-O. Anyway now it's just Footsore which already had a very strong reputation. 

    Anyway GW is rocking it and that for more than 2 years on a row!

    Doesn't make it decent. GW put out great product, but people are deluding themselves if they think that this is acceptable behaviour. If this was some big oil company or Conglomerate, people would be up in arms over bully tactics, but because GW have 'connected' through social media and put out a few amusing adverts, people are over looking they are the same exact company there were five years, when they did exactly have a good reputation.

    A modern company so much in the limelight of their fan base should strive for great product and great values.

    I wont post any more about this, as it's getting way off topic (which is my bad) but I still don't think GW should be rewarded for using other IP to promote their products when they stamp so hard on others. It's bad form.

    • Like 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, Overread said:


    Best Ads EVER! 

    Though Duncan is now a Spaniel! 

    I want to love their advertising videos, as they are hilarious, but they are using other peoples IPs to sell their products. Which really wouldn't be an issue, especially as this probably falls under fair use, but this is the same company that not so long ago tried to shut down anyone using anything close to their own IP.

    Even as recently as this year- just over a month ago they forced a small wargames company to change their name as it was 'too similar' too the name warhammer and they are in the same area of business. Not even selling IP infringing products, just the name that was similar. ('war banner' if you want to read about it online)

    'New' games workshop is still very much 'old' games workshop in disguise.

    But aside from that- I do still only hope that this is just an addition(s) to the paint range and not a complete rework. The range is damn good as it is right now, and though the recent price rise has pushed it a little too high for my liking, it's still a very easy and convenient range to use.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 2
    • Sad 2
  15. Just now, Overread said:

    Just thinking out loud, but since Slaanesh and Gloomspite are basically AoS releases (yes yes I know the models for Slaanesh count for both games, but with the Tome GW has made it very much an AoS focused release); and taking into account what they've shown in the preview this weekend I think


    1) Next weeks pre-order will be 40K focused. They didn't hint anything at the new Sylvanath Battletome, if that were coming that soon I think they'd have said something. So I figure we'll see perhaps more of that Chaos Knight and suchlike.

    2) Week after next  Sylvanath preorder. 


    That gives a 40K week inbetewen some AoS stuff. 

    That would suit me down to the ground. I get bit annoyed with these piece meal battletome releases, where I'm preordering the first bits only to order the other bits the following week having still not received the original weeks items. I know that looncurse isn't strictly part of the battletome release/Sylvaneth, but as they are the two main armies played in our house I'd been silly not to order it. I'd just like for that to arrive before I have to place another order.

     There is no real reason for it, I just find it annoying and have to keep track off all my orders whats due/whats not going to arrive for ages. Throw in things like made to order and I've ended up with several delivers all at different points of the process and had to keep track of what each one is doing, espcailly since they are prone to going missing. This is more down to UPS being jerks, but GW don't make it easy.

  16. I like the warcry models, even if I'm still not convinced the game will be worth me buying, other then if it is crammed with terrain and new models. The lion/wolf does look a little flat though, like not much depth to the detail. Hopefully that's just a trick of the paint job/photo. It's not a problem if your an expert at painting, but I;ve never been a fan of painting flat organic parts, as it never looks right.

    I like the terrain as centre pieces , but as their modular version of sector mechanicus terrain, it's hugely lacking. I'd been hoping for far more detailed kits, with multiple levels. I'd thought that people hoping that we get mordheim houses as terrain was too far fetched, but had hoped for something more along those lines but with a sigmar twist- like the witchfate tower. These are Flat, empty looking pieces. The probably suit people playing huge games of AoS, with huge armies. If this is the terrain that is going to be showcasing warcry, that will be another reason for me not to move away from the skirmish ruleset. Oh well, they still look cool and I'll probably still grab one or two sets to use a base plate for a more detailed piece of terrain.

    I hope they are not replacement trees, if that is a new tree kit. I hope they continue to sell the old set as well, as old as it is now it's still a great kit and for being just a tree, there is an awful lot you can actually do with that old woods kit. I'd better grab a couple of the old kits while I still can as I'd hate to not have some spares in the house if they are replacing it. Hopefully they are just the new endless spell/terrain kit coming soon. Two different types of trees would be amazing though (Especially with a wood elf player in the house!)

    The mercenary rules sound great, I've been doing this along with my warbands anyway (Basically taking anything I like that fits the narrative) but I can see this causing some strife in the rest of the community. I see people getting in a twist over what armies should and shouldn't take, especially with people subbing in models from other collections and not sharing paint schemes! Oh well, sucks to be them I guess! Hopefully we see a freeguild book as part of this mega wave of battletomes this year, as old empires armies with mercenaries always looks so amazing on the tabletop.

  17. On 1/13/2019 at 1:23 PM, Saikological said:

    Totally awesome! Love your work!


    So I've not gotten around to posting many updates here recently. I've still been hacking away at the lead mountain, both for AoS & for Epic 40k (my other favourite game) but college has had me so snowed under that I forgot to add updates here and even updates to my AoS blog have slowed to a crawl. So here is a bunch of stuff I painted between my last update and before I got snowed under with all the work. Some more bits for my Grots and a few odds and ends for a Mordheim anniversary game we were considering putting on over the summer (but that might have to be postponed now, again due to my current work load)

    I've been working on way more then what I've finished painting, including way more Grot conversions, including some grotbag scuttlers, which I hope to get back too soon.

    I'd usually have replicated the whole posts between here and the blog, but I'm writing this in a quick gap between working, so I didn't have time, so this time there is more to see and read on my blog, if you so wish: https://frostgoblin.blogspot.com/

    I hope to be back to posting more regularly soon.














    • Like 3
  18. The paint sounds like it will be a good tool for painting, I just hope that its an additional range rather then replacing what we have now. The range we have now is pretty damn good but I've been expecting a paint overhaul for sometime now. It's been a while and they do love to ditch their paint ranges, especially since half the range currently have names for IP they have all but ditched in this side of the hobby. 

    A new range now would probably have me move to another brand full time, as most paints last me a long, long time but I'm bored of having to buy replacements that don't really match any more. I was less bothered about it years ago, but as my painting output is radically different now, espcailly with the sort of games I play now, another big change will spoil some of the enjoyment I get from it. I'd probably moved to vallejo full time.

    A handful of new colours like the recent thick ghosts inks would be cool though. I admit to buy the paints and not having found a use for them use, but they do look great and I'm bound to end up with a project I'll use them on at some point.

  19. 4 hours ago, xking said:

    I wish GW would stop putting new stories in the same anthology with old stories. 

    Just look at "Gods and Mortals". I just want the new stuff please GW. I already read the old stuff. 


    1 hour ago, Carnelian said:

    This this this this. 

    New GW is great but Black Library have not caught up. Their website is messy and they keep releasing books in multiple formats that don't go together. I don't want to be punished for having bought the short stories individually! 

    I'm sick of them only releasing stories that are part of the main line as ebook only. I won't buy ebooks. I'm glad this anthology is coming because it has several stories I'd love to read, especially the Eight lamentations shorts. I was also pretty miffed with how they released the short books over christmas- the series of ten books. I'm pretty OCD when it comes to my book collection, and though space to display them is always at a premium, I hated that they numbered the books on the spine and that made me not buy them. I don't want to display AoS books and 40k books together, I like the genres separate but with the odd numbers (I didn't want to buy all 10) on the spine they will look out of place if placed apart on the shelf.  I ran out of space ages ago and some of my 40k books sit next to my AoS rulebooks now and it makes me mad just looking at it! Can't wait to get some new shelf space in the summer and rearrange everything back to it's own shelves!

    The new anthology thankfully takes care of some of that issue, having the short stories together finally lets me read them. I Just hope the short book collection gets the same treatment. I want to see the AoS and necromunda ones at least get a reprint in something similar.

    I'm a big fan of the chronicles books, even if I would rather them be hardback! You get several books at once and they seem to be including most of the important short stories in them as well. I just wish they would included the short stories as and when needed in the hardback editions of new books as well.


    7 minutes ago, Tiger said:

    Wasn't he written off in a sentence or two in the End Times? You had something else in mind?

    He had a whole endtimes book. I've yet to read it- been working way back through the older ones as I never finished all of them, way back when. But I'm sure its more than a sentence or two!

    • Thanks 2
  20. That download page is much tidier. Last time I looked for something on there I gave up, it was a mess. I tend to use the links on the lexicanum wiki, as they have nice tidy grids and everything is easy to find. Hope they add the legends warscrolls and army books on there too, as they can be a pain to find as well.

  21. 'Rumour' from some comments on facebook. Someone is claiming that this comes directly from staffers at the last open day on grots. I don't put any stock in this at all, but have at it:

    " Goblins are being redone, as are wolf riders. Combining the remaining orcs and goblins into a new faction. Gonna be a shadespire team for them next season."
    " some conversations I had at the last open day surrounding the current normal goblins/grots being missing from gloomspite. "

    I find it hard to believe due to the fact that this is the first time this has popped up in conversation, and the open day was weeks ago. This would have been huge news over all the grot pages if people had been told this and also that they have removed everything from the webstore (greenskings, wolf riders etc) so early. You'd have thought they would have kept a range (even one of the oldest they still sold!) on sale right up to the last minute, as they did with almost all the other ranges. They wouldn't clear out models that they intended to keep in the game a year before we start seeing even hints at new models.

    Personally, I think if we are to see a new grot battletome other than gloomspite, it will be for a new grot range. Even something like the grotbag scuttlers. The only way we will see a generic 'greenskin and friends' battletome in the future is if the skaven one is a mass battletome of everything. But I'd still have a hard time believing that we will see new grots when they have such strong lore and models for gloomspite.

    As a grot fanatic,  I'm all for more flavours of goblins, but I think gloomspite is what we have for the foreseeable future.

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