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Everything posted by Requizen

  1. You need to take one Thunderhead Battalion with 3 units of Judicators instead of 2. Optional Lords of the Storm, up to 2 Thunderhead, up to 3 Hammerstrike. Units within 8" of a Lords of the Storm hero roll a dice on the Hero Phase. On a 6, they can Move, Shoot, or Pile In. Optional artifact - weapon. If you wound but don't kill a model with the weapon you choose, roll a dice. If it's higher than the Wounds characteristic, the model is slain. Ability is nice but unreliable. Artifact is pretty bad since things you want to instagib (Heroes and Monsters) either are immune or need to roll to 6. Might be ok for fighting Brutes and stuff. Overall not bad, cheap buy in with stuff you might want to take anyway. But nothing amazing imo. Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
  2. I don't see it that way. Yes, sticking to an allegiance gets you a lot of toys, but not sticking to one gives you the bonus of not having to stick to it. Want Kurnoth Hunters with your Dwarves? Go for it! Want Skaven shooting with your Tzeentch magic? Knock yourself out! That in and of itself is a massive bonus. Priests are different from Wizards but I wouldn't put them as automatically better. Sure they can't be unbound, but they also can't unbind without special abilities. There's also (currently) no modifiers to Prayer rolls, while many Wizards or supporting units give +1 or more modifiers to the rolls. And 2 dice for casting is much more consistent than 1 dice for praying. Grass is always greener. Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
  3. Yeah, but there's no news of any new ones, nor a new series akin to Realmgate Wars. I was sure they would revisit the characters from those novels and have a new arc related to the Tzeentch stuff going on.
  4. You know what's something we haven't seen news of in a while? AoS novels. Where are those releases? Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
  5. Sucks a bit having just completed buying Judicators and Liberators in Dec/Jan, but glad they're doing it nonetheless. $40 for a battletome is pretty good. Kind of makes me want to wait for the softcover for even cheaper, but it's not all that expensive for a nice book.
  6. What? No! This sucks. Blaaaaaahhh. I'm holding off on painting for Adepticon because I don't know what I will want to bring with the new Battletome. Blah.
  7. Current speculation is that it's either: a) the angle of the picture is odd b) some sort of pseudo-dreadnought armor since he's still slowly dying from his wound
  8. Man, assuming that it's coming out on the 11th, usually leakers get their early copies of Battletomes (and Codices) around this time, I guess we're not getting a sneak peek of Stormcast
  9. Man, I'm itching for Stormcast news. Sitting here at work obsessively refreshing the community site.
  10. Yeah, I meant the next installment, just typing too fast. It could very well be for a future FoC book, but I feel like with the all-but-confirmed Duardin and the aesthetic, it's more likely to be AoS. IMO, the only time you see that much gear styling in 40k is AdMech. Not only have they just gotten a release in Cawl, but this also doesn't have nearly enough skulls on it for AdMech. Doubtful in my mind that it's 40k.
  11. Gathering Storm is all Eldar (Aeldari?), so unless this is a rumor for way off in the spring I would imagine it's not that.
  12. If so, it's pretty good. However, not gamebreaking, since it's only on a 6 and they're only Liberators. Not up to Hallowed Knights (at current squinty reading).
  13. While the specifics might change, it's still obvious that the Hammers of Sigmar will end up having to take way more Liberators than you want to, and the Hallowed Knights will still end up spending around 1/3 of their points on Heroes - which isn't necessarily bad, but it is pretty limiting.
  14. Anything currently that returns to the board after it's destroyed costs points. There could be some odd wording or something that lets Stormcast get around that, but I somehow doubt it, unless GW wants to show clear bias (which they might, I suppose).
  15. Probably, like I said it's super blurry. The Hammers of Sigmar ability becomes useless in Matched Play if that's "destroyed" instead of "deployed", who is going to set aside points to bring back Libs? And if that's the Hallowed Knights ability they're going to be OP as heck. 2+ to ignore death and attack is extremely strong. Thunderhead with 4 units of Libs is 800 points minimum (at current values, could change in the new book). Lords of the Storm with 6 characters is 680 minimum (only taking 100 point characters, again can change). And then I imagine both of those Stormhost uber-battalions will have a points cost, so higher. I would imagine that you'll be locked into a very specific build style, those are pretty hefty point costs for just core stuff.
  16. Squinting really hard: Hammers of Sigmar: Bravery +1, Liberators gain Lightning Strike on a roll of 6 during deployment, 6+ ward save for Command Trait Hallowed Knights: 3+ to ignore negative spells, +1" to run and charge, looks like potentially able to pile in and attack after being killed if they haven't already attacked. Looks like both gain Lightning Strike if you max out the battalions? Pretty blurry.
  17. I'm actually kind of glad to hear that. It would be boring if every Stormcast model was super generic and acceptable by everyone (looking at you, Space Marines). Having some sculpts that are different enough that people have varying feelings is a good thing imo.
  18. At first glance I wasn't sure about the super long neck but damn if that isn't pretty dope overall. So hero, cavalry, foot rangers, artillery bows, Battletome. Pretty good release!
  19. So Daemon preorders this weekend, and then next probably Battletome preorder?
  20. When Disciples of Tzeentch came out, was there any updated or included Battalions from previous publications? Just trying to figure out if we should expect any in Stormcast Eternals.
  21. I sorta like the deployment race mechanic, but as more armies get full-force battalions it probably needs to be looked at.
  22. Or, if you're in my case and you've built it as an established Stormhost: While the Anvils of the Heldenhammer are known for normally using X tactics, they have been known to utilize the tactics of the Hammers of Sigmar when the situation calls for it, which they will be doing in this battle. I've been judgy towards SM players who play outside of their painted scheme before, but when I started painting there weren't any Stormhost specific abilities, so ****** that.
  23. I mean, it could also be existing sculpts and the tiles but only like $60 or something low, which would make it quite reasonable.
  24. That dorf is oozing with a new Steamhead release feeling. Get hype boiz.
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