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Posts posted by Mouldie

  1. 2 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    Nurgle has been featured prominently over the last few years,  in fluff and models (Glottkin book and model just for a start).


    Tzeentch got his own game that even crosses over into mainstream AoS. 


    It's not all Khorne.

    Yeah story wise Nurgle is killing it. I see more Nurgle models featured in books than any other faction. I just wish the would release a new plastic GUO. The current GW model is so ugly and not in the good Nurgle kind of way, and the Forge World one is the cost of a small army.

  2. 1 hour ago, Shane said:

    If I was a kid I'd love these style of boxes. £10 and you're in with a little force. Could even play each model as a single unit so it's Mordheim-lite.

    My daughter is a little over two and is obsessed with Stormcasts. The owner of our local store gave her a free liberator to paint up. I'd totally get her a box of these and slowly teach her the game. Now if only she would stop throwing the dice across the room every time she went to roll lol

    • Like 5
  3. 21 hours ago, Bass294 said:

    Has anyone noticed how unbalanced some of the path to glory tables are? Just compare Stormcast and Sylvaneth.


    Stormcast infantry table all has options for 10 liberators

    Mounted is 1: 5 gryph-hounds, 2-5: 2 dracoth riders 6: drakesworn templers.

    Hero options are 6 assorted heroes.

    General options are: Lord-celestant on foot + 7, drakoth + 6 or stardrake + 5.


    Sylvaneth infantry is 1-3: 5 dryads, 4: 5 revenants,  5: 5 spite revenants, 6: 3 kunoth hunters.

    Hero is 1-2: branchwraith, 3-4 branchwych, 5-6 treelord.

    General options are wraith/wych + 6 or Treelord anchient/durthu + 4


    Am I missing something? I was really looking forward to path to glory with sylvaneth but the tables are just insulting. 5 drayds really?

    Path to Glory is narrative not matched play. Expect there to be imbalances.

  4. 2 hours ago, SuperHappyTime said:


    @Veterannoob @Kamose

    Swarms at 120 points, looks like 2 minimum

    Chief at 60 points



    So I saw "Matrix Campaigns" as a play option on the table of contents, but can't find jack about it anywhere. Does anybody know?

    Don't know anything aside from Ben's review but he said it works like this, play this scenario if this player wins play this but if this player wins play this and then after the next one do the same. So victories dictate what scenario will be next. At least that's what I took away from it.

  5. Also this

    Limits are 
    1000pts 1-4 Leaders 2+ Battleline 0-2 Artillery 0-2 Behemoths any other units 
    2000pts 1-6 Leaders 3+ Battleline 0-4 Artillery 0-4 Behemoths any other units 
    2500pts 1-8 Leaders 4+ Battleline 0-5 Artillery 0-5 Behemoths any other units

  6. Am I the only one that sees the rules as making the game easier?

    It kind of feels like, if you play WoW you'll get this reference, matched play is LFR and open play is like doing a heroic or mythic raid.

    LFR takes out a lot of game mechanics making it easier to jump in while the others take a lot more thinking and better gear.

    So far we have auto fails so nothing can ever auto hit or auto save, no more duplicate spells, which is kind of a huge bummer to death players (I play Nurgle so don't think I'm a zombie spammer) and no more procing extra extra off extra attacks (honestly don't care about that as I didn't know any unit could do that)

    Summoning is broken still but on the other side of things, why would. I bother saving 300 points just to deploy later during a hero phase without a bonus. There is very little risk reward to it. I'm not saying that it didn't need to be fixed, I've heard the horror stories buy at least make summonable units cost half points if they are in reserve (most likely will make that a house rule)

    All these nerfs make Nagash a puppy but he still has a 900 point cost? Which is kind of dumb because now you won't be playing him on hard mode.


    Limits on unit types is a good idea as long as I don't have to make a plague priest my general to bring my monks as battle line or something dumb like that.

    All in all the new rules make it so the game punishes you a bit for being magic heavy.

    Have to wait and see the book for myself but my wife is wicked pissed about the changes because she just bought Nagash so she could use him during the campaign and he's been hit with the Nerf bat hard.

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