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Everything posted by RexHavoc

  1. Your best best is going to be to convert them. You'll probably find a shortage of them, When AoS first dropped there was no limit to the amount you could take in a unit, a full unit of nothing but netters were insanely good. So people were buying them up in bulk. You might get lucky and find someone offloading a full unit on the trade sites. I'll most likely be making a press mould of the ones I have left and just adding it to spare arms. They only have detail on one side and not getting a perfect net isn't going to out of place on a grot.
  2. My rather insane workload for this year has finally come to an end but since the last parts were done over christmas and gotten rid off, I've found it hard to shake off the nervous energy I'd built up to get through the last hurdles! I've been unable to get myself to sit down at my desk and start painting, even though I've a) really wanted too and b) really needed too with all the dark elves that I've recently gotten! As I'm pretty much a narrative only skirmish player, the thought of painting a 'full size' AoS army fills me with dread (One of the main reasons I dropped out of WFB during both 7th and 8th ed was some of the insane unit sizes at this scale) but many of the recent releases have me so excited that I've decided to move out of my comfort zone and try some new things. Which has lead to a pile of miniatures I didn't have room for! So rather than waste my time when I couldn't bring myself to paint, I did that job I've been putting off all year and that filled me with dread- I reorganised as much of my hobby room as I could! Which has lead to the cleanest my desk has been since I moved in three years ago! It is so much less depressing to be able to work into the room now and actually sit down with out knocking the 100 or so paints scattered across the place and getting rid of most of the shame pile is a lot less threatening! I also put up (at least in a temporary manner!) my LED light strips that I brought last year! They still need soldering and permanently fixing to the shelf (something I can't do till the new year as we no longer seem to own an soldering iron) There is still a lot of clutter to get through in there, the top shelf is still covered in more miniatures shame and there are like 150 Dvds that need to be returned to their home, and the drawers still hold the nightmares of a thousand hobbyists! I was also sick of not having any more space for citadel paints (my paint drawers only fit a handful in compared to the 50 or so Vallejo I can get in each drawer) so, whilst not glamorous, I knocked up a paint rack out of card and hot glue. Its no prize winner, but like any good battle station, it's fully operational and cost next to nothing. I've also moved over to using a brand of make up brushes for both drybrushing and ink work. They are some of the best items I have ever purchased in the hobby! I brought one out of curiosity, thinking it would at least do for painting some terrain I had and it was so good that over the following weeks I brought a huge stock pile of them, as I'm pretty heavy handed and rough on dry brushes and expected to get through them pretty quick. Over a year later (and all the terrain in this log as well as some other bits have all been painted with the same one) and the brush is only on it's last legs now! Amazing value! I do have enough to probably last me to the end of my life with all the spares I brought! The only downside is they are double ended, and a massive pain to store so I knocked together a rack to hold them as well! Even less attractive than the paint rack but anything to stop them keep rolling off my desk! Sorry for such a boring (and long!) update. Hopefully this will encourage me to sit down and at least clear something from the shame pile at the very least!
  3. A mushroom forest and cave piece would be great to add to the terrain, AoS terrain has been lacking, the LotRs terrain is more interesting than the AoS stuff so far. Though chances are they are probably just mushrooms someone has made or brought from a garden store/craft store to mix with the studios terrain.
  4. Loving the narrative. The fungal asylum. Well, that's my display board idea taken care of! fantastic!
  5. This is what I will be doing with mine, pennies are dirt cheap (Only cost a penny each!) and pretty much useless where I am (very few reasons to spend them and only the bigger UK stores still give them as change, local stores do rounding) so I have several jars worth sat doing nothing. A fair proportion of them are magnetic too. I also find that my own home made texture paints have a bit of weight to them, nothing substantial but still, it must help. Also metal snotlings. I have millions of them and I'll be adding them in as many places as I can fit them!
  6. That's because they talking about the new models. Spiderfang are all old models. They have not died, they are all through out the new battletome, there are loads of shots of them in there.
  7. Yeah , I took a good look at both pics and there are so many bits that don't look the same, and I dont see how the hands attach to the squigs on the hoppers, and not leave some sort of seam on the ones with out. It does say in the article thought that its a new kit rather than new kits. Either way, I'm happy enough. New plastic squigs with tons of left overs or new plastic squigs with a few leftovers across two boxes. I'll take 100 please lol
  8. Ah yes! I was hoping we would see a 'gotta collect them all' side to the new sets, much like the nurglings or the fish from deepkin. I'm extra, extra pleased to see snotlings mentioned! I have a vast collection and even if swarms are gone, I wanted a home for them in the realms! I do love that snail, and someone on facebook spotted a skeleton squig! I will defiantly be set up as many trades as I can to collect mountains of the little bits! I've always been a fan of the odds n ends like that, which they have included in kits over the years, but until recently they always seem few and far between. I think they are cool little bits that make the armies come to life and bring more of the fantasy feel to the game, the models should feel like a narrative and not just game pieces! Those night goblins look like they are still on 25s, they are super small models and fit on 20mm squares perfectly, the 25s look big on them anyways! On the fanatics, its a surprise but a welcome one! The newish old plastic ones were fine, but its going to be cool to have ones with more options. The kit was ok but they were very static. I also think that the days of 100+ units are going to be long gone. It was one of the things that drove me away from WFB, I love seeing big units of NGs but when people had to paint 1/2 units of 100+ NGs as a starter army, it got very depressing. I'm more than happy to have a mix of different units and stick to playing 6mm scale for my mega battles. I'm hoping we see more than just the terrain bit we have seen, would love to see a cave like terrain piece to go with it, similar in shape and size to the woodland piece. It would be good for several different armies and easy to customise with all these new little extras coming.
  9. There was a crazy good Bretonnian goblin army someone made years back, I tried to imitate some of the style on my own wolf riders, but being not much of a sculptor my efforts are pretty poor. But seeing the lances means I'll defiantly have to finish a unit or two in the style!
  10. From the article it does seem to suggest that it is going to be a duel kit, with tons of left overs. But comparing the two units, there is a huge amount of difference, even things like the squig legs and mouths/faces seem to be different. Not to mention the hopper crew have huge differences to the herders. I'd love it if it was a duel kit with that many left overs. I'm a converter/painter first and foremost and all those left over parts will be amazing conversion fodder. Realistically though, I dont see it being a duel kit, even though that it what GW tends to aim for now, unless it is insanely priced. 10 squigs, 10 hopper riders and 2-4 herders seems like an awful lot of parts to squeeze into one kit, not to mention the spare legs, mushrooms, snails and other odds n ends in the kit. It does say ''new kit'' rather than new kits, so maybe it is. I'm pleased if it is as well, as I'm not so keen on the gas like/spore part of the hoppers and great as the grot on the squig mouth is, I think I could only manage one in an army before I found the model repetitive. With that many parts, we will be able to customise the squigs exactly to our liking. With a bunch of legs and mouths left over as well, it should be too hard to sculpt some extra bodies too. Oh I'm sure the rules are massively changed and what you see in the shot is the whole unit. I'm just still a little surprised as 3 fanatics has been the thing for such a long time now, I can't even picture them in any other way! Though a similar thing did happen with the netters with AoS1, I never though we would see more than 3 netters per unit, but the lack of a max per unit on the battlescroll meant that people were taking as many as they liked, the units of 20 netters were hilarious before they nerfed it back to 3 per unit.
  11. One thing I have noticed that I find kind of odd with this release is the fanatics kit has an odd model count. I don't recall a time far back enough where they were not always taken in groups of 3 (or at least 1-3 per unit) and the new model count is really bizarre then (of course the picture they put up may not be a true indication of what's in the box but I'd be surprised if they were to show off a new kit with bits from multiple kits) There appears to be only 5 fanatics and one dead/sickly looking grot, who's having a miserable time. 5 models seems on par for other duel kits (especially as they look like they might be crammed with bits and a lot larger than the last set of fanatics) Which means either they have had a huge rule overhaul from every other edition, meaning you can take 5 (6 if the sick grot counts) per unit now, the dead/sick grot is some sort of negative rule affect (Perhaps we are seeing a return of negative rules like animosity) that is going to crop up on a regular enough basis that they decided to actually include the model of it (perhaps they all have a chance to pop their guts on release) or perhaps this is the issue of not enough models/weapons in a box. I had thought GW were moving away from that kind of thing, but from what little I've seen of competitive threads, the KO suffer from not enough of the desirable weapons in the boxes. If it's case that we are just going to be a model shy per box, I'm fine with that, I have a huge collection of various fanatics (from snotlings to the god awful to build Brian Nelson ones) and it won't take much to find a spare to bulk a unit out. Also with it being a duel kit, anyone that doesn't have a stash of older models to work with, there should be enough bits left over from the mushroom version to add to a spare grot from the core box or somewhere to build a decent enough conversion. Also, for those that intend to pick it up, there is one side the shadespire set, which will have a height difference, but that is also a good option for those of us that pick the set up for the hero model.
  12. Yeah, thats what I took away from the article too. I'm fine with this as long as the battletome, warscrolls and dice are all week one. I'd personally like to see the squigs as a week one kit too, as thats what I want to grab as many off as I can. The loon king would be great too, but I can pick him up at a later date. Everything else will be on the to-buy list later on anyway (As I just have too much to paint as it is right now) but they are the must have, day one buys for me.
  13. yeah sorry, I badly worded that. I still buy and read white dwarf. It's nice to have something physical to read away from the computer. Really, what I meant to say was that it was pointless as a news and rumours magazine, which at once time it was. As a hobby magazine its fine (just shy of great, though the 'new edition' they have promised with 2019 looks like its there to fix the few faults it has!)
  14. Oh my squig, I hope this is true, as they would be out and in my hands and I'd have two and half weeks left of the holidays to work on them! That would be amazing! White dwarf is always a month behind now. They will be in febs WD, out something like three weeks after release and after the community site have put everything on them out already (making WD almost pointless now)
  15. I have never ever seen a release that I've wanted every item of so bad, I even managed to space my DoK purchases out to just the book, dice and one box of models, until the battleforce came out which I got yesterday. The KO absolutely blew me away, and I only picked up one ship on release- the book I only picked up a couple of months ago. But Grots... holy sigmar I need all of it and I need it right away. As someone that has collected Grots(or goblins) Since I got in to WFB, like 30 years ago now (and they are still the only army I have ever managed to paint a full army off and even play games with) I was excited for this release but something told me not to get too hyped, GW have let me down quite badly more than once in the past year, , but this has blown me away (and I boarded the hype train about three days ago and I'm refusing to get off at my stop!) That squig kit will probably become my most purchased kit of all time, there are going to be so many new parts to add to my army and I'm going to go mad with conversions! I Was worried that the loon king would be too similar to the fungoig but he is different enough that I'm super stoked! The squig dice are horrid. They will be unplayable, like the nurgle dice are. I'm going to be buy as many sets as I can! They are the cutest dice GW have ever put out (hell if they roll bad, I'll be using them as wound markers or something so they dont need to roll!) Hmm, no sign of snotlings still which makes me think snots are a relic of WFB now. Damn shame as I have hundreds and hundreds and just started the mammoth task of rebasing for AoS. I'll still use them but would have loved to have them find a home in AoS properly. That huge mushroom mushroom cloud spell is superb, as is the terrain piece. The terrain alone is probably worth picking a few up as its probably quite easy to customise to make each one unique and the extra parts can towards basing. As a long time skirmish player ( I last played battle sized warhammer back in what, 97 or 98) this release has me ready to chuck my skirmish book in the bin and move to full size battles again. Hell, I'd even consider play a tournament or matched play just to play more grots! I think the only downside is that if I ever wanted to play them at a store or show then I'd probably need a truck to get them there- I'm going to go overboard with the models and custom terrain and won't want to play with out any of them! AS someone with a huge amount of gitmob, I've no problem with it. A bit of converting and a little bit of count as, and they will be as usable in this new force as the old. Thats the great thing- after over 30 years I've yet to see a grot or goblin mini that wasn't passible into the next edition of the force!
  16. Not keen on having the spiders included, not in itself an awful idea, but they are very distinct groups of grots and a lack of forest goblins troops means making a narrative based forced means either all spider riders or using moonclan troops. (I know the spider rider crew and riders work fine as core troops off their mounts but thats a pricey unit then) Also living with an extreme arachnophobe means I have to now shield part of the trailer away from her, as well as keep any of the models I buy out of sight. It's not a huge problem, it just would have been a lot easier if they had done them as separate factions. It's just a shame its moonclan and forests gitz, but looks like my favourite wolf themed grots are now gone. Understandable- they were the least copyrightable force and very close to tons of other models they sell (from LotRs and the hobbit) But I'll still find a home for my wolf riders- there will always be something in the book that will work as a count as (hell, I'd happily use them as spider riders which saves the issue at home too!) Love the idea of the loon king- hoping the model isn't too similar to the fungoid though- they look very similar from what you see in the trailer. I don't mind if they have very similar aesthetic, but the silhouette looked so much like him when he was turned towards the moon. Very pleased to see it's not just skarsnik returned. Can't wait to see plastic squigs. I'm hoping we get a set that builds squigs, herders and the squig hoppers. Though Wouldn't mind if the squig hoppers are a separate kit. If it is a duel kit that would be amazing. I'll be building them as herders first, as It's such an iconic unit, but if there are plenty of bits left over, I wouldn't even say no to scratching building some extra squigs to use the riders up or even adding them to my wolf riders. I really hope that one of our spells does let us attack with parasitic fungus- if so I'm so building some zombies with mushrooms growing from them. Some freeguild for general use and defiantly going to be turning a box of dryads into fungus zombies, to match my main opponent force. Sad to see no sign of any snots, really really wanted to see snots return with new plastic pump wagons and the return of hordes of snots. All in all, this is the release that has had me most excited since AoS has come out- and I've been pretty hooked on most things anyway! (I think deepkin are the only army I own nothing for, not even having picked anything up for conversions on other forces like I have with other armies) I just have to find away to explain to my misses, that the huge dark elves/DoK army she gave for christmas just a few hours ago is about to go on the back burner, even though I've been nagging her for them for months. Hope they have a early January release, as I'm on christmas break till the 28th and I'd love to get my hands on them before I have to return to college. I've been working on my moonclan one and off for the last year anyway and right now I'm a good place to actually have an army painted up pretty quickly. As a skirmish only player, I find painting 'full sized' armies a drag, but I think if anything is going to get me to try BIG AoS, it was always going to be green!
  17. For sure. But design wise the old core troops are almost identical, so i'd be very surprised if they change the core troop set just to be a little bit bigger. I could well be wrong- they have redone plenty of kits recently to make things a tad larger. The fungoid shaman is indeed huge in comparison, but then so were the old hero models (skarsnik towers over the plastics, though most of that is hat!). I suspect the Loon king to be similar in size to some of the death heroes (like lady olynder, but with out the floaty bits). Yeah, I dont think we will see a start collecting for them until summer 2020. Won't be next year year. I was trying to recall if there were any other kits they could included wit the core troops but there isn't really anything except the spider and I don't see that becoming a starter set (The allies set it was in was a tad more expensive than the start collections I believe!)
  18. ^^ yeah, nothing more than a reboxing probably, might even be lucky and get a start collection box with just some of the older models in there (though I doubt it) The infantry is pretty much a duel kit anyway (spears, bows or hand weapons) and comes with command, including enough bits to make a shaman, so I doubt they will be replacing that anytime soon. Fine by me, as its a brilliant little kit, even if its not a jam packed as some of the new ones. From the picture today and from the shadespire warband, I dont think much will change with the core unit, the ones in the box were almost exact clones of the older kit, just with a couple of extra details.
  19. That's the same thought I had. Also the trailer went up at about 2pm yesterday (standard Grot time) so I'd say its a safe to say it's going to be pretty soon. The 40k community has just gone up as well, so It cant be long now!
  20. I'd say its probably a duel kit, as would be the troggoths and the mangler. Would fit the pattern of other releases then.
  21. It was on facebook. In the comments with the picture of the battletome. I didn't post it as it was just a list of things using names we have already heard before so I wasn't sure if it was reliable. The only name that hadn't cropped up before was the 'loon king'. If I recall most of the list it was: Sourbreath troggoths {another kind of} troggoths Loon king Squigs and hoppers Mangler squig Hero on mangler Fantatics I think that was it, I'm recalling from memory as I dont have the post to hand.
  22. Troggoths I presume. There is the new one in the upcoming shadespire set and we are rumoured to be getting two new kinds with this release (I dont know how good these rumours are but there was a list going round facebook last night)
  23. I've been toying with the idea of making some grot villagers for our skirmish games (as non combatants) Some grot farmers would work very well!
  24. Look at that giant squig hopper in the background! Maybe that will be our huge plastic kit! The name is not what I was expecting. Considering they have still be using the moonclan name. Maybe this will mix moonclan with some other bits n bobs, rather than being pure moonclan. I'm not sold on the three eyed shaman, seems a bit too chaos-y but I presume that exposure to the realms, magic and mushrooms will take their toll. Still, I have thousands of shaman models already if its not to may taste. (though this will probably change as soon as we see some models, I just don't want a whole army of the silver tower style grots) I normally wouldn't buy the special edition books as they are stupidly expensive (and I'd rather buy more models) and they don't really match the rest of the collection of battletomes (book ocd) but as my main collection, I think this time I will have too, as this book will sit next to the rules (and malign portents) and to the hell with the cost this once! I like that they are sticking with the armoured theme. the BB grots were a joy to paint and the shadespire git with a great model (not painted him yet though!) though I dread to think what the studio army will look like- I expect them to paint them in bright yellow and I just don't think it suits the sort of army. But that doesn't really affect much to me. (Though if you stare at the cover too long it looks like he is dressed up as a banana!) The squigs look like the have that more squished shape that came with stinkmullet, I'm hoping they stick with a mix of shapes as I prefer the classic ball than the dog looking ones.
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